Election Slaughter for Climate Activism


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Voters are catching up the obvious that climate change alarmism is a pot of baloney

American Thinker

Election Slaughter for Climate Activism

November 20, 2018

James Taylor


This month, voters throughout the country inflicted a bloodbath on climate activism and climate-activist political candidates. Voters rejected the two highest profile climate-activist ballot initiatives, severely punished Republicans who joined the congressional Climate Solutions Caucus, and sent home the Democratic climate activist most heavily supported by billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer.

I wonder what color the sky is in American Thinker world.

We know what color it is in yours.

I wonder what color the sky is in American Thinker world.

Then you admit you have no counterpoint to the post, thank you.

Some things are just too absurd to wast reasoned thought on.

It is clear you have NOTHING to offer but baloney here.

From the link YOU didn't read:

"State Ballot Initiatives Rejected

Washington State voters soundly rejected a ballot initiative that would have taxed carbon-dioxide emissions. It was the second consecutive election in which Washington voters rejected a carbon-dioxide tax. Even in deep-blue Washington, the proposed tax lost by double-digits in 2016 and now in 2018.

Meanwhile, Arizona voters inflicted a humiliating defeat on a ballot initiative that would have required 50 percent of the state’s electricity to come from renewable sources. Voters rejected the initiative by a whopping 70 percent to 30 percent. The defeat was particularly crushing to Steyer, who wrote the ballot initiative and spent approximately $20 million supporting it."

You are blowing smoke which is all you have here.
Washington State voters soundly rejected a ballot initiative that would have taxed carbon-dioxide emissions.

If you can't pass a tree-hugger initiative in Washington state, you're well and truly buggered.
Just for you warmist/alarmists,

The voters increasingly are onto your idiotic climate alarmism bull crap, and YOU know it since you haven't come up with a decent attempt to counter the article, really you are not even trying to sound rational here.

You don't even have a beginning of an argument here,


"I wonder what color the sky is in American Thinker world. "
"Some things are just too absurd to wast reasoned thought on."


"I was thinking something similar myself. "
"Damn dude, you are really limber. "

That was the best these two warmist/alarmists can dredge up, which makes many wonder why they bother commenting at all.

Just for you warmist/alarmists,

The voters increasingly are onto your idiotic climate alarmism bull crap, and YOU know it since you haven't come up with a decent attempt to counter the article, really you are not even trying to sound rational here.

You don't even have a beginning of an argument here,


"I wonder what color the sky is in American Thinker world. "
"Some things are just too absurd to wast reasoned thought on."


"I was thinking something similar myself. "
"Damn dude, you are really limber. "

That was the best these two warmist/alarmists can dredge up, which makes many wonder why they bother commenting at all.


Sorry, but you hard core crazies don't get much more than a pat on the head.
Just for you warmist/alarmists,

The voters increasingly are onto your idiotic climate alarmism bull crap, and YOU know it since you haven't come up with a decent attempt to counter the article, really you are not even trying to sound rational here.

You don't even have a beginning of an argument here,


"I wonder what color the sky is in American Thinker world. "
"Some things are just too absurd to wast reasoned thought on."


"I was thinking something similar myself. "
"Damn dude, you are really limber. "

That was the best these two warmist/alarmists can dredge up, which makes many wonder why they bother commenting at all.


Sorry, but you hard core crazies don't get much more than a pat on the head.

Actually I put up real evidence:

"State Ballot Initiatives Rejected

Washington State voters soundly rejected a ballot initiative that would have taxed carbon-dioxide emissions. It was the second consecutive election in which Washington voters rejected a carbon-dioxide tax. Even in deep-blue Washington, the proposed tax lost by double-digits in 2016 and now in 2018.

Meanwhile, Arizona voters inflicted a humiliating defeat on a ballot initiative that would have required 50 percent of the state’s electricity to come from renewable sources. Voters rejected the initiative by a whopping 70 percent to 30 percent. The defeat was particularly crushing to Steyer, who wrote the ballot initiative and spent approximately $20 million supporting it."

You put up nothing useful in earlier replies, it is clear you still have nothing here.

It appears that the mythical 97% consensus is a colossal failure with the VOTERS, who continuously vote down almost every proposed warmist/Ecoloony CO2 tax initiatives put before them.

They sense a scam and act accordingly.

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