Enemy Within Hamas Supporting Muslim Whore Exposes Herself


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWcNKIalftc&feature=relmfu]Muslims in America - YouTube[/ame]


Your thread title is a complete lie.

All I saw in that video is a woman, who appears to be a student at a college, ask a question at a student gathering and the speaker demand she condemn Hamas, before answering her question. She refused, and he proclaimed that meant she supported Hamas.

I do not condemn Hamas, either. I am commanded to follow Jesus, who says He came to save, not condemn. If I was to say I condemned Hamas or any person or group of peoples, I would be spitting in the face of Jesus, who is God.

You can take your Hate for Hamas and Muslims and keep all of that voluminous body of HATE all to yourself, I want none of it. I RENOUNCE it.

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Your thread title is a complete lie.

All I saw in that video is a woman, who appears to be a student at a college, ask a question at a student gathering and the speaker demand she condemn Hamas, before answering her question. She refused, and he proclaimed that meant she supported Hamas.

I do not condemn Hamas, either. I am commanded to follow Jesus, who says He came to save, not condemn. If I was to say I condemned Hamas or any person or group of peoples, I would bew spitting in the face of Jesus, who is God.

You can take your Hate for Hamas and Mslims and keep it all to yourself, I want none of it. I RENOUNCE it.

How is "the video a lie" you terrorist worshipping whore. Anybody who doesn't condemn Hamas is SCUM. Hamas is a child killing TERRORIST ORGANIZATION as listed in US state dept. list of terrorist groups.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jazHwG_X48]9 11 dancing muslims Celebrating the death of American civilians REAL FOOTAGE - YouTube[/ame]


Your thread title is a complete lie.

All I saw in that video is a woman, who appears to be a student at a college, ask a question at a student gathering and the speaker demand she condemn Hamas, before answering her question. She refused, and he proclaimed that meant she supported Hamas.

I do not condemn Hamas, either. I am commanded to follow Jesus, who says He came to save, not condemn. If I was to say I condemned Hamas or any person or group of peoples, I would bew spitting in the face of Jesus, who is God.

You can take your Hate for Hamas and Mslims and keep it all to yourself, I want none of it. I RENOUNCE it.

How is "the video a lie" you terrorist worshipping whore. Anybody who doesn't condemn Hamas is SCUM. Hamas is a child killing TERRORIST ORGANIZATION as listed in US state dept. list of terrorist groups.



You cannot seem to keep your HATE to yourself, you just cannot help yourself, you just keep on projecting it out onto anyone who does not embrace your hate filled view of certain people and the world we live in.

I refuse to hate Hamas or anyone else, individual or group, I can disagree with acts of violence any group or person or nation engages in, I view them all essentially just like each other when any person or group chooses violence, particularly against civilians and children, and every act of violence of this type as just like one another. Hamas kills a child, Israel kills a child, the US kills a child, all such acts are equally deplorable. I condemn and hate the acts , all of them equally, but not the people carrying them out.


Your thread title is a complete lie.

All I saw in that video is a woman, who appears to be a student at a college, ask a question at a student gathering and the speaker demand she condemn Hamas, before answering her question. She refused, and he proclaimed that meant she supported Hamas.

I do not condemn Hamas, either. I am commanded to follow Jesus, who says He came to save, not condemn. If I was to say I condemned Hamas or any person or group of peoples, I would bew spitting in the face of Jesus, who is God.

You can take your Hate for Hamas and Mslims and keep it all to yourself, I want none of it. I RENOUNCE it.

How is "the video a lie" you terrorist worshipping whore. Anybody who doesn't condemn Hamas is SCUM. Hamas is a child killing TERRORIST ORGANIZATION as listed in US state dept. list of terrorist groups.



You cannot seem to keep your HATE to yourself, you just cannot help yourself, you just keep on projecting it out onto anyone who does not embrace your hate filled view of certain people and the world we live in.

I refuse to hate Hamas or anyone else, individual or group, I can disagree with acts of violence any group or person or nation engages in, I view them all essentially just like each other when any person or group chooses violence, particularly against civilians and children, and every act of violence of this type as just like one another. Hamas kills a child, Israel kills a child, the US kills a child, all such acts are equally deplorable. I condemn and hate the acts , all of them equally, but not the people carrying them out.

