Drudge Flashing Siren Is Up: DNC Sues Trump, Wikileaks, And Russia Over Loss Of 2016 Election

would you like a tissue, honey?

I look forward to the release of the deposition testimony.

As if it will ever get that far.

The DNC won an identical suit the day Nixon left the WH.

Laurence Tribe said it is a real suit.

it is a real suit. he talks out of his butt. to be fair, the DNC got a settlement check from the RNC the day Nixon resigned. it never had to go to trial.

Laurence Tribe is generally correct on most things.
I bet the DNC folds on this in the next couple of weeks. Just imagine the Epic Backfire when the defense cross examines and calls witnesses to explain how the DNC never let the FBI examine the so-called hacked server.
Actually, it'll be a good time to call the Trumpster's bluff! If you think they want the original to be examined, your head ain't on straight....that was all a ruse to make you all think there is something to hide and try to make the DNC look like they were hiding something, other than their Donor information which was private...

I and the Democrats and the DNC, WELCOME the original being examined by experts and the confirmation of the Russians hacking our election...which everyone already, like the FBI has a copy of the server, which shows such....

The DNC lawyers are well aware that the server could be part of discovery, they ain't dummies....

It's time to call the Resistance's Bluff, hun.

Yes, let's examine how the Obama Admin unmasked American Citizens and used hiLIARy's campaign oppo "fiction" to get a FISA warrant to spy on a political campaign. Let's examine how the Obama Admin covered up any Russian interference because they didn't want to taint hiLIARy's inevitable victory. Let's examine how the Obama Admin conspired to cover up hiLIARy's gross negligence in the handling of classified information by allowing her to destroy evidence and giving her staff immunity instead of properly questioning them. Let's examine Uranium One and the REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION via which the Clinton's profited by enabling Russia to takeover significant amount of our domestic uranium production. Let's examine how the hiLIARy campaign illegally laundered campaign money for state campaigns back into her campaign coffers. Let's examine how the DNC rigged the primary in hiLIARy's favor. And just for grins, let's examine Bubba's trips to Epstein's Pedophile Orgy Island.

Nope--go back to post # 377 on this thread.

Here's a little story about that: No.

someday you should probably try to get in touch with reality. your lies are embarrassing.
I bet the DNC folds on this in the next couple of weeks. Just imagine the Epic Backfire when the defense cross examines and calls witnesses to explain how the DNC never let the FBI examine the so-called hacked server.
Actually, it'll be a good time to call the Trumpster's bluff! If you think they want the original to be examined, your head ain't on straight....that was all a ruse to make you all think there is something to hide and try to make the DNC look like they were hiding something, other than their Donor information which was private...

I and the Democrats and the DNC, WELCOME the original being examined by experts and the confirmation of the Russians hacking our election...which everyone already, like the FBI has a copy of the server, which shows such....

The DNC lawyers are well aware that the server could be part of discovery, they ain't dummies....

It's time to call the Resistance's Bluff, hun.

Yes, let's examine how the Obama Admin unmasked American Citizens and used hiLIARy's campaign oppo "fiction" to get a FISA warrant to spy on a political campaign. Let's examine how the Obama Admin covered up any Russian interference because they didn't want to taint hiLIARy's inevitable victory. Let's examine how the Obama Admin conspired to cover up hiLIARy's gross negligence in the handling of classified information by allowing her to destroy evidence and giving her staff immunity instead of properly questioning them. Let's examine Uranium One and the REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION via which the Clinton's profited by enabling Russia to takeover significant amount of our domestic uranium production. Let's examine how the hiLIARy campaign illegally laundered campaign money for state campaigns back into her campaign coffers. Let's examine how the DNC rigged the primary in hiLIARy's favor. And just for grins, let's examine Bubba's trips to Epstein's Pedophile Orgy Island.

Nope--go back to post # 377 on this thread.

Here's a little story about that: No.

someday you should probably try to get in touch with reality. your lies are embarrassing.

