Economy grows for the third straight quarter

It is. We continue to have a significant debt problem, including the bailouts for subprime mortgages which are going to turn into future foreclosures.

Adding Debt to a Debt Crisis just makes it worse.

(I carry no balances on credit cards - just have a couple to use for convenience, and pay the bills in full each month.)
Damn! Three straight quarters of growth

That is Economic GOOD NEWS

Sometimes I find you lefties get pulled around by the nose, and love it!

What do you think the headline would be if this was the Bush Administration?

Would the MSM say "it feels like a recession"?

We don't have to guess, 'cause that is exactly what they said:

GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well
Updated 8/28/2008 11:34 PM | Comments 368 | Recommend 36
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By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The economy performed far better than expected last spring, buoyed by robust exports and increased government spending. That doesn't mean the country is out of the woods, however, or that consumers are wrong to feel beleaguered, economists said Thursday.
"To most people it feels like a recession," says Wachovia economist Mark Vitner, adding many Americans don't feel a direct impact from factors like exports and business spending that he says could keep the economy advancing at a slow, but positive pace.
GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well -
It is. We continue to have a significant debt problem, including the bailouts for subprime mortgages which are going to turn into future foreclosures.

Adding Debt to a Debt Crisis just makes it worse.

(I carry no balances on credit cards - just have a couple to use for convenience, and pay the bills in full each month.)

The economy must FAIL...

Please God....The Economy must FAIL
Damn! Three straight quarters of growth

That is Economic GOOD NEWS

Sometimes I find you lefties get pulled around by the nose, and love it!

What do you think the headline would be if this was the Bush Administration?

Would the MSM say "it feels like a recession"?

We don't have to guess, 'cause that is exactly what they said:

GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well
Updated 8/28/2008 11:34 PM | Comments 368 | Recommend 36
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By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The economy performed far better than expected last spring, buoyed by robust exports and increased government spending. That doesn't mean the country is out of the woods, however, or that consumers are wrong to feel beleaguered, economists said Thursday.
"To most people it feels like a recession," says Wachovia economist Mark Vitner, adding many Americans don't feel a direct impact from factors like exports and business spending that he says could keep the economy advancing at a slow, but positive pace.
GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well -

Would you rather have the GDP grow for three consecutive quarters or shrink for three consecutive quarters??

We have seen both happen in the last two years
It is. We continue to have a significant debt problem, including the bailouts for subprime mortgages which are going to turn into future foreclosures.

Adding Debt to a Debt Crisis just makes it worse.

(I carry no balances on credit cards - just have a couple to use for convenience, and pay the bills in full each month.)

The economy must FAIL...

Please God....The Economy must FAIL

So it's acceptable to you to go thousands of dollars in debt to give the appearance that the economy is recovering?
It's THE JOBS, Stupid.

Does enhanced GDP growth help or hinder the prospects of jobs increasing? In fact it is the economy as a whole. Jobs will not return unless the economy is recovering. Three quarters of growth have helped the unemployment trends reverse.

Stop rooting against your country
I hope the economy does work itself out and start more on the road to recovery... I do know, however, that the big government policies, hig her taxation, government expansion and increased spending, etc are not helping the economy and are most probably hindering what could be an even more robust recovery

Stop with the talking points Dave, you don't know much about anything, yet always have a RW talking point ready to go.
Prove me wrong. Show exactly where Taxes have gotten higher, where the Federal Government has expanded and explain why the Republicans rejected pay as you go.
It is true, government spending has increased. The reason my ignorant friend, is because the previous owner of the house (Booooooooooosh) was incompetent, cut taxes and started wars all the while ignoring the economy/domestic issues at home. Boooooooooooosh also increased the size of the federal payroll enormously by creating the Dept of Homeland Security yet failed to protect our chemcial plants, pipelines, water supplies, ports, and dozens of other vulnerabilities known to local law enforcement.
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I hope the economy does work itself out and start more on the road to recovery... I do know, however, that the big government policies, hig her taxation, government expansion and increased spending, etc are not helping the economy and are most probably hindering what could be an even more robust recovery

