Entrance exams for politicians.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know, based on a lot of the things that I've seen on the news as of late, I've come to the conclusion that the tea party candidates know litte, if anything, about how government works.

I have a solution........

Now, when you graduated HS and went into college, you had to take entrance exams to show that you had the intelligence to complete a degree, they're called the SATS.

When I entered the Navy, I also had to take an entrance exam called the ASVAB (which is probably much easier than the SATS), but, you had to meet a minimum score, otherwise the military would tell you that you don't have the skills to learn basic teamwork and training.

Now, I know that before a politician runs for either state or federal office, they have to pay a filing fee. For presidential candidates, it's about 50,000.

Me? I think that when a person shows up to file to be put on the ballot, there should be a basic exam before they are allowed to file. Nothing too hard, but something that would be geared towards what any political sciences sophmore would have to know. The tests could be administered locally by various political science professors who are currently teaching sophmore political sciences. The exam would be held in a room where the candidate would be grilled by 1-3 teachers, and they would have to meet a passing score of at least 60 percent before they would be allowed to pay their filing fee. If they pass, they are allowed to run, if they don't they are told to try again.

What's more, the test wouldn't be administered any more than 9 months prior to the elections, so that if someone did fail, they would have time to make it up, but, it would also keep the election campaigns from starting 2 years in advance. And, everytime you decided to run, you need to take another exam, that way we'd know you're up on what current laws and Constitutional interpretations are.

After the ignorance displayed by Cantor, I think this would be a great idea.

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Oh yeah........instead of making the taxpayer pay for the exams, the person running should have to pay for it out of their campaign contributions.
I'd rather put limitations on who can vote. I think we have too many people voting and that is the real problem. Moronic politicians are easy to weed out. It is the overwhelming number of unprepared, uneducated voters who are strictly casting ballots based on how it will benefit them financially.
A criteria to vote that would include the following:
1-Must be a citizen of the USA with identification.
2-Must pass a basic civics test.
3-Cannot be on welfare, food stamps, WIC or receive the earned income tax credit.

I suspect others have further standards that would be applicable. I know there will be some moronic "right to vote" posts, so for the record you have no federal right to vote.

You know, based on a lot of the things that I've seen on the news as of late, I've come to the conclusion that the tea party candidates know litte, if anything, about how government works.

I have a solution........

Now, when you graduated HS and went into college, you had to take entrance exams to show that you had the intelligence to complete a degree, they're called the SATS.

When I entered the Navy, I also had to take an entrance exam called the ASVAB (which is probably much easier than the SATS), but, you had to meet a minimum score, otherwise the military would tell you that you don't have the skills to learn basic teamwork and training.

Now, I know that before a politician runs for either state or federal office, they have to pay a filing fee. For presidential candidates, it's about 50,000.

Me? I think that when a person shows up to file to be put on the ballot, there should be a basic exam before they are allowed to file. Nothing too hard, but something that would be geared towards what any political sciences sophmore would have to know. The tests could be administered locally by various political science professors who are currently teaching sophmore political sciences. The exam would be held in a room where the candidate would be grilled by 1-3 teachers, and they would have to meet a passing score of at least 60 percent before they would be allowed to pay their filing fee. If they pass, they are allowed to run, if they don't they are told to try again.

What's more, the test wouldn't be administered any more than 9 months prior to the elections, so that if someone did fail, they would have time to make it up, but, it would also keep the election campaigns from starting 2 years in advance. And, everytime you decided to run, you need to take another exam, that way we'd know you're up on what current laws and Constitutional interpretations are.

After the ignorance displayed by Cantor, I think this would be a great idea.

I'd rather put limitations on who can vote. I think we have too many people voting and that is the real problem. Moronic politicians are easy to weed out. It is the overwhelming number of unprepared, uneducated voters who are strictly casting ballots based on how it will benefit them financially.
A criteria to vote that would include the following:
1-Must be a citizen of the USA with identification.
2-Must pass a basic civics test.
3-Cannot be on welfare, food stamps, WIC or receive the earned income tax credit.

I suspect others have further standards that would be applicable. I know there will be some moronic "right to vote" posts, so for the record you have no federal right to vote.

