End Public Sector Unions Period.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
American Thinker: End Public Sector Unions...Period

It's about time. I've been waiting for this debate to mature for 15 years.

The battles in Wisconsin and New Jersey over public sector union benefits are merely financial precursors to a much bigger ideological war that has been on the horizon now for years, if not decades. When you acknowledge the coming battle, you realize that Governors Walker and Christie -- courageously as they are behaving -- are only nibbling at the edges of the real issue.

And the real issue is whether public sector unions should even be allowed to exist. Frankly, when even a modicum of common sense is infused into the equation, the answer is a resounding no. And the foundational reason is simple. There is no one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

No one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated." Outstanding..:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
If you want to see pure, unadulterated greed, take a look at the Wisconsin protesters
How true...

Protesting for your rights as a citizen is un-American
WI's governor should issue the ultimatum:

Go to work, or lose your jobs.

I'm sure he's having a staff look into the Worst Case Legal Implications.
Yes, he should.

The teachers are defauding the state by claiming sick leave and then showing up at protests. All of them should be fired. Period.

And the doctors who are providing fake written excuses should be fined or loose their licenses. They are in violation of the standards which require proper evaluations and records of exams.
I understand the anger at public employees. For many, such as Willow Tree, are too stupid to pass a civil service test and lacking any skills are green with envy.

Others have bought the propaganda, and joined the herd bleating the emotion stirred by the power elite. An elite motivated by avarice and aided in this coup by NewsCorp and the GOP, pitting working people against working people, in an effort to divide and conquer the hoi polloi - their enemy.

Thinking, rational and non-callous people understand our nation's, and the world's, economies are in trouble - only in the United States is the cause of this ecomomic malaise blamed on one group of people. It is easy to scapegoat, but the RW should be careful of the goat chosen and the consequences should they actually get what their emotions desire.

Public and private sector unions have been on the radar, a target of the 'conservative' movement since Reagan was elected and thus far been successful. The success has resulted in a shrinking middleclass, an increase in the numbers of Americans living below the poverty line and the creation of a class of billionaires insulated from 98% of the American People.

This is not sustainable. As Amercians we all need to pull together. Public unions have offered consessions, yet compromise is not in the lexicon of the New Right; divide and conquer in a zero sum game is the plan of elected Republicans and those who control them.
Whoa, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here. The taxpayer is well served by a public employee who has sufficient job security to do his assigned work well and fairly, without regard to the political ties of the member of the public he is dealing with. Nobody wants a "to the victor goes the spoils" system. We had such a thing here, and as a result, there is very little Democratic-owned property in my county now paying its fair share of property taxes.

I say EITHER union protection OR civil service protection -- but not both. Frankly, civil service makes more sense to me.
Bull shit.

Even FDR realized that unions for public employees are a very bad construct.
American Thinker: End Public Sector Unions...Period

It's about time. I've been waiting for this debate to mature for 15 years.

The battles in Wisconsin and New Jersey over public sector union benefits are merely financial precursors to a much bigger ideological war that has been on the horizon now for years, if not decades. When you acknowledge the coming battle, you realize that Governors Walker and Christie -- courageously as they are behaving -- are only nibbling at the edges of the real issue.

And the real issue is whether public sector unions should even be allowed to exist. Frankly, when even a modicum of common sense is infused into the equation, the answer is a resounding no. And the foundational reason is simple. There is no one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

No one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated." Outstanding..:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Who is at the bargaining table??
No one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated.

...the politicians who cut the cushy deal$ in return for election $upport are long gone...leaving the folks to pay the piper....
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How true...

Protesting for your rights as a citizen is un-American
Public sector people practically have to murder someone in order to get fired. Why would they need Unions?

They have job security, unlike most people in this economy.
I understand the anger at public employees. For many, such as Willow Tree, are too stupid to pass a civil service test and lacking any skills are green with envy.

Others have bought the propaganda, and joined the herd bleating the emotion stirred by the power elite. An elite motivated by avarice and aided in this coup by NewsCorp and the GOP, pitting working people against working people, in an effort to divide and conquer the hoi polloi - their enemy.

