Eighty Million

You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't mention weapons that are reserved to the military, NAZI.
....imaginary votes.

1.After the media got through laundering any news stories detrimental to their candidate, notably censoring the NYPost well documented exposé of the Biden Cartel selling their services to Communist China, they spent their coverage of the election…just not the proof of it being stolen.

2. If you were one of the deadheads who haven’t learned anything from the three years of revealed lies about the most accomplished President in American history, then this is your reality:


81,281,888 votes….


74,223,251 votes

3. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?
Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

4. If Biden was actually the most popular man ever to run for the presidency, why did he need 25,000 troops to protect him at the inauguration??

5. If the Wehrmacht isn’t anti-American to the core, why did they spread the narrative that American troops at the inauguration needed to be disarmed for fear they might pull an Anwar Sadat scenario….

“U.S. defense officials have been worried about a potential insider attack or other threat from service members following the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 by Trump supporters that shocked the nation.” 12 Guard members removed from Biden inauguration | Newstalk Florida - N

View attachment 446920
The assassination of Anwar Sadat, 1981 - Rare Historical Photos

And, of course, the last year or so has proven that it is Biden voters who riot, assault, and burn things down.

No, Quid Pro Joe didn’t receive anywhere close to 80 million votes.


View attachment 446925

Posted.while wearing a mask, face shield and rubber gloves.
Actually 81 million voters supported Biden

Most in history

Actually not, as millions of his votes were fabricated.
There were more fabricated allegations of voter fraud than there were fabricated votes.
....imaginary votes.

1.After the media got through laundering any news stories detrimental to their candidate, notably censoring the NYPost well documented exposé of the Biden Cartel selling their services to Communist China, they spent their coverage of the election…just not the proof of it being stolen.

2. If you were one of the deadheads who haven’t learned anything from the three years of revealed lies about the most accomplished President in American history, then this is your reality:


81,281,888 votes….


74,223,251 votes

3. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?
Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

4. If Biden was actually the most popular man ever to run for the presidency, why did he need 25,000 troops to protect him at the inauguration??

5. If the Wehrmacht isn’t anti-American to the core, why did they spread the narrative that American troops at the inauguration needed to be disarmed for fear they might pull an Anwar Sadat scenario….

“U.S. defense officials have been worried about a potential insider attack or other threat from service members following the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 by Trump supporters that shocked the nation.” 12 Guard members removed from Biden inauguration | Newstalk Florida - N

View attachment 446920
The assassination of Anwar Sadat, 1981 - Rare Historical Photos

And, of course, the last year or so has proven that it is Biden voters who riot, assault, and burn things down.

No, Quid Pro Joe didn’t receive anywhere close to 80 million votes.
No, Quid Pro Joe didn’t receive anywhere close to 80 million votes.
Trump’s votes were fraudulent. No way the worst president in history received 74m votes.

prove me wrong, dope.

“The Five Most Obvious Acts of Fraud in the 2020 Election that You Are No Longer Allowed to Discuss

…massive and unprecedented fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

1.The Georgia Late Night Hidden Suitcase Heist: Georgia Election Official Ralph Jones, Sr. Announced on Nov. 3rd Evening that Counting would Stop at 11 PM — Then Led Team to Count Stashed ‘Suitcase” Ballots

2.) The Drop and Roll — Shutting down five states and then dumping hundreds of thousands of late-night votes for Joe Biden

Five swing states all shut down their counting on election night at the same time. This was likely a coordinated event.

Then each state saw a mysterious and impossible spike of Joe Biden ballots in the middle of the night. We first discovered this pattern in Pennsylvania. Then we saw this same pattern in at least four other states.

3.) Blocking GOP Poll Watchers in the counting rooms in swing states

4.) Votes deleted or switched from President Trump to Joe Biden: The Chart Lists Votes Switched from Trump to Biden and Votes That Were Lost by Trump
Switched VotesLost Votes
Dominion Systems
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost -- Using Dominion and Other Systems

5.) USPS postal service drivers speak out after they were told to transfer up to 288,000 completed ballots across state lines after the election.

