Eerie Parallels

Your fearful of living in an America not ruled by the state. Why is that?

What "state" are you talking about. I hate to say this, but the way you guys carry on, you'd think the government was checking up on what you had for dinner.

Other than filing my taxes every year, I have little to no interaction with the government.

Meanwhile the fat sack of shit who started this thread collects a government disability check for his "anxiety disorder".
So when your head explodes in a pink mist; What kinda shit do you think you'll be talking?

I think you'd be flopping right there. DRT.

No more tendies for you. By the time that happens, you have seriously fucked up.
Your cosplay fantasies amuse me cuck boy. 😄

I suppose after that your tactical roll and bump fire for maximum effect. 😂
Your cosplay fantasies amuse me cuck boy. 😄

I suppose after that your tactical roll and bump fire for maximum effect. 😂
I have no idea what you're referencing.

I think that "cosplaying" thing is projection. I'll tell you right now, punk. This is serious business.

Biden didn't get that many votes, and you stupid fucks are apparently hellbent on pissing off a supermajority of Americans. In no way does this end well for you or with you winning. No.

Oh the Gateses' and friends may have run scenarios to where it does, but it's not going to happen like that. I'm telling you right now. You better go see what you can learn about Event 201, boy. That did play out the way they wanted it to more than not. This next thing will not, and backfire spectactularly.
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Never seen a liberal readily admit to or condone violence against people he disagrees with so openly before.

Duly noted.
You clowns are the ones who keep calling people Nazis and telling us you're going to do something about it. 😄 When will that be little bitch?
I made the same observation to my brother last night: that Biden was demonizing and dehumanizing Trump voters the way a young Hitler started his vilification of the Jews.

He is a dangerous man, casting 74 million Americans as the enemy.
Tough talk from Chupacabra.
Look at these fucking Larpers thinking they can scare people by dressing up in hilarious Halloween costumes and pretending to be soldiers. 😄 They're fighting Nazis and Chupacabras but they have to finish the campaign before mommy calls them in for dinner. 😁
The moment you have the guts to back up your trash talk, my friend.

Until then, stay behind that computer screen where you belong, keyboard warrior.

Hey clown boy, this is a thread started by one of you idiots calling us Nazis and asking when you Soy Boys are going to nut up. Have some self awareness, clown.😂
I made the same observation to my brother last night: that Biden was demonizing and dehumanizing Trump voters the way a young Hitler started his vilification of the Jews.

He is a dangerous man, casting 74 million Americans as the enemy.
Which btw, outnumber real Biden voters by around 5 million people.
Dipshit, according to the OP I'm already a Nazi. The question is when are you fake Commandos going to do something about it? 😄
When you break bad, punk. We're going to hand you your fucking ass.

And the government you want, too. Dumbass, and it will be deserved.
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