Entire family goes tranny


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
What will the left deify next?

Seeing as how generous estimates claim that only six in every 1,000 Americans is transgender—meaning they mistakenly believe they’re a different sex than what a simple chromosome test would prove—what are the odds that an entire family of four consists of trannies, trannies, and nothing but trannies?

Those odds would be about one in 771 million.

Well, take your pink woolen pussy hats off in honor of the bold and noble Harrott family of Arizona, who defy the odds because they’re all magically transitioning away from the “gender they were assigned at birth,” which is an insane way of saying “their gender.”

Family patriarch Daniel Harrott “lived most of his life as a woman” but one day just sat up, scratched her snatch, and decided that, no, she’s actually a man. Her “fiancée” is a tall, big-shouldered blond man who calls himself “Shirley.” Their two children are Mason, 11—who was born a girl, remains a girl, but calls herself a boy—and 13-year-old “Joshua,” who was born a boy, retains a boy’s name, but sits in a wheelchair insisting he’s a chick.

According to tall, blond Shirley and his rippling biceps, “the whole family is in transition.” Daniel tells a reporter that he just wants his children to be themselves.

That’s not what it sounds like from here. Quite the opposite, in fact.

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