Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

You feel the same about Stacy Abrahms and all the other DEM "Big Lie" election deniers? There's where Democracy REALLY dies -- in the Democrat party. Democrats challenged elections during Electoral College proceedings IN EVERY JAN6th meeting where a REPUB won since Clinton era.

Any riots to stop the vote counting from the Democrats?
There is no ‘could’ – the right’s campaign of election misinformation and lies will bring about the end of our democracy.

Its a short-lived phenomenon. Unfortunate but the nation will survive the MAGA cult.

I think you will see more and more of them flip out as time moves on and of course violence will ensue...it's the only tool they have. But the nation will survive these unfortunate losers.

Abe Lincoln, a Real Republican said:

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad," he wrote. "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

The MAGA repubs are now bringing destruction of our democracy to our doorstep. Denying elections is a step towards authoritarianism.
Bringing sight to the blind:
Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election. We are living under full-blown tyranny, which is why our energy independence is gone. No one protects Americans and we are at the mercy of the globe
You mean indoctrination and sexual deviancy, including Paedophilia, which you and the rest of the far Left filth support.
Bringing sight to the blind:
Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election. We are living under full-blown tyranny, which is why our energy independence is gone. No one protects Americans and we are at the mercy of the globe
He was sworn in.

Every state certified it's election

And despite you guys' lamest efforts...the electoral votes were 306 to 232 in his favor.

Donald Trump was the ONLY person who actively helped epslimes victims.

The ONLY one. Your demofascists though....they ALL partied with the pedo.

Trump kicked him off of his properties. Not ONE of your pedophile loving scumbags did that.

Which is why you have to find a clip from 25 years ago to support your lie.

You deserve everything that is coming your way.
He was sworn in.

Every state certified it's election

And despite you guys' lamest efforts...the electoral votes were 306 to 232 in his favor.
It was not a real election. COVID is no excuse. Dragging out the vote count days beyond election night is unprecedented, and this act delegitimized the election. If you look at the numbers compared to past elections and the changing of laws in unprecedented ways, this was a fake election like no other. This is what happens when people in power have no backbone. Trump's the only one with backbone. Unelected-Tyrant Biden will be history in a couple years so we'll be alright, have faith.
Donald Trump was the ONLY person who actively helped epslimes victims.

The ONLY one. Your demofascists though....they ALL partied with the pedo.

Trump kicked him off of his properties. Not ONE of your pedophile loving scumbags did that.

Which is why you have to find a clip from 25 years ago to support your lie.

You deserve everything that is coming your way.
Yes, Trump was the ONLY one who recognized this guy as scum.
Donald Trump was the ONLY person who actively helped epslimes victims.
LOL... Yeah, blobby looks like he's really working hard.
Trump kicked him off of his properties.
Who told you that? Trump?
Not ONE of your pedophile loving scumbags did that.
Nobody else had him at his property..partying with him.
Which is why you have to find a clip from 25 years ago to support your lie.

You deserve everything that is coming your way.
That you find it inconvenient, ex mod, makes me happy.

Care to see it again?

It was not a real election. COVID is no excuse. Dragging out the vote count days beyond election night is unprecedented, and this act delegitimized the election. If you look at the numbers compared to past elections and the changing of laws in unprecedented ways, this was a fake election like no other. This is what happens when people in power have no backbone. Trump's the only one with backbone. Unelected-Tyrant Biden will be history in a couple years so we'll be alright, have faith.
The pandemic was Democrat created as was a scam to ruin Trump .

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