DWS is the real reason Trump won, and Bernie supporters know it


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Will the Dem base stand up to its elites? The GOP just did....

DWS was a friggin disgrace, a liar, a cheater, essentially a foreign national who cares only about one country that is NOT the United States...

Just getting rid of Debbie doesn't cut it. The DNC is corrupt to the core and does not represent its supporters. Time for major house cleaning, starting with Fancy Nancy... and the rest of the pro-Hillary FemiNazis....
No one has stood up to any elites pard, c'mon, the american public is still groveling for some 1%er to come save them.
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Yeah, Trump is just one of the pro W GOP elites... sure....

You are clearly part of the Dem establishment, and you have a lot to lose like your job if the base actually cared enough to purge your lazy corrupt ass...
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DWS let Bernie run as a Democrat

She had no legal basis to stop him. The GOP didn't want lifelong Democrat David Duke running as a "Republican." tough...

The difference, of course, is that DWS stole the caucuses from Bernie and handed the nomination to Hillary, which is the only reason Trump won...
Dancing With the Stars , has a lot of pull in the political spectrum...
so whatever happened to the creature from the black lagoon? did a UFO land in Fort Lauderdale, abduct her, and took her back to Uranus?
DWS let Bernie run as a Democrat

She had no legal basis to stop him. The GOP didn't want lifelong Democrat David Duke running as a "Republican." tough...

The difference, of course, is that DWS stole the caucuses from Bernie and handed the nomination to Hillary, which is the only reason Trump won...
She absolutely could have stopped him. Duke was running in a general election, not a party's primary.

I'm sure Duke, btw, has plenty of support from socially backwards conservatives in the swamps of Louisiana. .The GOP may well have embraced him in a primary.
Tim Ryan is a pretty bad answer to the question of who will save the Donkey...
Bernie, as it has turned out, was part of the scam. Remember? He supported her, AFTER it was a foregone conclusion that it was a giant fix. There isn't a democrat voter that denies this, and they are by far the dumbest people on earth.

So, it is either one of two things essentially. Either the old marxist non jew is so weak and feeble that he just supported the one that cheated him, or he knew he was a plant all along.

In other words, he knew he was there to captivate the left wing communist cocksuckers in this country who clearly hate the country (mainly college students and trust fund losers who have no idea what it is to work and pay actual taxes.) Then, after hillary won a long campaign, the old crank would ENDORSE her and she would get all of those stupid losers.

Well, wikileaks fucked things up with that plan. Of course in typical fucking fashion, the moronic left dealt with the truth and cognitive dissonance by ignoring the truth and attacking the ones that delivered the truth. That is the way it has been since.

Also, with Jill Stein (the other jew?) she really cost hillary. Trust this. All of her votes were NOT from those that love this country. They are ALL the same types of marxist losers. So, in order for her to save face and endear herself to that constituency that is BLAMING her for the TRUMP victory, she is heading this recount movement. In order to capture those hillary voters that the marxist bitch is going to need in 4 years.

The left wingers are fucking morons, as I say everyday.

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