Stop with the talking points Dave, you don't know much about anything, yet always have a RW talking point ready to go.
Prove me wrong. Show exactly where Taxes have gotten higher, where the Federal Government has expanded and explain why the Republicans rejected pay as you go.
It is true, government spending has increased. The reason my ignorant friend, is because the previous owner of the house (Booooooooooosh) was incompetent, cut taxes and started wars all the while ignoring the economy/domestic issues at home. Boooooooooooosh also increased the size of the federal payroll enormously by creating the Dept of Homeland Security yet failed to protect our chemcial plants, pipelines, water supplies, ports, and dozens of other vulnerabilities known to local law enforcement.

I guess you haven't heard about the healthcare law that was recently passed that creates 160 NEW federal agencies to oversee the program....I guess that shrunk government?
Then you are a partisan idiot.

Commerse does not spend money differently because of it was once in government hands.

Your myths are dying and your ideas have failed.

You can persist with the idiotic lies about money and how commerse can smell the government taint on the bills but not many people are this stupid anymore.

Money is money and a corporation does not care about the hand it USE TO be in.

Well, maybe you are an expert on COMMERSE, whatever that is.

.But money does have a different impact depending upon who earns it, invests it, and spends it

The Stimulus package has largely been used to prop up state and local government jobs and for transfer payments. That doesn't create private sector jobs.

So money from one person invested in a stock will react differently from another person investing in the same stock?

You are bat shit crazy


Boe pawned by Truthmutters?

Tell me it ain't so!:(
Damn! Three straight quarters of growth

That is Economic GOOD NEWS

Sometimes I find you lefties get pulled around by the nose, and love it!

What do you think the headline would be if this was the Bush Administration?

Would the MSM say "it feels like a recession"?

We don't have to guess, 'cause that is exactly what they said:

GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well
Updated 8/28/2008 11:34 PM | Comments 368 | Recommend 36
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By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The economy performed far better than expected last spring, buoyed by robust exports and increased government spending. That doesn't mean the country is out of the woods, however, or that consumers are wrong to feel beleaguered, economists said Thursday.
"To most people it feels like a recession," says Wachovia economist Mark Vitner, adding many Americans don't feel a direct impact from factors like exports and business spending that he says could keep the economy advancing at a slow, but positive pace.
GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well -

Would you rather have the GDP grow for three consecutive quarters or shrink for three consecutive quarters??

We have seen both happen in the last two years

Now, you know very well you are dodging the point of the post.

For Bush, 3.3% growth is descirbed as 'feeling like a recession'

but for Obama, 3.2% is 'halleluyah!'

Care to comment on the mala fide?
because one was leading into a depression and the other is leading out of a recession.

Does that cover it for you?
Then you are a partisan idiot.

Commerse does not spend money differently because of it was once in government hands.

Your myths are dying and your ideas have failed.

You can persist with the idiotic lies about money and how commerse can smell the government taint on the bills but not many people are this stupid anymore.

Money is money and a corporation does not care about the hand it USE TO be in.

Well, maybe you are an expert on COMMERSE, whatever that is.

.But money does have a different impact depending upon who earns it, invests it, and spends it

The Stimulus package has largely been used to prop up state and local government jobs and for transfer payments. That doesn't create private sector jobs.

So money from one person invested in a stock will react differently from another person investing in the same stock?

You are bat shit crazy

Yes, it can. When someone owns a large enough share they can dicate who is on the board of directors. This gives them considerable leverage a regular stock owner would not have. Precisely what has happened in regards to the US government "investing" in companies.

Once again, the private sector creates wealth, which the government is so fond of redistributing. Your breaking the chain.
I hope the economy does work itself out and start more on the road to recovery... I do know, however, that the big government policies, hig her taxation, government expansion and increased spending, etc are not helping the economy and are most probably hindering what could be an even more robust recovery

Stop with the talking points Dave, you don't know much about anything, yet always have a RW talking point ready to go.
Prove me wrong. Show exactly where Taxes have gotten higher, where the Federal Government has expanded and explain why the Republicans rejected pay as you go.
It is true, government spending has increased. The reason my ignorant friend, is because the previous owner of the house (Booooooooooosh) was incompetent, cut taxes and started wars all the while ignoring the economy/domestic issues at home. Boooooooooooosh also increased the size of the federal payroll enormously by creating the Dept of Homeland Security yet failed to protect our chemcial plants, pipelines, water supplies, ports, and dozens of other vulnerabilities known to local law enforcement.

