Dubai ruler puts high hopes on entertainment parks for tourism boost


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Dubai looks like a great place to take a vacation. The only problem I see for most people is that it is very, very expensive. I can just imagine what the hotels cost. I wonder if Airbnb will ever catch on there

Dubai ruler puts high hopes on entertainment parks for tourism boost

Source: Xinhua 2016-04-23 21:57:49

DUBAI, April 23 (Xinhua) -- The Emir of the Sheikhdom of Dubai puts high hopes on entertainment parks for tourism boost, as the 2.72 billion dollars resorts project set to be completed by October 2016, Dubai daily Emirates 24/7 reported.

Located between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the 25 million square feet large area includes the Hollywood-inspired theme park Motiongate, Dubai Bollywood Parks and Legoland.

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, the Emir of the Sheikhdom of Dubai, and also the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) said while touring the construction site "the parks will enhance the UAE position as the first family destination worldwide."

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