Eerie Parallels

Eerie parallels with Biden the Usurper with Hitler, OP?

what eerie parallels?

It's the exact same thing.:04:

Yet you have no problem labeling us enemies of our country because we don’t agree with your political vision.
Anyone who supports those who see people like me as a threat to my country with no basis in fact whatsoever, are also threats to me. It means exactly that. Do you agree or disagree with what Biden said about half the country?

Furthermore, I have respectfully disagreed with you on many things, not once attempting to force my "political vision" on you. I disagreed with you, I didn't see you as a threat. Not once. But what am I supposed to think now, that you support a man who directly vilifies me and labels me as a "semi fascist" for what I believe? Am I supposed to take that lying down?
Sorry no. That's you claiming victimhood. You can dance around that all you like, but it's the truth.
What YOU call punching out is punching down. It’s the powerful attacking the less powerful. I said this already but I’ll say it again: it is death threats, harrassment to election workers and their families, broadbrushing teachers as pedos, using political power to punish individual companies or people who criticize you or speak up. It is when a person with power punches down.

It is when the most powerful person in America singles out an election worker, a 62 yr old grandmother who is simply doing her job, by name and turns her life and her families life into hell as they are beseiged with death threats, harrassment, vandalism and stalking by his supporters.

You claim to be victimized yet look at the actions you either support or make excuses for.
Pretty much, the evidence is everywhere.

Every MAGA tard is defending Trump for taking classified documents from the white house, threatening the FBI and DOJ.
Making all kinds of excuses why Trump deserved those documents.
One guy in Cincinnati is dead for it.

Sure, we do.

NO ONE ignored the riots dumbass.
18,000 people were charged and went to jail.

Do you hear of anyone demanding they're release?
Political prisoners?
They were really MAGA tards?
They just taking selfies?

It's always "whataboutism" with the Trump cult.
One incident had not even the slightest bit of resemblance to the other.
ONE was about a person dying in police custody.
ONE was about a lost election.

They aren't even remotely related.

You're the one gaslighting, like your dear leader.
What democrat compared the riots of summer 2020 to the capitol riots?
NOT one.
sounds like you need a free trumpybear to help you get past you constant fear of heroic mr trump
Say what you like. I don’t perceive myself as a victim. You clearly do.
So for one who does not see themself as a victim, why accuse someone of "punching down?"

Why get mad when people attack those you support, like teachers or gay people? Or blacks or other liberal demographics?

You can't possibly convince me that you aren't claiming to be a victim.
Anyone who supports those who see people like me as a threat to my country with no basis in fact whatsoever, are also threats to me. It means exactly that. Do you agree or disagree with what Biden said about half the country?
Read my post.

Not that it matters. You’ve already stated you see people like me as a threat to our country. With no basis in fact I might add,
Furthermore, I have respectfully disagreed with you on many things, not once attempting to force my "political vision" on you. I disagreed with you, I didn't see you as a threat. Not once.


But what am I supposed to think now, that you support a man who directly vilifies me and labels me as a "semi fascist" for what I believe? Am I supposed to take that lying down?
Yet you support a man who directly vilified me and labeled me a fascist:

Trump: “There is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished”

It is no different than what Biden said.

IMO, and this is what I said before, Biden was wrong to say it but he was right about extremism among the MAGA movement. That isn’t say everyone or most are extremists.
is when the most powerful person in America singles out an election worker, a 62 yr old grandmother who is simply doing her job, by name and turns her life and her families life into hell as they are beseiged with death threats, harrassment, vandalism and stalking by his supporters.
Oh. So, about that.

How many times did leftists riot in the streets, destroy businesses by setting them alight, destroying livelihoods in the process in 2020? What about the families of the Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn Roe? Why did a Biden supporter think it was necessary to attempt assassinating Kavanaugh? What about anyone in the highest echelons of society who had their careers eviscerated for expressing anything other than the mainstream view of politics? On anything?

If we're going down this road, prepare yourself.
So for one who does not see themself as a victim, why accuse someone of "punching down?"

Why get mad when people attack those you support, like teachers or gay people? Or blacks or other liberal demographics?

You can't possibly convince me that you aren't claiming to be a victim.
The degree to which teachers are demonized and disrespected by the right is atrocious and sad. That is all I’ll say on that.

Why get mad when people attack those you support? Don’t you? Because you care?
Oh. So, about that.

How many times did leftists riot in the streets, destroy businesses by setting them alight, destroying livelihoods in the process in 2020? What about the families of the Supreme Court Justices who voted to overturn Roe? Why did a Biden supporter think it was necessary to attempt assassinating Kavanaugh? What about anyone in the highest echelons of society who had their careers eviscerated for expressing anything other than the mainstream view of politics? On anything?

If we're going down this road, prepare yourself.
I am prepared. I haven’t condoned or defended any of that.

Now how about the PRESIDENT attacking Ruby Freeman and ruining her life?
Not that it matters. You’ve already stated you see people like me as a threat to our country. With no basis in fact I might add,

Your silence about what he said is driving my opinion right now. I see your silence in this context as tacit agreement with the sentiment he holds about me. So, do you agree that people like me are "a threat to democracy?" You didn't hesitate to condemn Trump’s rhetoric, so where is your condemnation of Biden's? If Trump’s supporters were driven to act violently based off his rhetoric, simply imagine what the extremist elements of your party will be driven to do after they hear that speech?

I like you, and I'm trying to drive home a point. I don't want to see you as a threat. But you fail to recognize the gravitas of Biden's statements. You beseech me to do the same with Trump's and I condemn it and anyone who sees violence as a way to advance a political agenda. However, I also am going solely off Biden's behavior and yours.
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I am prepared. I haven’t condoned or defended any of that.

Now how about the PRESIDENT attacking Ruby Freeman and ruining her life?
Ruby Freeman is but one person. Biden attacked 74 million of us. The leader of the free world, whose words hold enormous weight. He labeled and demonized us as threats and fascists. Suddenly we all have to watch our backs in public now, worrying that a crazed leftist lunatic or group of them will take his speech as marching orders. Would I dare openly support Trump and his policies in public now thatbI have been branded as a threat?

Aren't you worried that his rhetoric might spur that type of behavior?

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