1) Taxes will indeed have to go higher to pay for the massive spending increases... unless Obama continues to wish to run astounding record deficits.. do we have to even mention VAT on the table?
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan - Yahoo! News
Obama Budget Would Impose Host of Tax Increases - ABC News

2) Where the federal government has expanded? Are you kidding me?? The expansion within agencies for health care oversight alone with the new bill is massive. And for the rest, just look at the newest proposals, hell just look at the government expenditures. Care to read into the stimulus bill any? Og course not, you just talk out of your Obamabot ass.

3) You want to mention PAYGO, while Obama signs it and immediately puts in a budget that breaks it (and raises the debt ceiling)? The PAYGO law requires the government to fund any spending increases in entitlement programs by spending cuts or tax increases. Take a wild guess which one won't be happening. And maybe there is a lot of opposition because of the premise of increases in entitlements to begin with. PAYGO also is not over all spending, only NEW spending. It is a talking point of smoke and mirrors, it is not real budget reform.

Funny.. Bush did not ignore domestic issues at home, he made some bad decisions on domestic, budgetary, and economic issues. Those tax cuts would have been better coupled with changing the tax code to ensure those not being taxed started to be taxed... equalizing the tax rate for all Americans... I don't defend Bush on economic or government reduction flubs he did....

As for failed to protect.. please cite the instances where attacks happened on those things you mentioned...

You are the one who really uses talking points and does not know anything beyond the Obama and far left slogans
Growth was below forecast, and the increase was driven by consumer spending (read that - early Easter compared to 2009).

Where are the jobs?

Growth is growth. In this case it is a good thing.

The fact that it was below forecast is irrelevant. It is like when the Democrats tried to say that even though the Federal Budget for Social Items (i.e. Welfare) went up under Bush, the fact that they didn't go up as much as the Democrats wanted them to go up meant it really was a cut.

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Sometimes I find you lefties get pulled around by the nose, and love it!

What do you think the headline would be if this was the Bush Administration?

Would the MSM say "it feels like a recession"?

We don't have to guess, 'cause that is exactly what they said:

GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well
Updated 8/28/2008 11:34 PM | Comments 368 | Recommend 36
E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions |

By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The economy performed far better than expected last spring, buoyed by robust exports and increased government spending. That doesn't mean the country is out of the woods, however, or that consumers are wrong to feel beleaguered, economists said Thursday.
"To most people it feels like a recession," says Wachovia economist Mark Vitner, adding many Americans don't feel a direct impact from factors like exports and business spending that he says could keep the economy advancing at a slow, but positive pace.
GDP grows a surprisingly healthy 3.3%, but all's not well -

Would you rather have the GDP grow for three consecutive quarters or shrink for three consecutive quarters??

We have seen both happen in the last two years

Now, you know very well you are dodging the point of the post.

For Bush, 3.3% growth is descirbed as 'feeling like a recession'

but for Obama, 3.2% is 'halleluyah!'

Care to comment on the mala fide?

I will gladly respond.

Nobody complained when the Bush economy was registering 3.3% GDP growth. Once it lost over 6% GDP in one quarter we went into a panic
I hope the economy does work itself out and start more on the road to recovery... I do know, however, that the big government policies, higher taxation, government expansion and increased spending, etc are not helping the economy and are most probably hindering what could be an even more robust recovery

Higher taxes? What higher taxes? Taxes are lower now than they were last year. And how are government policies, government expansion and increased spending hindering this economic recovery that's going on right now? Please explain in detail without giving me some nonsense right-wing bullshit website. I want YOUR ideas -- not some right-wing think tank's.

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