Educators, Instead of Teaching....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "A new video featuring Ed Asner that calls for raising taxes on the wealthy is drawing fire from some critics. The Emmy-Award winning actor is the voice behind the California Federation of Teachers’ video “Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairytale.”

2. ...a cartoon history of how rich people have gotten richer through tax loopholes, tax evasion and shipping jobs overseas.

3. “In 20 years, rich people doubled their share of the land’s income: schools, public safety, roads, parks, libraries, public transportation all went into decline,” he says in the video. “The rich people didn’t care, they said everyone gets what they deserve."
Ed Asner Blasts Rich People in New Video - Speakeasy - WSJ

[ame=]Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale - YouTube[/ame]

4. This is why we have such a poor product resulting from the 'education' system.
And why the Pod People are so anxious to vote as they did in the election.

Clearly....this is indoctrination in Marxist class warfare, not education.

5. Look at the posts by board Leftists and you'll see mirror images of this inculcation from merdivorous mentors.

6. And this is what they've been drilling about free market capitalism:

[ame=]Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff - YouTube[/ame]

7. And this is where it comes from. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! "The New Leviathan," Horowitz and Laksin, p. 8

a. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).

The schools, the media,....America's fate is sealed.

All hail the late, great United States of America.

Next stop.....Global Governance.
Clearly....this is indoctrination in Marxist class warfare, not education.

There is a book I think you might enjoy reading, "Lies my Teacher Told Me" by James Loewen. It's pretty entertaining, but the real theme is how political and ideological pressures shape textbooks and lead to factual errors as well as bad analysis. He has four of five other books in the same vein.

It all began when Dr. Loewen co-authored a new Mississippi History textbook in 1972. It took an extended court battle to get it approved for use and was never widely used. The books it was meant to replace were truly wretched, and anystudent who actually blieved them ould be severely disadvantaged at any reputable institution of higher learning.

DISCLAIMER: Jim Loewen was my Division Chairman for several years and we had a number of good natured arguments over "Mississippi: Conflict & Change" and I think he got a couple of examples in "Lies" from me! He definitely needs the royalties, as recieving a Harvard PhD did little to prepare him for the real world.
What an absolute disgrace that filthy propaganda film is. And some of these lefties have the gall to deny the impulse to indoctrination among leftist radicals in our school system.
yeah, for years they taught that Christopher Columbus discover America.
First off he did discover North or South America.
The Island he landed on already had people living there, thus proving that someone else discovered the land way before him, but look who gets credit. Nuff said.
yeah, for years they taught that Christopher Columbus discover America.
First off he did discover North or South America.
The Island he landed on already had people living there, thus proving that someone else discovered the land way before him, but look who gets credit. Nuff said.

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yeah, for years they taught that Christopher Columbus discover America.
First off he did discover North or South America.
The Island he landed on already had people living there, thus proving that someone else discovered the land way before him, but look who gets credit. Nuff said.

And, which of the Leftist-curriculum writers are including the 'Kennewick Man' who probably represented the fact that Europeans first settled the continent?

Nah...the attempt is to obfuscate so the Left can continue with propaganda about the evil white men slaying millions of 'native Americans.'

Is that story copacetic with you?

Heck...we sure can't give those Europeans....the 'ol' dead white men' credit...can we.
Not and keep with the program.....
yeah, for years they taught that Christopher Columbus discover America.
First off he did discover North or South America.
The Island he landed on already had people living there, thus proving that someone else discovered the land way before him, but look who gets credit. Nuff said.

And, which of the Leftist-curriculum writers are including the 'Kennewick Man' who probably represented the fact that Europeans first settled the continent?

Nah...the attempt is to obfuscate so the Left can continue with propaganda about the evil white men slaying millions of 'native Americans.'

Is that story copacetic with you?

Heck...we sure can't give those Europeans....the 'ol' dead white men' credit...can we.
Not and keep with the program.....

there's nothing about the kennewick man that says europeans first settled north america
yeah, for years they taught that Christopher Columbus discover America.
First off he did discover North or South America.
The Island he landed on already had people living there, thus proving that someone else discovered the land way before him, but look who gets credit. Nuff said.

And, which of the Leftist-curriculum writers are including the 'Kennewick Man' who probably represented the fact that Europeans first settled the continent?

Nah...the attempt is to obfuscate so the Left can continue with propaganda about the evil white men slaying millions of 'native Americans.'

Is that story copacetic with you?