Oh blah blah blah....so sleepy.....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Somebody wake me up if Bitter Pillian ever posts something even remotely interesting.
Let’s post a report from a REAL news source:

Redirect Notice

The DNC filed a similar suit against the Nixon Campaign and received a $750,000 settlement.

This is going to cost the Trump Campaign millions!!!

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
Why not????????
Why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page for picking his nose in public?
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.

thank you for once again proving what uneducated, uninformed, low IQ imbeciles trumptardfs are.


Those slow IQ imbeciles pretty much cleaned your left wing clocks in Nov 2016.

What does that make you ?
So far, none of the charges and none of the five guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump.

GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to Stone to Trump
GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to wikileaks to Trump jr to Trump

In your imagination. You might be right, but as of this moment, you are merely making allegations because none of the charges have anything to do with Trump.

There are 2 investigations.
1. One is for Collusion which I have outlined on page 38 post 377 of this thread.
2. The other is for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--(which is about Trump.)

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

Do you have any real facts?

I forgot you deal only in fantasy FAKE NEWS...

He seems determined to believe that Trump is guilty, when no charges against him have ever showed up.

That is the mind of a partisan hack.

You're the only partisan HACK. How many times do you need to be told that Trump is UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. There is nothing quite as damming as admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. This is much better than Nixon's tapes that he tried to erase. This video is not going away. Mueller has investigated and interviewed everyone that knew about Comey's memo's. That's why Comey's book is also a top seller on Amazon today.

Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice, but he sure as hell won't turn it over to a REPUBLICAN congress who has done nothing but try to obstruct and deny with their own conspiracies. He's waiting for Nancy Pelosi to be sworn in as majority leader then he'll give them all of the evidence and the open public hearings and testimony will begin and then the impeachment proceedings will start.


If house Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what one of both of the above will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when one or both of them are seated as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.


Post # 377 on this thread will explain the collusion part.
please don't push that angle! The Russians will come in 10 times stronger to mess with our elections again, and make certain he wins....:eek:

I will answer what you didn't want to ask directly. Why is it that I know about this incoming Tsunami.

These special elections are the writing on the wall.

Two weeks ago a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen rural counties in Missouri, that typically are won by Republicans. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan announced he's quiting. Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 41 Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

These pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.


For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

The march for our lives protest March 18, 2018


Held in 800 cities across this country.

You have awoken a sleeping GIANT in this country. By electing Trump you have effectively KILLED the Republican Party. Ignorance and denial is not going to save YOUR CREDIBILTY NOR WILL IT SAVE TRUMP.

Coming this November to a Republican seat near you.

You were warned a thousand times about Trump, including myself that was kicked off of every Republican facebook page during the primary. NOW YOU OWN IT.

BTW I was a life long Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the party. And I have around 17K posts on this board to prove it. I switched my party status to independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

For those you that want to know more about the Russian collusion--scroll back to post # 377.

You guys just do not learn anything. You cannot absorb facts.
All you need to know about your way Too Long Post is that-"Hillary will win in a landslide"

You're complaining that you can't get through a long post-with pictures. Why doesn't that surprise me.:auiqs.jpg:
You have killed the Republican party. Page 42 post 412 describes this incoming BLUE Tsunami well.

Now if you want to know why the Republican party had this brainfart, you might want to scroll back to page 41 post # 402. Let's see if you can read an article for 20 minutes straight, (without passing out, of course)--and watch some more video's.

Here's a clue:

"It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump cues to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Rudi Guiliani, Michael Flynn, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, Breitbart.com, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Now go back to page 41 post # 402 & read the other article to see why they did it & how you have been manipulated, and how they set the stage for Donald Trump starting from way back in 2010.

Here's one of your favorties after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

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Obama and Hillary left the DNC so broke / in debt the DNC is desperate to make money,. Big Donors won't donate to the DNC after Hillary broke campaign and campaign finance laws, spent donations intended for other candidates on HER campaign, and paid foreign spies and Russians $12 million for propaganda she used illegally in an election. And after DNC e-mails exposed the DNC to be filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, NO one is donating to the DNC.

