Elections deniers could be the death of our democracy

Poor poster Lastamender.
Memes and emojis seem to be the only tool in his toolbox.
I know, I know, it is sad. Trump University, you know.
But what can we do?
God puts those specimens into our mix as an object lesson.
You know.....as in: "You don' wanna be like that. After all, you other folks have better educations from better schools. And, of course, are smarter."

Still, we all wish him well and hope he can be more successful in the future.
And maybe get his money back from Mr.Trump's University?
Poor poster Lastamender.
Memes and emojis seem to be the only tool in his toolbox.
I know, I know, it is sad. Trump University, you know.
But what can we do?
God puts those specimens into our mix as an object lesson.
You know.....as in: "You don' wanna be like that. After all, you other folks have better educations from better schools. And, of course, are smarter."

Still, we all wish him well and hope he can be more successful in the future.
And maybe get his money back from Mr.Trump's University?
Still hungry? :9:
Wow, I suddenly became powerful enough to bring a whole country down?

Amazing. Yesterday I couldn't even get my elected representative to respond to my letters, today I can just fire him?

Things are looking up ! :p
One rat cannot do much but millions of rats, together, can do a lot of damage.
Trump is your pied piper. He has empowered the rats among us. May he lead you off a pier.
One rat cannot do much but millions of rats, together, can do a lot of damage.

Only for 12 more days.

Then the rat poison starts doing it's job.


Trump is your pied piper. He has empowered the rats among us. May he lead you off a pier.

You still don't get it.

No one cares about Trump.

But we DO care about Stalinist pigs in positions of power and responsibility.

Democraps are toast with or without Trump. They're leaving town. On a rail, preferably. In tar and feathers, preferably.
He couldn't even beat Trump anymore.

Biden is a loser. No one likes him.
If you consider Biden is a loser, that makes Trump and even bigger loser. Trump has turned into huge loser. First one term President to lose re-election since Carter. He led GOP to lose house and Senate in 2020. He lost 40 law suits in attempt to over turn the election. A large portion of his staff have turned against him because of his lies and testified to his unethical and illegal actions. They voted for him but he lost them because of his unethical, un-American actions. He lost the Trump University to fraud. He lost the Trump charity to fraud. Trump corp CFO going to jail for fraud. Trump corp under investigations for fraud.
LOSER and losers support him.

FYI - I do not support Biden to run in 2024.
Wanna bet the guy who wanted to kill Pelosi and attacked her husband with a hammer was an election denier?
I honestly do not know what the organization formerly known as the Republican Party stands for any more, other than conspiring not to accept any election they don't win.

Seriously. That's it.

Cheated on all three wives? No problem!

Committed tax and insurance fraud? Way to go!

Stole Top Secret government documents? I see no problem here!

Added $8 trillion to the federal debt! Woo-hoo! Go, man, go!

Enacted far left protectionist tariffs which widened our trade deficits with China and Mexico to record levels! YES!

Biden has kept those tariffs in place just in case you had ANY doubt protectionist tariffs are leftist.

Forced a girlfriend to have an abortion? No problem, so long as you deny the last election.

Incited a riot which led to over a hundred blue lives being mauled? You're a hero!

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