Elvis Presley agrees with Anachronism: hyphens are bullshit!! We are all americans!!


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
I, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, challenge you to find a single difference between me and my fellow Americans!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like to make fun of the extreme, over-the-top nationalism of so many people in America...

They give a political entity (the US) God-like status. How dumb is that??

"Let's get rid of all hyphens and labels!!!

Oh no, wait!! Let's keep at least one label... Americans!!

RACIAL labels are primitive and obsolete but NATIONAL labels are magically kosher!!

Hypocrites!! :lol: :lol:
Why's that, Pat??

The thread has more substance than all your posts combined.

Now grow some balls (and a brain), be a man and offer a decent reply to post number 3.
I fully understand your perspective, Salt.

Racial labels have at least a biological basis in reality which is more than I can say about national labels (at least, a nation like America).
José;3907140 said:
Why's that, Pat??

Because nobody needs your gratuitous lecture on race, and besides it's hypocritical - leftwingers focus on race intently all the time, eg with their "affirmative action" racial bean counting.

The thread has more substance than all your posts combined.

José;3907174 said:
I fully understand your perspective, Salt.

Racial labels have at least a biological basis in reality which is more than I can say about national labels (at least, a nation like America).

Uh, wait - anthropologists say 'race' isn't a scientific concept. And national labels have no reality? A zulu is the same as a german? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Originally posted by Patrick2
Because nobody needs your gratuitous lecture on race, and besides it's hypocritical - leftwingers focus on race intently all the time, eg with their "affirmative action" racial bean counting.

Speaking of labels, I was already tagged a leftwinger by Pat.

Pat, I admit my views lean to the left. But I also think America is commiting a grave mistake by destroying the ethnic makeup of the nation allowing massive hispanic immigration.

You see, the more racially diverse a nation is the more racial tension and conflict it has to endure. You don't see forums like this one in:

1 - Korea

2 - Japan

3 - China

But you do see them in the United states with people gratuitously insulting a black man like Salt, saying he's unable to get a good job on his own merit (yes, that would be you).

Not to mention the constant, "beaner this", "wetback that", "speaking spanish make hispanics look like third world monkeys", etc, etc...

Racial diversity, in general, goes hand in hand with racial tension and conflict.

I'm fully aware this is not a popular idea in 21th century multiracial, multicultural America but it's true nonetheless.

I surely don't sound like your average leftist, Pat, so maybe you should pay more attention to what people actually say instead of paying attention to... hum... labels : )
José;3907096 said:
I like to make fun of the extreme, over-the-top nationalism of so many people in America...

They give a political entity (the US) God-like status. How dumb is that??

"Let's get rid of all hyphens and labels!!!

Oh no, wait!! Let's keep at least one label... Americans!!

RACIAL labels are primitive and obsolete but NATIONAL labels are magically kosher!!

Hypocrites!! :lol: :lol:
LOL! I'm going to have to pos you for this.
Originally posted by Patrick2
Uh, wait - anthropologists say 'race' isn't a scientific concept. And national labels have no reality? A zulu is the same as a german? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Never said that, Pat. I just said the biological "reality" of national labels pales when compared with the reality of racial traits. This is precisely what leads Salt to identify himself as a black man first and as an american citizen second.

The purpose of this thread is to mock the exaggerations and hyperboles of the average super patriotic american clown who tries to deny this reality.
José;3907387 said:
The purpose of this thread is to mock the exaggerations and hyperboles of the average super patriotic american clown who tries to deny this reality.

I myself just nod when the folks at the Republican club say shit like "I'm not a hyphen, I'm an American." It's just so fucking weak. Though I guess they're trying to express some very latent white nationalism -- ostensibly, the comment is anti-multicultural -- so I stay quiet. If I whipped out, "Well, you see, I actually think the hyphen is crap, but from the other extreme... we shouldn't have hyphens because we shouldn't have mixed-race nations", well, the Republicans usually back away slowly...

"Harry, keep an eye on that guy. I think he's some kind of Nazi."

Not a Nazi, Harry. Just a race realist.

By the way, it's for this reason that the "Democrats are the real racists because of Sen. Byrd" meme makes me want to just euthenize half the Republican party for terminal stupidity.
I'm an Irish-American and I am not ashamed of that fact.

I'd like to become a hispanic-american...

But then some people say I can't hope to become anything more than a wetback-american or a beaner-american and then I realise that racial diversity isn't all it's cracked up to be.
José;3907096 said:
I like to make fun of the extreme, over-the-top nationalism of so many people in America...

They give a political entity (the US) God-like status. How dumb is that??

"Let's get rid of all hyphens and labels!!!

Oh no, wait!! Let's keep at least one label... Americans!!

RACIAL labels are primitive and obsolete but NATIONAL labels are magically kosher!!

Hypocrites!! :lol: :lol:

You are so right!

All we here today are folks saying they are Mexican American, African American, German American etc... This makes me sick.

Everyone's family in this country came from somewhere else period. My family came from England but I don't say that I am English American because I am proud enough to say I AM AMERICAN.

If you are born on this soil than please be proud of who you are and stop separating yourselves from your fellow Americans.
Because nobody needs your gratuitous lecture on race, and besides it's hypocritical - leftwingers focus on race intently all the time, eg with their "affirmative action" racial bean counting.
Once again the right exhibits its ignorance.

In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), the Court ruled the use of specific racial quotas (numbers) was un-Constitutional. ‘Bean counting’ hasn’t occurred for 33 years.
Because nobody needs your gratuitous lecture on race, and besides it's hypocritical - leftwingers focus on race intently all the time, eg with their "affirmative action" racial bean counting.
Once again the right exhibits its ignorance.

In Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), the Court ruled the use of specific racial quotas (numbers) was un-Constitutional. ‘Bean counting’ hasn’t occurred for 33 years.

First of all, imbecile, I know more about anti-white discrimination jurisprudence than you probably do about arithmetic. :D The Court ordered UC Davis to end its racist anti-white policy and admit Alan Bakke. WHAT ALSO HAPPENED, is that doddering old justice lewis powell, in a separate opinion, NOT CONCURRED TO by the other four justices of the prevailing majority, said that race could be one of multiple factors in deciding to admit someone to a university. ONE JUSTICE said that - got it straight now, Sparky? :rolleyes: NOW, if you give the leftwing even a slight opening, they pounce on it. The university of michigan, which had racist anti-white admissions policies, was sued by Brabara Grutter, a white law school applicant who was turned down in favor of far less qualified minority applicants. The case went all the way to the USSC, which decided against her, accepting the "diversity" argument in a 5-4 decision, allowing that crackpot argument to override even the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, the heart and soul of government's marching orders to treat citizens equally. Not only universities, but corporations jumped on that decision to continue and expand their programs of racist anti-white discrimination. Look on any big corporate site - there will be a "diversity statement". Universities regularly discriminate against white students, and use the half-assed "diversity" argument. The USSC in Grutter, and a related case Gratz, gave all such institutions in effect a green light to discriminate againt all the whites they want to.
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