Election conspiracist to lead Michigan GOP through 2024

Maybe you are simply a parrot.

You're only saying that because he keeps repeating things he says over and over.

Don't parrots normally emulate third parties?

A narcissistic parrot, perhaps?

BasqueBromance has a second screename?
Going back up to post #12 by the responsible poster Angus, we see a pic of folks installing visibility barriers across window. Angus implies that they are there to wrongfully block Republican ballot monitors from, well, from monitoring the official counting of ballots on the other side of those windows.
But...unfortunately for Angus' credibility, the implication ain't quite right.

So, let's go there.

Official Republican ballot watchers.....and Democrat's too....were watching, monitoring.
But they were inside those windows.

The sheets were installed to keep MAGA partisans who were outside and were screaming and pounding on the windows from disrupting the actual official count being monitored by actual official monitors.

So, the sheets were put up so a good, official, and relatively quiet count could be counted.

Now you know.

Sorry Angus. It ain't personal.
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Who's gonna look into it?
Actually, the DOJ did. Thoroughly. Back in 2020. It's old news. Trust me.

Do this, good poster Angel: Go to YouTube and watch the January 6th Committee hearings from last year. Watch 'em carefully, with purposeful attention, and you will see and hear Don Trump's chosen Attorney General of the United States, William Barr, explain how the Detroit vote and ballot counting proceeded. And why the DOJ said it was a clean vote.

ps....and I don't mean to demean you with this, but..........but let me repeat: It was Don Trump's chosen Attorney General who had his lawyers and agents review the Detroit vote. And they found that it was a clean vote, with not enough fraud, if any, to impact any of the races.

Good luck, poster DeathAngel. We read your grievance-filled, angry-fied postings here and hope that you will eventually find happiness, and success, here in America, the land of promise and opportunity.

Good luck! Really, my avatar means it.

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