Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris accused of breaking fundraising rules over Kavanaugh vote

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Rules and laws are for Republicans. The Left lives for catching them in some infraction because they can call them “hypocrites.” Democrats aren’t accused of hypocrisy because they don’t claim to have morals.

A watchdog group filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday against Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh — even before they cast their votes against him.

While voting and then asking supporters to back that decision with cash is common, the watchdog group, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), says asking for money ahead of time crosses the line into vote-buying.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com .
Let’s be real here. They are politicians, left or right, they are all politicians. Money is they fuel for political power and influence, and left or right, they will all do whatever they think they can get away with for power, and if that means unethical fund raising, so be it.
I'll never forget that Devils Triangle with Lizzy Cheekbones and Kamala "Deep Throat" Harris. I can't recall the year, or the place, but its seared into my memory like John Kerry Christmas trip to Cambodia

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