Eight Things America Deserves To See

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.

I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarrasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution, or implicates the former president. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and given to Iran as ransom money for hostages. In addition to that, I want all recordings, memos, transcripts and documents from The White House and Intelligence community regarding the Prisoner Exchange of 4 Mass Murderers & Terrorist Generals at Gitmo for Bergdahl.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood, and all records of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Financials and the Clinton Foundation Financials where they accepted money from Jihadist Nations.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lie detector.

8.) All transcripts, recording, memos, and documents of Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton's dealings with Russia especially concerning the deal to allow Russia to acquire our Strategic Uranium supplies.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safety.

It is their SWORN DUTY to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them. We need to hear them, and not just directed at one side. Left and Right both need to be vetted, corruption needs to be rooted out and removed like a cancer, and The Power needs returned back to the people, and it matters not to me if this takes down a Republican Senator, a General, the Head of The Intelligence Community or any Democrat. We need to clean our Government of the Filth that destroying our faith in this nation.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.

And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.
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1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.
I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and give to Iran as ransom money for hostages.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lied detector.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safetey. It is their sword duty to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.
And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.

Point of order Governor Perry, you forgot one.
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.
I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and give to Iran as ransom money for hostages.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lied detector.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safetey. It is their sword duty to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.
And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.

Point of order Governor Perry, you forgot one.

haha....yes I realized that. I added it back in. Clinton's Uranium deal with Russia where we gave them control over a portion of our Strategic Uranium supply.
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.
I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and give to Iran as ransom money for hostages.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lied detector.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safetey. It is their sword duty to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.
And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.

Point of order Governor Perry, you forgot one.

haha....yes I realized that. I added it back in. Clinton's Uranium deal with Russia where we gave them control over a portion of our Strategic Uranium supply.

That's okay... my senility acts up from time to time too. :p
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.

I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarrasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution, or implicates the former president. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and given to Iran as ransom money for hostages. In addition to that, I want all recordings, memos, transcripts and documents from The White House and Intelligence community regarding the Prisoner Exchange of 4 Mass Murderers & Terrorist Generals at Gitmo for Bergdahl.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood, and all records of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Financials and the Clinton Foundation Financials where they accepted money from Jihadist Nations.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lie detector.

8.) All transcripts, recording, memos, and documents of Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton's dealings with Russia especially concerning the deal to allow Russia to acquire our Strategic Uranium supplies.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safety.

It is their SWORN DUTY to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them. We need to hear them, and not just directed at one side. Left and Right both need to be vetted, corruption needs to be rooted out and removed like a cancer, and The Power needs returned back to the people, and it matters not to me if this takes down a Republican Senator, a General, the Head of The Intelligence Community or any Democrat. We need to clean our Government of the Filth that destroying our faith in this nation.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.

And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.
How about we see trumps tax returns?
How about we see trumps tax returns?
How about Nope?

1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.
I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and give to Iran as ransom money for hostages.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lied detector.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safetey. It is their sword duty to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.
And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.

Point of order Governor Perry, you forgot one.

haha....yes I realized that. I added it back in. Clinton's Uranium deal with Russia where we gave them control over a portion of our Strategic Uranium supply.
I just thought maybe you left off the number. Oh well....thanks.
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.

I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarrasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution, or implicates the former president. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and given to Iran as ransom money for hostages. In addition to that, I want all recordings, memos, transcripts and documents from The White House and Intelligence community regarding the Prisoner Exchange of 4 Mass Murderers & Terrorist Generals at Gitmo for Bergdahl.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood, and all records of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Financials and the Clinton Foundation Financials where they accepted money from Jihadist Nations.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lie detector.

8.) All transcripts, recording, memos, and documents of Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton's dealings with Russia especially concerning the deal to allow Russia to acquire our Strategic Uranium supplies.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safety.

It is their SWORN DUTY to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them. We need to hear them, and not just directed at one side. Left and Right both need to be vetted, corruption needs to be rooted out and removed like a cancer, and The Power needs returned back to the people, and it matters not to me if this takes down a Republican Senator, a General, the Head of The Intelligence Community or any Democrat. We need to clean our Government of the Filth that destroying our faith in this nation.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.

And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.
How about we see trumps tax returns?

I'm fine with that. Make that number 9. Let's go Full Blown Transparency.
The GOV and Intelligence community gives us 1-8, and I got no problems with # 9

And I'll add # 10. The FBI's complete Transcripts, recordings, memos, documents of their Investigation of HIllary Clinton, and Her COMPLETE testimony which has been withheld from The Public.
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Did you cast one, or more, votes for George W. Bush?
Jolly good show mate!

You remembered the first rule of the Democratic Lemming Slice; when you're unable to formulate an argument based on reason and evidence, bring up Bush.
Are you OT's fucking wingman, Bitch?