You are a deaf donkey. He asked her "Hamas advocates the genocide of Jews, do you condemn this?" the IslamoNazi whore responded "no". It's pretty clear that you support the worst scum this world has witnessed since the Nazis.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Roudy do not be upset with Sherri -----all in the same time period she insisted that dancing and singing and laughing and handing out candy -----while IN SIGHT OF PEOPLE BEING INCINERATED FOR THE GLORY OF ISLAM is -----good and WONDERFUL ----then she suddenly decided that she despises killing well----why should you get upset-------she is the one with the problem of depravity-----you are simply frustrated by her filth. You will recover----she will be what she is till the day she dies ---watching vulgar youngsters in a hip thrusting arabian dance ------dancing and singing for joy
Rats, I thought she was going to flash her tits.

Anyway, she should have asked freakturd if he condemns the IDF killing over a thousand children in the last ten years.
Rats, I thought she was going to flash her tits.

Anyway, she should have asked freakturd if he condemns the IDF killing over a thousand children in the last ten years.
Israel condemns any unintentional acts of murder, no matter what the age. Palestinians on the other hand celebrate any intentional murder, especially if it's kids. What do you think those Palistinian animals were celebrating on 9-11? What a depraved culture you support.
The guy is a coward
Why? Because he exposes the lunatic mindset of Muslims?

No he should just answer her question, he uses it all the time as a scare phrase so not opinion of the other side can be heard.

But he probably does that because he is scared of anti Israel rallies and events at colleges so they are doing them back
He's not scared. He responded to her question by saying the MSA is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and it's detailed in the pamphlet. Then he asked her "I'm a Jew, the head of Hezbollah says all the Jews in the world should gather in Israel so that we can kill then all at once, are you FOR or AGAINST this?!" to which the IslamoNazi fat whore responded "FOR!"

It clearly underlines the moral depravity which Israel and the West face when dealing with Muslims.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Why? Because he exposes the lunatic mindset of Muslims?

No he should just answer her question, he uses it all the time as a scare phrase so not opinion of the other side can be heard.

But he probably does that because he is scared of anti Israel rallies and events at colleges so they are doing them back
He's not scared. He responded to her question by saying the MSA is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and it's detailed in the pamphlet. Then he asked her "I'm a Jew, the head of Hezbollah says all the Jews in the world should gather in Israel so that we can kill then all at once, are you FOR or AGAINST this?!" to which the IslamoNazi fat whore responded "FOR!"

It clearly underlines the moral depravity which Israel and the West face when dealing with Muslims.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

They are both dumb and nasrallah always makes scare statements like that they don't mean anything
No he should just answer her question, he uses it all the time as a scare phrase so not opinion of the other side can be heard.

But he probably does that because he is scared of anti Israel rallies and events at colleges so they are doing them back
He's not scared. He responded to her question by saying the MSA is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and it's detailed in the pamphlet. Then he asked her "I'm a Jew, the head of Hezbollah says all the Jews in the world should gather in Israel so that we can kill then all at once, are you FOR or AGAINST this?!" to which the IslamoNazi fat whore responded "FOR!"

It clearly underlines the moral depravity which Israel and the West face when dealing with Muslims.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

They are both dumb and nasrallah always makes scare statements like that they don't mean anything

SCARE STATEMENTS SUNNI? wrong again----they are declarations of war ----the pig of mecca did not make SCARE STATEMENTS he actually murdered and raped as have his followers for 1400 years the genocide of southern sudanese was a "nothing" in your depraved mind? Pig Nus-kharah-allah failed to kill lots of children but not for LACK OF TRYING AND INTENSE PRAYING TO THE "pig-god" that his poison nail bombs would blow the brains out of the heads of hundreds of thousands

long ago-----in may of 1967 Pig nasser threatened and threatened to ANNHILATE ISRAEL ---HE DISMISSSED PEACE KEEPING UN FORCES ---HE GATHERED HIS ARMIES AND RUSSIAN PROXIES ON THE BORDER AND PUT A BLOCK ON THE STRAITS OF TIRAN and threatened and threatened------and then a week into june his idiot ass lickers said "HE DID'nt REALLY MEAN IT The jerks actually blamed it on the FLAMBOYANT NATURE OF ARABIC somehow it forces arab muslims to act like ALPHA APES

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