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York state.

This was explosive testimony.

Jesse Morgan: In total I saw 24 gaylords, or large cardboard containers of ballots, loaded into my trailer. These gaylords contained plastic trays, I call them totes or trays of ballots stacked on top of each other. All the envelopes were the same size. I saw the envelopes had return addresses… They were complete ballots.”

You are speaking to prog slaves, who are too afraid of the truth, because their masters told them orange man bad.

You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't mention weapons that are reserved to the military, NAZI.

But the SC carved out the personal protection precedent when striking down DC's gun control laws. How does suggesting we use the amendment clause of the constitution to further clarify that make me a Nazi?
....imaginary votes.

1.After the media got through laundering any news stories detrimental to their candidate, notably censoring the NYPost well documented exposé of the Biden Cartel selling their services to Communist China, they spent their coverage of the election…just not the proof of it being stolen.

2. If you were one of the deadheads who haven’t learned anything from the three years of revealed lies about the most accomplished President in American history, then this is your reality:


81,281,888 votes….


74,223,251 votes

3. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?
Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

4. If Biden was actually the most popular man ever to run for the presidency, why did he need 25,000 troops to protect him at the inauguration??

5. If the Wehrmacht isn’t anti-American to the core, why did they spread the narrative that American troops at the inauguration needed to be disarmed for fear they might pull an Anwar Sadat scenario….

“U.S. defense officials have been worried about a potential insider attack or other threat from service members following the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 by Trump supporters that shocked the nation.” 12 Guard members removed from Biden inauguration | Newstalk Florida - N

View attachment 446920
The assassination of Anwar Sadat, 1981 - Rare Historical Photos

And, of course, the last year or so has proven that it is Biden voters who riot, assault, and burn things down.

No, Quid Pro Joe didn’t receive anywhere close to 80 million votes.


View attachment 446925


Are you pretending to be religious, using this quasi-religious term, cult????

Wehrmacht.....Biden voters.....are atheists.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious terms.....you called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

Have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?

View attachment 446929
Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tweeted a photo Wednesday of a prayer candle picturing former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

A little respect, please, for Ms. Abrams, the next governor of Georgia and the eventual President of what is left of the United States of America.
You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't mention weapons that are reserved to the military, NAZI.

But the SC carved out the personal protection precedent when striking down DC's gun control laws. How does suggesting we use the amendment clause of the constitution to further clarify that make me a Nazi?
The SC didn't "carve out" anything, NAZI.
....imaginary votes.

1.After the media got through laundering any news stories detrimental to their candidate, notably censoring the NYPost well documented exposé of the Biden Cartel selling their services to Communist China, they spent their coverage of the election…just not the proof of it being stolen.

2. If you were one of the deadheads who haven’t learned anything from the three years of revealed lies about the most accomplished President in American history, then this is your reality:


81,281,888 votes….


74,223,251 votes

3. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?
Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

4. If Biden was actually the most popular man ever to run for the presidency, why did he need 25,000 troops to protect him at the inauguration??

5. If the Wehrmacht isn’t anti-American to the core, why did they spread the narrative that American troops at the inauguration needed to be disarmed for fear they might pull an Anwar Sadat scenario….

“U.S. defense officials have been worried about a potential insider attack or other threat from service members following the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 by Trump supporters that shocked the nation.” 12 Guard members removed from Biden inauguration | Newstalk Florida - N

View attachment 446920
The assassination of Anwar Sadat, 1981 - Rare Historical Photos

And, of course, the last year or so has proven that it is Biden voters who riot, assault, and burn things down.

No, Quid Pro Joe didn’t receive anywhere close to 80 million votes.


View attachment 446925


Are you pretending to be religious, using this quasi-religious term, cult????

Wehrmacht.....Biden voters.....are atheists.