OT's "argument" is a series of hysterical demands...what role would reason and evidence possibly play in addressing it?

There is a reason I ask that question......I believe that the vast majority of Idiots bleating "Drain the Swamp" are Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Imbeciles trying to redeem themselves by burning everything down....

Having to bear witness to an African American POTUS wreaking havoc on Scrub's Legacy of Unvarnished Failure has driven these morons mad.....

You're one of them, aren't you?
1.) All of Hillary Clinton's Emails, especially those to Sid Blumenthal, and especially those from Barak Obama to Hillary Clinton written from his Fake Address and Pseudonym.

2.) The Unredacted and Unedited transcripts of The Illegal Wire Tap launched against General Flynn.

I want to know what was said, who authorized it, and everyone who was involved even if this embarrasses General Flynn and makes him subject to prosecution, or implicates the former president. I want to know who leaked it, and I want them prosecuted, even if that includes General Flynn, which according to everything I am reading about laws concerning this, actually violated no laws. The laws broken, were broken by The Intelligence Community.

3.) All Communications, emails, documents including the financial details of Barak Obama's attempt to oust Netanyahu and affect the outcome of Israel's Democratic Elections, and what was the justification for taking such actions against an ally.

4.) All transcripts, recordings, documents of Obama's Illegal Wire Tap on Angela Merkel and other allies.

5.) All transcripts, recordings & documents of Obama's Illegal transfer of Billions of Dollars converted in to Euros (It is illegal for the US to transfer electronically or physically any money to Iran) and given to Iran as ransom money for hostages. In addition to that, I want all recordings, memos, transcripts and documents from The White House and Intelligence community regarding the Prisoner Exchange of 4 Mass Murderers & Terrorist Generals at Gitmo for Bergdahl.

6.) All transcripts, memos, recordings, documents regarding Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama's dealings and funding of these following terrorist organizations: ISIS, Al Nusra, Hamas, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood, and all records of Hillary Clinton's Campaign Financials and the Clinton Foundation Financials where they accepted money from Jihadist Nations.

7.) All transcipts, memos, recordings and documents concerning Eric Holder's role in Fast & Furious, and Loretta Lynch's role in covering up for Hillary Clinton, and her testimony regarding illegal meetings with Bill Clinton on that Tarmac under oath and attached to a lie detector.

8.) All transcripts, recording, memos, and documents of Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton's dealings with Russia especially concerning the deal to allow Russia to acquire our Strategic Uranium supplies.

All of these things represent violations of the law, and were done with the help of a lawless Intelligence Community that was controlled by Obama Political Hacks & Psycophants many who are sill in place who were put in charge of our intelligence and who turned it against our own citizens and our allies.

It's time to take The Establishment and The Shadow Government on.

If you want to know why The Radical Left & Their Establishment Brethren on The Right are so foaming at the mouth angry Trump won this election, it is because their Gravy Boat is about to be upset. The tactics currently employed now are to delay, frustrate, undermine and distract, so that the business of draining the swamp and shutting down the shadow government, and finding out where all of our tax dollars are being stolen and misappropriated does not occur or is delayed as soon as possible.

I'd compare this point in History to when JFK vowed to clean up Washington, and undercut the Federal Reserve depriving them of Trillions of Dollars in future revenue and gave The Constitutional Powers to manage our currency back to The Treasury as God and our Forefathers intended. Both he and his brother paid the price for trying to do The Right thing for The American People.

And if you think Lefty's call for Assassinating Trump is a bluff, you are sadly mistaken, it is not a bluff, and it is not just The Left who would like to see this. There are wolves in sheep's clothing on both sides of the political isle, only the sheeple on The Left are more pliable for getting "The Message Out" so that is who is used.

Draining the swamp, means depriving a throng of thieves of their ill gotten gains. America does not have a revenue problem. We have a thievery problem, and a waste and graft problem, and we are being robbed by the very people who we are supposed to trust to watch our wallets, and to protect our liberties, and to defend our Constitution, and Secure Our Safety.

It is their SWORN DUTY to Defend This Nation from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. So where are the chants directed at those in power to "Do Their Jobs?" Where have these chants been for the past 8 years? I've not heard them. We need to hear them, and not just directed at one side. Left and Right both need to be vetted, corruption needs to be rooted out and removed like a cancer, and The Power needs returned back to the people, and it matters not to me if this takes down a Republican Senator, a General, the Head of The Intelligence Community or any Democrat. We need to clean our Government of the Filth that destroying our faith in this nation.

Sadly it now appears as though the single most dangerous enemy The Republic has, is coming from within.

And unless we clean house, those good Democrats who love this country, and those good Repubilcans\Conservatives that should ally with them and work together for the good of us all, will no longer have a voice, and will be drowned out by an apparatus designed to corrupt and destroy The People's Trust, because it is being run by a den of thieves.
9. All details of Obamas deal with Iran.

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