No, this country was based on the premise of 1 person, 1 vote, and the people serving at the will of the nation.

However, don't you think it would be easier (and much cheaper) to have the exam only for those running? I mean, you can have a great company, but if the CEO's are shitty, eventually the company will go broke, see Wall Street for that one.

No, those we elect are the ones we entrust our government to, and we expect them to be able to do their job, and actually KNOW what they are supposed to do for the job they VOLUNTEERED for.

Besides, why shouldn't those who are poor be allowed to vote?
I have a better idea. Why not have entrance exams for voters.

You can have the smartest and best informed voters in the world, but if the candidates on the ballot are idiots, then it doesn't matter what hoops you make the voters jump through to be able to vote.

No, instead of the voters being tested (btw.....35 percent of Americans couldn't even pass the US Citizenship test right now), we should test the candidates.

After all, it's gonna be the candidates that are going to be taking the actions, not the voters who won't have another say until the next election.
Oh... you mean like someone would have to be more than just a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?

I think you have a good idea there ABS.
Oh... you mean like someone would have to be more than just a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?

Possibly.......I know that former beauty queen with the 4 year media degree from 4 different colleges would have to study hard as well.

Wanna talk about Cantor not knowing how a bill becomes a law? And he's one of the fuckers that is SUPPOSED to know how it happens. I guess he missed Schoolhouse Rock when he was growing up.
We would have a much better country if people would just stop re-electing self-serving dumb assed politicians just because they bring lots of pork to their states.
Oh... you mean like someone would have to be more than just a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?

Possibly.......I know that former beauty queen with the 4 year media degree from 4 different colleges would have to study hard as well.

Wanna talk about Cantor not knowing how a bill becomes a law? And he's one of the fuckers that is SUPPOSED to know how it happens. I guess he missed Schoolhouse Rock when he was growing up.

I think people suggesting we have some sort of exam for voters as well is a damn good idea.

Because we have people like THIS voting, and it's simply unbelievable...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg0pDPK56Ys]YouTube - Michael Savage- Stupidest Caller Ever- Welfare Money From Obama Stash, Illegal Aliens; Open Borders![/ame]
You know, based on a lot of the things that I've seen on the news as of late, I've come to the conclusion that the tea party candidates know litte, if anything, about how government works.

I have a solution........

Now, when you graduated HS and went into college, you had to take entrance exams to show that you had the intelligence to complete a degree, they're called the SATS.

When I entered the Navy, I also had to take an entrance exam called the ASVAB (which is probably much easier than the SATS), but, you had to meet a minimum score, otherwise the military would tell you that you don't have the skills to learn basic teamwork and training.

Now, I know that before a politician runs for either state or federal office, they have to pay a filing fee. For presidential candidates, it's about 50,000.

Me? I think that when a person shows up to file to be put on the ballot, there should be a basic exam before they are allowed to file. Nothing too hard, but something that would be geared towards what any political sciences sophmore would have to know. The tests could be administered locally by various political science professors who are currently teaching sophmore political sciences. The exam would be held in a room where the candidate would be grilled by 1-3 teachers, and they would have to meet a passing score of at least 60 percent before they would be allowed to pay their filing fee. If they pass, they are allowed to run, if they don't they are told to try again.

What's more, the test wouldn't be administered any more than 9 months prior to the elections, so that if someone did fail, they would have time to make it up, but, it would also keep the election campaigns from starting 2 years in advance. And, everytime you decided to run, you need to take another exam, that way we'd know you're up on what current laws and Constitutional interpretations are.

After the ignorance displayed by Cantor, I think this would be a great idea.

No big deal, obamaturd doesn't know how gov't. works either. Being a socialist he doesn't care.
I have a better idea. Why not have entrance exams for voters.

You can have the smartest and best informed voters in the world, but if the candidates on the ballot are idiots, then it doesn't matter what hoops you make the voters jump through to be able to vote.

No, instead of the voters being tested (btw.....35 percent of Americans couldn't even pass the US Citizenship test right now), we should test the candidates.

After all, it's gonna be the candidates that are going to be taking the actions, not the voters who won't have another say until the next election.
Obamaturd wouldn't even pass.
Oh... you mean like someone would have to be more than just a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER?