Suing anyone and everyone, I guess, is their new idea for making money...

He'll go bankrupt.

they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
Why not????????
Why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page for picking his nose in public?
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.

thank you for once again proving what uneducated, uninformed, low IQ imbeciles trumptardfs are.


Those slow IQ imbeciles pretty much cleaned your left wing clocks in Nov 2016.

What does that make you ?

how is getting 3 million fewer votes "cleaning [anyone's] clock, trumptard little boy?
So far, none of the charges and none of the five guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump.

GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to Stone to Trump
GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to wikileaks to Trump jr to Trump

In your imagination. You might be right, but as of this moment, you are merely making allegations because none of the charges have anything to do with Trump.

There are 2 investigations.
1. One is for Collusion which I have outlined on page 38 post 377 of this thread.
2. The other is for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--(which is about Trump.)

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?
I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?
Desperate to get Trump on anything the Democrats again tried to twist semantics, attempting to claim Trump saying he HOPED the investigation of Flynn would end soon because he was a good guy. Trump was right - Flynn was / is a good guy. Unfortunately he is also a stupid guy.

After protecting Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from the came charges of Lying To The FBI, Comey, McCabe, and Strzok charged Mike Flynn with Lying to the FBI because Flynn lied about something that wasn't even illegal.

Again, 'I HOPE' is not a 'DIRECTIVE'. 'I HOPE' is NOT an 'ORDER'.

In comparison, Comey states in his memos that US AG Lynch 'DIRECTED' him to treat the Hillary investigation as a 'matter', not as an investigation. 'DIRECTING' am employee to do something IS an 'Order'...and in this case that order was 'OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE'.

Add in the pre-scheduled (as evidence shows) meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac of an airport. Legal experts and former US AGs said at the VERY LEAST, especially just before it is announced Hillary will be spared from indictment, such a meeting was EXTREMELY UN-ETHICAL. AT THE LEAST, they stated, Lynch should have recused herself completely from the investigation. Lynch, however, had been extremely busy and HANDS-ON on the case, as further evidence shows: She had in fact been collaborating / colluding / directing Comey's actions in regards to Comey drafting Hillary's exoneration prior to investigation interviews being held and before the investigation was over. The investigation clearly shows THE FIX WAS IN FROM THE START....and Comey and Lynch...and Strzok...were all a$$-deep in it.
GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to Stone to Trump
GRU to Gucifer 2.0 to wikileaks to Trump jr to Trump

In your imagination. You might be right, but as of this moment, you are merely making allegations because none of the charges have anything to do with Trump.

There are 2 investigations.
1. One is for Collusion which I have outlined on page 38 post 377 of this thread.
2. The other is for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--(which is about Trump.)

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?

Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation--(obstruction of Justice) He's the one that fired Mueller. Mueller is not going to say a dam word until the investigation is complete.

Nor will Mueller turn this evidence over to a Republican congress, who has exhibited on several occasions their own obstruction and the manufacturing of conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation. Devin Nunes memo comes to mind.

Mueller is waiting for this BLUE TSUNAMI that is described on page 42--post 412 of this thread. Once Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders--in one or both houses of congress--Mueller will be delivering his report & evidence to them, then the open public hearings & testimony will start,. Just like they did with Richard Nixon.

A good book to prepare for the open public hearings is this.

In your imagination. You might be right, but as of this moment, you are merely making allegations because none of the charges have anything to do with Trump.

There are 2 investigations.
1. One is for Collusion which I have outlined on page 38 post 377 of this thread.
2. The other is for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--(which is about Trump.)

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?

Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation--(obstruction of Justice) He's the one that fired Mueller. Mueller is not going to say a dam word until the investigation is complete.

Nor will Mueller turn this evidence over to a Republican congress, who has exhibited on several occasions their own obstruction and the manufacturing of conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation. Devin Nunes memo comes to mind.