Thinking, rational and non-callous people understand our nation's, and the world's, economies are in trouble - only in the United States is the cause of this ecomomic malaise blamed on one group of people. It is easy to scapegoat, but the RW should be careful of the goat chosen and the consequences should they actually get what their emotions desire.

Public and private sector unions have been on the radar, a target of the 'conservative' movement since Reagan was elected and thus far been successful. The success has resulted in a shrinking middleclass, an increase in the numbers of Americans living below the poverty line and the creation of a class of billionaires insulated from 98% of the American People.

This is not sustainable. As Amercians we all need to pull together. Public unions have offered consessions, yet compromise is not in the lexicon of the New Right; divide and conquer in a zero sum game is the plan of elected Republicans and those who control them.

Every once in a while I read in hopes that they have grown-up, posts from those I have ignored for months .

Even by WC standards of continuously streaming platitude, his rambing babble is more vapid than usual.

Other than insulting Willow, and broadbrushing an imaginary right-wing, conservative, republican conspiracy, he has no comment.

Clearly your condition is deteriorating.
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Here's who are not at the bargaining table: the current and future taxpayers who are burdened with excessive taxation and face lower job opportunities in the private sector because of greedy, low productivity, public employee unions sucking all of the oxygen out of the economy.
How true...

Protesting for your rights as a citizen is un-American
Public sector people practically have to murder someone in order to get fired. Why would they need Unions?

They have job security, unlike most people in this economy.

Government institutions have civil service codes for their employees. Why such employees need unions in order to ensure that THE GOVERNMENT follows laws and regulations is beyond incoherent. The only purpose such unions serve is to blackmail/collude with the government into providing above market wages and benefits at the expense of taxpayers.
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American Thinker: End Public Sector Unions...Period

It's about time. I've been waiting for this debate to mature for 15 years.

The battles in Wisconsin and New Jersey over public sector union benefits are merely financial precursors to a much bigger ideological war that has been on the horizon now for years, if not decades. When you acknowledge the coming battle, you realize that Governors Walker and Christie -- courageously as they are behaving -- are only nibbling at the edges of the real issue.

And the real issue is whether public sector unions should even be allowed to exist. Frankly, when even a modicum of common sense is infused into the equation, the answer is a resounding no. And the foundational reason is simple. There is no one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

No one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated." Outstanding..:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Who is at the bargaining table??

That's the point, Sherlock.
The taxpayer is well served by a public employee who has sufficient job security to do his assigned work well and fairly, without regard to the political ties of the member of the public he is dealing with

Their job security is guaranteed by two things no private sector employee has. Government guns shutting down their competition and the ability to confiscate money at the point of a gun rather then from customers with a choice. I own two businesses, one is a restaurant. The health department regularly inspects me, and sends me a bill for doing it. For both businesses, the fire marshall inspects and sends me a bill. The county sends me a bill to tax me on all my possessions. And that doesn't even count the Federal and State governments forcing me to pay taxes on my income. No private sector company can do that. As a taxpayer, I shouldn't be subject to getting reamed yet once again by bureaucrats giving more pay and benefits beyond what private employers get because they demand it. They should get jobs that contribute to the economy. They are the economic equivalent of welfare recipients, only they get to chose what they get and force us to pay it.
American Thinker: End Public Sector Unions...Period

It's about time. I've been waiting for this debate to mature for 15 years.

The battles in Wisconsin and New Jersey over public sector union benefits are merely financial precursors to a much bigger ideological war that has been on the horizon now for years, if not decades. When you acknowledge the coming battle, you realize that Governors Walker and Christie -- courageously as they are behaving -- are only nibbling at the edges of the real issue.

And the real issue is whether public sector unions should even be allowed to exist. Frankly, when even a modicum of common sense is infused into the equation, the answer is a resounding no. And the foundational reason is simple. There is no one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

No one at the bargaining table representing the folks who are actually going to pay whatever is negotiated." Outstanding..:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Who is at the bargaining table?

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