For clarity, only you Democrats refer to your leader in religious terms.....you called a recent one god, Jesus and the messiah.

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not certain which of the denominations: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

Have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?

View attachment 446929
Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tweeted a photo Wednesday of a prayer candle picturing former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.
You noticed too. One reporter described the lights in Washington as being like Joe Biden's arms embracing humanity. It didn't stop with shitstain Obama. Communist democrats are really infusing their candidates with holiness. Another reporter (Since fired) described the sight of demented Chicom Joe Biden as giving her chills. How far are we from communists ruling by divine right? We are perilously close to moving from mere sedition to sedition AND heresy.
You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.

As per the OP, Biden never got 80 million votes.

Let's have you prove it:

. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?

Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?
The “7 million” more votes Biden supposedly got all came from California (5 million) and New York (2 million). We know California allowed multiple votes from the same people, allowed illegals to vote, and probably did all kinds of vote flipping in their Dem run shit hole districts.

Outside of those two Dem run shit holes, President Trump smashed Biden. That’s why they had to stop the vote in four states, kicked out the GOP observers, then proceeded to count hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots, just enough to put him over.
CALIFORNIA! Hillary also got 7 million votes from CA. We perfected the fraudulent election.
You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.

As per the OP, Biden never got 80 million votes.

Let's have you prove it:

. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?

Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

It was the hate factor that doomed the Trumpybear.

For me of course it was his face, How we ever voted in a man with a face like for President I'll never know! That face!
I'm still waiting for you to find those liberals you spoke of?

Many liberals and conservatives here.

The Nazi democrats are the opposite of "liberal."

You are totalitarian thugs.
It was the hate factor that doomed the Trumpybear.

I admit that I have in my life never seen the level of raw hatred that you Nazis have for the last legitimate president and the patriots who support him.

For me of course it was his face, How we ever voted in a man with a face like for President I'll never know! That face!

Besides, he has horns and makes Matzo from the blood of Bolshevik babies, before you have a chance to sacrifice them to Moloch at PP temples....
6. The Bolsheviks never have any but the lowest opinion of the people of America, probably because they can only judge others by their own characteristic…..corrupt, dishonest, no respect for life…..

“Obama revives his ‘cling to guns or religion’ analysis — for Donald Trump supporters”

“Dem Congressman Says White, Male, Trump Voting Troops May Betray Biden at Inauguration”

So they painted American troops as the same as the IslamoFascists who killed Sadat.


You support the electoral college, the right to have guns, the right to free speech, the right to express religious beliefs and the right to be secure on private property?

First the EC is the way we elect presidents. I support an amendment to change to a national popular vote. I also think we need to further define what constitutes weapons for personal protection or hunting, and weapons that are reserved for use by the military in an amendment as well. Free Speech including religious speech, and private property, of course.

As per the OP, Biden never got 80 million votes.

Let's have you prove it:

. After four years of the media's constant lying about Trump in support of the Wehrmacht….er, Democrats…..you are prepared to buy that the brainless, unaccomplished career politician got more votes than any candidate in history.

Whatever number it really was, it was below 74.2 million.

No? Then, pray tell, what were the Biden policies that those millions voted for?

Higher taxes and unemployment? Open border? Bowing to the will of Communist China???

See what I mean?

It was the hate factor that doomed the Trumpybear.

For me of course it was his face, How we ever voted in a man with a face like for President I'll never know! That face!

"It was the hate factor that doomed the Trumpybear. "

'Hate' is in the realm of the thought.

We on the Right don't believe in thought crimes.

Actions on the other hand......

If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.
:itsok: Of course you do.

So show me these "liberals" Herr Himmler?

You Nazis are dedicated to crushing all liberty - you are the polar opposite of "liberal."

Were you in this group supporting Bai-Degn?

View attachment 446933

Who are they waving at?

They are saluting Quid Pro Joe Bai-Degn.

I don't know who that is but I'll defer to you in all things Nazi.

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