Possibly.......I know that former beauty queen with the 4 year media degree from 4 different colleges would have to study hard as well.

Wanna talk about Cantor not knowing how a bill becomes a law? And he's one of the fuckers that is SUPPOSED to know how it happens. I guess he missed Schoolhouse Rock when he was growing up.

I think people suggesting we have some sort of exam for voters as well is a damn good idea.

Because we have people like THIS voting, and it's simply unbelievable...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg0pDPK56Ys]YouTube - Michael Savage- Stupidest Caller Ever- Welfare Money From Obama Stash, Illegal Aliens; Open Borders![/ame]
I heard that when she called in , I laughed my a## off. What a stupid woman. Yeah take an honest working americans income to support illegal idiots. Idiots.
No, this country was based on the premise of 1 person, 1 vote, and the people serving at the will of the nation.

However, don't you think it would be easier (and much cheaper) to have the exam only for those running? I mean, you can have a great company, but if the CEO's are shitty, eventually the company will go broke, see Wall Street for that one.

No, those we elect are the ones we entrust our government to, and we expect them to be able to do their job, and actually KNOW what they are supposed to do for the job they VOLUNTEERED for.

Besides, why shouldn't those who are poor be allowed to vote?[/QUOTE]

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I think the framers of our constitution would argue against your notion of our country being based on one vote, one person. Sounds like you are more interested in living in a democracy that a republic. Democracy (mob rule) is the worst form of government ever devised.

In addition to limiting the people who can cast a ballot, we should repeal the 17th amendment and start allowing the state legislatures to appoint US senators. Senators traditional role in the legislature is to represent the rights of the individual states. its now been corrupted into further voter representation with what I would call very poor results.

I have no problem with the "poor" voting. I do have a problem with the parasites of society voting themselves continued or increased benefits.
Bullshit on the OP

The problem is the retards who vote for them

Democracy doesn't work; Americans are too stupid to govern themselves

Just sit back and let the enlightened ones handle things
You know, based on a lot of the things that I've seen on the news as of late, I've come to the conclusion that the tea party candidates know litte, if anything, about how government works.

I have a solution........

Now, when you graduated HS and went into college, you had to take entrance exams to show that you had the intelligence to complete a degree, they're called the SATS.

When I entered the Navy, I also had to take an entrance exam called the ASVAB (which is probably much easier than the SATS), but, you had to meet a minimum score, otherwise the military would tell you that you don't have the skills to learn basic teamwork and training.

Now, I know that before a politician runs for either state or federal office, they have to pay a filing fee. For presidential candidates, it's about 50,000.

Me? I think that when a person shows up to file to be put on the ballot, there should be a basic exam before they are allowed to file. Nothing too hard, but something that would be geared towards what any political sciences sophmore would have to know. The tests could be administered locally by various political science professors who are currently teaching sophmore political sciences. The exam would be held in a room where the candidate would be grilled by 1-3 teachers, and they would have to meet a passing score of at least 60 percent before they would be allowed to pay their filing fee. If they pass, they are allowed to run, if they don't they are told to try again.

What's more, the test wouldn't be administered any more than 9 months prior to the elections, so that if someone did fail, they would have time to make it up, but, it would also keep the election campaigns from starting 2 years in advance. And, everytime you decided to run, you need to take another exam, that way we'd know you're up on what current laws and Constitutional interpretations are.

After the ignorance displayed by Cantor, I think this would be a great idea.


LOL but wait we've learned from the left that even having to show ID to vote is far to much now you think your party would allow for something like this I can just hear the screams of racism emanating from the left now.
Tests should include:

Geography (and why islands generally don't sink no matter how many people are on it)
The Constitution
Simple economics and
a Personality test that determines traits such as lying and stealing.

Then let them go through the courts arguing biases!

Then publicize the results.
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Tests should include:

Geography (and why islands generally don't sink no matter how many people are on it)
The Constitution
Simple economics and
a Personality test that determines traits such as lying and stealing.

Then let them go through the courts arguing biases!

Then publicize the results.

Fuck.......most of the teabagger candidates would fail if it was this simple.

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