Heck...we sure can't give those Europeans....the 'ol' dead white men' credit...can we.
Not and keep with the program.....

there's nothing about the kennewick man that says europeans first settled north america

"The 9000-year-old skeleton called Kennewick Man, found last year in the bank of the Columbia River in a park in Kennewick, Washington, can speak to us of this Indo-European past so we can understand our future. Kennewick Man connects worlds, living and dead. Forensic anthropologists have said this skeleton's features are more like ancient Europeans' rather than Native Americans'. "
Kennewick Man, an Ancestor

"The man lacks definitive characteristics of the classic mongoloid stock to which modern Native Americans belong. The skull is dolichocranic (cranial index 73.8) rather than brachycranic, the face narrow and prognathous rather than broad and flat. Cheek bones recede slightly and lack an inferior zygomatic projection; the lower rim of the orbit is even with the upper. Other features are a long, broad nose that projects markedly from the face and high, round orbits. The mandible is v-shaped,with a pronounced, deep chin. Many of these characteristics are definitive of modern-day caucasoid peoples, while others, such as the orbits are typical of neither race."
Has the racial ancestry of Kennewick Man been accurately determined?
And, which of the Leftist-curriculum writers are including the 'Kennewick Man' who probably represented the fact that Europeans first settled the continent?

Nah...the attempt is to obfuscate so the Left can continue with propaganda about the evil white men slaying millions of 'native Americans.'

Is that story copacetic with you?

Heck...we sure can't give those Europeans....the 'ol' dead white men' credit...can we.
Not and keep with the program.....

there's nothing about the kennewick man that says europeans first settled north america

"The 9000-year-old skeleton called Kennewick Man, found last year in the bank of the Columbia River in a park in Kennewick, Washington, can speak to us of this Indo-European past so we can understand our future. Kennewick Man connects worlds, living and dead. Forensic anthropologists have said this skeleton's features are more like ancient Europeans' rather than Native Americans'. "
Kennewick Man, an Ancestor

"The man lacks definitive characteristics of the classic mongoloid stock to which modern Native Americans belong. The skull is dolichocranic (cranial index 73.8) rather than brachycranic, the face narrow and prognathous rather than broad and flat. Cheek bones recede slightly and lack an inferior zygomatic projection; the lower rim of the orbit is even with the upper. Other features are a long, broad nose that projects markedly from the face and high, round orbits. The mandible is v-shaped,with a pronounced, deep chin. Many of these characteristics are definitive of modern-day caucasoid peoples, while others, such as the orbits are typical of neither race."
Has the racial ancestry of Kennewick Man been accurately determined?

again, the location of one skeleton does not imply settlement.
And, which of the Leftist-curriculum writers are including the 'Kennewick Man' who probably represented the fact that Europeans first settled the continent?
OK there is a big debate in paleontology about the origins of settlements in the Americas. The Clovis cultures are clearly from central Asia if the DNA mapping is accepted. There is good evidence for European and Pacific Islander settlements in the pre-Columbian period.

Doug Owsley, head of physical anthropology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and the man who led the study of the ancient remains by a team of experts in 2005 conclude that Kennewick man was not directly related to Native Americans, was of Asian or possibly Polynesian ancestry, and was a coast-dweller on the Washington coast 9300 years ago. Owsley, with science writer Sally Walker, has published a new book for teens, "Their Skeleton Speak: Kennewick Man and the Paleoamerican World," in which he describes the painstaking process through which scientists have come to understand the mysterious man found by two youths watching a boat race in 1996.

Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico was also allowed to examine the remains and his conclusions were contradictory. Powell used craniometric data obtained by anthropologist William White Howells of Harvard University and anthropologist Tsunehiko Hanihara of Saga University that had the advantage of including data drawn from Asian and North American populations. Powell said that Kennewick Man was not European but most resembled the Ainu and Polynesians. Powell said that the Ainu descend from the Jōmon people who are an East Asian population with "closest biological affinity with south-east Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples". Furthermore, Powell said that dental analysis showed the skull had a 94 percent chance of being a Sundadont group like the Ainu and Polynesians and only a 48 percent chance of being a Sinodont group like that of North Asia. Powell said analysis of the skull showed it to be "unlike American Indians and Europeans". Powell concluded that Kennewick man "is clearly not a Caucasoid unless Ainu and Polynesians are considered Caucasoid."

So it looks like rather than jumping on the study du jour we may have to wait awhile for
for Kennewick Man to be sorted out and a better picture put together of early inhabitants of
the Americas.

Nah...the attempt is to obfuscate so the Left can continue with propaganda about the evil white men slaying millions of 'native Americans.'
I don't recall ever seeing a history book that claimed anyone "slew millions" of native Americans. If you know of one, I'd like to check it out. Most native American societies were essentially wiped out when over two centuries most of their members died of diseases brought by Europeans to which they had no immunity.

All the best, Jamie

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