EASY solution to our election day problems.

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.

But these are easy to institute changes that would solve two problems.
The government doesn’t donthat.
We can’t have that.
If things were run honestly, how would the democrat party cheat??
The National Holiday is fine and there should be a fine for not voting...

The left will object to any ID card requirement by claiming it hurt minorities while never answering why does every institution from Banks and so on require valid ID in today time...
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.

Lets take this item by item.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday. Agree.....in fact make every Federal election day a National Holiday that EVERY employer would have to honor, and pay it's employees for taking off.

2. Move the election to Friday. ABSOLUTELY NOT. if you move it to Friday, and make it a National Holiday with pay, too many would simply take the day off for a long weekend and never go vote, just like so many ignore the meaning of National holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Most do nothing on those days to honor our military heroes, it's just an excuse for a bar-b-que or trip to the shore.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day. Disagree. The Founding fathers were right about an awful lot of things which has kept this Democratic Republic viable for nearly 250 years. No need to mess with perfection. I would be in favor of increasing the number of polling places to help reduce the lines and speed up the voting process in densely populated areas. Perhaps some form of requirement like there is 1 polling place per 1000 people or so.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation. I am ALL for voter ID, and this sounds like 1 interesting idea. Voter ID is THE MOST important protection for our Democracy. Without being able to verify an individuals right to vote (whether it is because they are NOT a citizen, or because they already voted...you know, as the Democrats say-vote early, vote often) ALL citizens run the risk of having their vote diluted by illegal and invalid votes.
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.
Free ID to vote!
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.
Free ID to vote!
So what you are saying is there are millions and millions of African Americans under the radar and off the grid but using the grid with other ID that does not jibe with the Voting ID idea. Could there be people using other names numbering in the millions and millions then? And then others involved in their families expanding that with millions and millions more? That would seem like another issue. An important one that is bleeding the taxpayer out of hundreds of billions of dollars and even more in many programs. So maybe Voting ID's causes an issue. Citizens and Non Citizens?
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.
You are laboring under the delusion that either party wants a secure election process.

They all want to cheat or suppress votes where possible. Dems want to cheat and have illegal voting. Repubs want to suppress, but they will cheat too if they can get away with it.

We will only get this if we somehow force it on them.
And I'm not talking covid issues specifically. I'm talking our general problems that crop up every single year.

1. Make presidential elections a national holiday.

2. Move the election to Friday.

3. Add Saturday as a second polling day.

4. Institute National Voter ID cards that are digitally traced so that you can vote at any poling place no matter where you happen to be in the nation.

We have 4 years until the next election. That is PLENTY of time to make the necessary changes.

The Dems would never go for Friday as voting day. Friday is party day for younger voters, and they would find something else more exciting to do to start their three day weekend. We know how many younger voters vote.

We should introduce technology into our voting rolls. Electronic fingerprint is foolproof. We have to submit electronic fingerprints to get our CCW licenses renewed in my state, and it only takes a few seconds. When you register to vote, you submit your fingerprints, and at the polls, it's used as positive ID to make sure you are the same person that registered under your name.

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