Economic model predicts Romeny win - Can I put this in all my posts?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Or is posting the same exact thing all over the board considered spamming?

A University of Colorado economic model that has correctly predicted the last eight presidential elections shows Mitt Romney emerging as the victor in 2012.Ken Bickers, professor of political science at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Michael Berry, political science professor at the University of Colorado Denver, announced Wednesday that their state-by-state analysis shows the Republican capturing a majority of electoral votes.
"Based on our forecasting model, it becomes clear that the president is in electoral trouble," said Mr. Bickers, who also serves as director of the CU in DC Internship Program.
The results show President Obama winning 218 votes in the Electoral College, well short of the 270 required for victory. While the study focuses on the electoral vote, the professors also predict that Mr. Romney will win 52.9 percent of the popular vote to Mr. Obama's 47.1 percent when considering only the two major political parties.

9 for 9?: Economic model correctly picks last 8 presidents, predicts Romney win - Washington Times

The authors of that particular program were awfully quick to point out that this could be the year that breaks their code since the race is so tight. They were saying something about modifying their data sources. Can software be Republican?

Maybe you could just post that the election had already been decided by software and that we don't need to participate in Nov? It may even save a few bucks trying to get voter suppression laws in force in such a short time frame.

The authors of that particular program were awfully quick to point out that this could be the year that breaks their code since the race is so tight. They were saying something about modifying their data sources. Can software be Republican?

Maybe you could just post that the election had already been decided by software and that we don't need to participate in Nov? It may even save a few bucks trying to get voter suppression laws in force in such a short time frame.

I am so glad everyone is missing the point of this thread.

The authors of that particular program were awfully quick to point out that this could be the year that breaks their code since the race is so tight. They were saying something about modifying their data sources. Can software be Republican?

Maybe you could just post that the election had already been decided by software and that we don't need to participate in Nov? It may even save a few bucks trying to get voter suppression laws in force in such a short time frame.

I am so glad everyone is missing the point of this thread.

Most likely because reasonable people on both sides have better things to do than worry about who posts what in their posts. If it is related to politics (as in this case), it's really no different than people's signatures appearing all the time in their posts. Technically spamming is posting unrelated junk and being uninvited to post somewhere (ie not a member, etc.).

Post like yours are childish and petty but to be expected! I'll post new swing states polls in a day or two as they change (or stay the same). You just don't like it because it shows Romney trailing in most swing states (he has to win VA, FL & OH to have any hope of winning the electoral college).
The authors of that particular program were awfully quick to point out that this could be the year that breaks their code since the race is so tight. They were saying something about modifying their data sources. Can software be Republican?

Maybe you could just post that the election had already been decided by software and that we don't need to participate in Nov? It may even save a few bucks trying to get voter suppression laws in force in such a short time frame.

I am so glad everyone is missing the point of this thread.

Most likely because reasonable people on both sides have better things to do than worry about who posts what in their posts. If it is related to politics (as in this case), it's really no different than people's signatures appearing all the time in their posts. Technically spamming is posting unrelated junk and being uninvited to post somewhere (ie not a member, etc.).

Post like yours are childish and petty but to be expected! I'll post new swing states polls in a day or two as they change (or stay the same). You just don't like it because it shows Romney trailing in most swing states (he has to win VA, FL & OH to have any hope of winning the electoral college).

My post was specifically aimed at one idiot that kept posting a bunch of polls all over the board.


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