Embarrassed Republicans Admit They..


unbannable non-troll
May 29, 2009
theartching thapphireth
Embarrassed Republicans Admit They've Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They've Been Praising Reagan

WASHINGTON—At a press conference Monday, visibly embarrassed leaders of the Republican National Committee acknowledged that their nonstop, effusive praise of Ronald Reagan has been wholly unintentional, admitting they somehow managed to confuse him with Dwight D. Eisenhower for years.

The GOP's humiliating blunder was discovered last weekend by RNC chairman Reince Priebus, who realized his party had been extolling "completely the wrong guy" after he watched the History Channel special Eisenhower: An American Portrait.

I love it.

But I knew without reading it it was hokey. The republicans virtually never admit to being wrong.

They may however start calling themselves Libertarains and Independents though ;)
Humor, ha ha! Soon you'll need to confuse Obama with Carter just to make it through the day.
Humor, ha ha! Soon you'll need to confuse Obama with Carter just to make it through the day.

or you can just enjoy this from america's finest news source without deflecting to obama like a mindless hack.

your choice.

"Wait, you're telling me Reagan advocated that trickle-down nonsense that was debunked years ago? That was Reagan?" Sen. John Thune (R-SD) said upon hearing of the mistake. "I can't believe I've been calling for a return to Reagan's America. I feel like an asshole."

this thune guy sounds like he is prez material.
Much ado about nothing. Lefties must be desperate. I imagine democrats get mixed up extolling John Lennon when they mean Nikolai Lenin.
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Ha. Funny. The thing is, I'd have probably voted Democrat if I'd lived in the 1950's. But I'd take either party from the 1950's over the ones we have now.

And the flipside is that Eisenhower would be considered a rino by today's standards, which is why dems can't tolerate the 'cons' these days. Hell, I can't even bring myself to call them Republicans.
Embarrassed Republicans Admit They've Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They've Been Praising Reagan

WASHINGTON—At a press conference Monday, visibly embarrassed leaders of the Republican National Committee acknowledged that their nonstop, effusive praise of Ronald Reagan has been wholly unintentional, admitting they somehow managed to confuse him with Dwight D. Eisenhower for years.

The GOP's humiliating blunder was discovered last weekend by RNC chairman Reince Priebus, who realized his party had been extolling "completely the wrong guy" after he watched the History Channel special Eisenhower: An American Portrait.


The online "Onion" always nails it. IFC is trying out a faux newscast called "The Onion," but it's unfunny.
Much ado about nothing. Lefties must be desperate. I imagine democrats get mixed up extolling John Lennon when they mean Nikolai Lenin.

Do you even admitt that the facts in this fake story show the real record of both Reagan and Ike?
why are you so violently wired?

"Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary." At least, that's what Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) said.

Where is this civility that Obama called for back when y'all cared about Gifford? You do remember Gifford, I assume.
Ghandi got bloody too cali.

Getting bloody can mean just getting hit by your oppressor.

You can only think violently also I guess
why are you so violently wired?

"Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary." At least, that's what Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) said.

Where is this civility that Obama called for back when y'all cared about Gifford? You do remember Gifford, I assume.

TMN probably thinks you mean Kathy Lee's husband.
Embarrassed Republicans Admit They've Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They've Been Praising Reagan

WASHINGTON—At a press conference Monday, visibly embarrassed leaders of the Republican National Committee acknowledged that their nonstop, effusive praise of Ronald Reagan has been wholly unintentional, admitting they somehow managed to confuse him with Dwight D. Eisenhower for years.

The GOP's humiliating blunder was discovered last weekend by RNC chairman Reince Priebus, who realized his party had been extolling "completely the wrong guy" after he watched the History Channel special Eisenhower: An American Portrait.


I can't wait until Rachel Maddow puts this on her show. :thup:

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