Eco-Easel: Evolution (Fan-Fic?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is media changing art? Of course it is.

This is a democratic eco-daydream inspired by a soy milk chicken curry recipe I found on the Internet and FernGully: The Last Rainforest.




"Everyone wanted to know what U.S. First Lady Melania Trump thought about the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), since her husband (U.S. President Donald Trump) was considered a modern 'diplomat' of commerce and capitalism (and of course consumerism!). Mrs. Trump did indeed care about the human impact of industry and commerce and she wanted to support her husband's energy policies in America and abroad. She was inspired one day when an artist made a portrait of her in a garden-swing. Mrs. Trump wondered what she could to to promote 'eco-criticism'."


"Art was changing because of the Media Age. People wanted access to quick, convenient social networking and online chatting, and comic book art was exploding (perhaps because audiences craved light-hearted simple entertainment which was very easy to digest and critique!). Everyone seemed to carry a mobile phone which they used to text simple friendly messages to friends/relatives (e.g., LOL!). This climate of 'people-friendly' creativity was conducive to all kinds of 'youth-friendly dialogue'. So how would this affect American youngster's attitudes towards eco-consciousness? This concerned Mrs. Trump!"


"Mrs. Trump ordered the White House kitchen to prepare a zesty Asian chicken-curry with soymilk. She remembered when President Trump told her about how South America was outproducing America in organic soybeans, which concerned him. Mrs. Trump enjoyed her chicken-and-soymilk curry dinner and wrote on Twitter, 'American consumers crave lifestyle amenities representative of modern consumption anxieties, which is why nutrition is now more important than ever!' President Trump liked her tweet and talked to her that evening about the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)."


"Mob psychology was indeed changing (radically). Classic intellectual art (e.g., Monet) was less marketed suddenly than sensuous everyday-life morality art (e.g., DC Comics' Supergirl)! Americans were interested in 'pedestrian tea' and this affected layman consciousness regarding consumerism and even industrialization. How could one ignore this trend when there were so many businesses advertising on Facebook (the globally-popular social networking website/phenomenon!)? Would eco-terrorism become a domain of housewife-gossip?"


"The eco-conscious American movie superstar Leo DiCaprio was planning a movie adaptation of the eco-vigilante superhero Captain Planet. DiCaprio was intrigued by how pedestrian-friendly art could reach the masses (in terms of quick, convenient politically-conscious 'chatting'). DiCaprio wrote to First Lady Melania Trump, 'Perhaps this Captain Planet film will draw much-needed attention to Americans' necessity-induced concern for eco-oriented 'spirituality'!"


"For every Yin, there's a Yang. For every modicum of eco-consciousness related political 'maturity' there lay hidden the hideous dragon (or 'leviathan') of apathy, waste, gluttony, sloth, and mischief. The great leviathan was interested in how consumerism would 'intellectually downgrade' America's focus on the impact of human waste. This leviathan/dragon was interested in how even art would distract consumers from the pressing political priorities regarding eco-pollution dementia!"


GOD: Perhaps this Captain Planet movie will create needed spotlights.
SATAN: Maybe First Lady Melania Trump will contribute valuable commentary!
GOD: How Mrs. Trump supports the President affects citizenry-optimism...
SATAN: That is especially true for this age of media and 'pseudo-populism.'
GOD: Maybe this all began with the television-program The People's Court!
SATAN: Americans are concerned with how cholesterol has become 'sexy.'
GOD: Are your referring to Valentine's Day candies/chocolates?
GOD: Well, Melania Trump can be a 'consumerism diplomat.'
SATAN: President Trump has to coordinate commerce with folklore.
GOD: Indeed. Americans love movies like Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.
SATAN: I'll encourage an American artist to make an 'eco-manga.'
GOD: I'll try that delicious soymilk-chicken-curry Mrs. Trump enjoyed!
SATAN: This is the age of 'Facebook diarism.'
GOD: Let cartoons reign...




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