Mueller is waiting for this BLUE TSUNAMI that is described on page 42--post 412 of this thread. Once Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders--in one or both houses of congress--Mueller will be delivering his report to them, then the open public hearings & testimony will start,. Just like they did with Richard Nixon.

It has not be announced that Mueller is investigating Trump for obstruction of justice, so that's just fantasy.

Mueller has not been fired.

IF Mueller develops evidence, he should present to a Grand Jury, not hold it for a particular partisan Congress.

The rest of your post is just repeating the same fantasy. Now, you're getting boring. As I said earlier, you're done for today.

Let's see, "Locker Her Up" is the song that never ends that has been sung even longer.

Hillary is 1/2 of THE most criminal political family in US history.

They have been protected repeatedly from indictment, criminal charges, prosecution, and prison time.

Take, for example, how Hillary's aide was seen leaving a dead man's police-taped office carrying files. When asked about those files Hillary claimed she =knew nothing about them and had not seen them. Days later the files were found in her and Bill's living quarters with her finger prints all over the files. Hillary was never questioned about them. The scandal was n ever fully reported or followed up - it just quietly disappeared...like all of the Clinton's scandals.

Unlike their other crimes, none have ever been so blatant, so out in the open, with so much evidence for everyone to see as her server scandal. None have ever been so obvious either one of them had indeed committed crimes as this one. For example, the FBI itself publicly reported they had retrieved over 15,000 official documents from Hillary's server she had been legally obligated to turn in to the Federal govt, according to the FOIA and Federal Records Act...which she had never done. UNDENIABLY, this was evidence that Hillary had committed over 30,0000 criminal acts by refusing to turn these documents in. GUILTY - hands down. No question. No defense. No argument....so instead of attempting to even try to make the argument her supporters simply ignored it, refused to acknowledge it.
Mueller officially admitted he has NOTHING on Trump when he made the public announcement that he was beginning to focus on WRITING HIS REPORT. He did not say there were more 'Scooter Libby' indictments to come. He did not say he was pursuing the case on an angle of obstruction by Trump. In fact just the opposite - they informed Trump he is not a target of the on-going investigation....because Mueller has NOTHING on Trump.
There are 2 investigations.
1. One is for Collusion which I have outlined on page 38 post 377 of this thread.
2. The other is for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--(which is about Trump.)

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?

Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation--(obstruction of Justice) He's the one that fired Mueller. Mueller is not going to say a dam word until the investigation is complete.

Nor will Mueller turn this evidence over to a Republican congress, who has exhibited on several occasions their own obstruction and the manufacturing of conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation. Devin Nunes memo comes to mind.

Mueller is waiting for this BLUE TSUNAMI that is described on page 42--post 412 of this thread. Once Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders--in one or both houses of congress--Mueller will be delivering his report to them, then the open public hearings & testimony will start,. Just like they did with Richard Nixon.

It has not be announced that Mueller is investigating Trump for obstruction of justice, so that's just fantasy.

Mueller has not been fired.

IF Mueller develops evidence, he should present to a Grand Jury, not hold it for a particular partisan Congress.

The rest of your post is just repeating the same fantasy. Now, you're getting boring. As I said earlier, you're done for today.

Sweet Baby Jesus--where in the sam Hell do you people get your NEWS from? Trump has been under investigation for Obstruction of Justice since since Mueller was appointed special prosecutor 1 year ago this month. FOXNEWS even reported this--or is it that you just watch Sean Hannity? You only allow yourself to watch or read the news you like. The alternate reality of insisting on living in a right wing media bubble for the last 20 years.:auiqs.jpg:
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Justice Department special counsel investigating Trump for obstruction of justice: Report
Special counsel is investigating President Trump for obstruction of justice, new report says

Last edited:
they sued his campaign too.... there is a LOT of money there.

but keep hoping. silly child.

Kindly note that the DNC did not sue the President. They sued his campaign, his son, Manafort, Gates, Assange, WikiLeaks, All kinda of Russians, but NOT Donald J. Trump.
Why not????????
Why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page for picking his nose in public?
It will be hilarious when the DNC has to turn over everything they have on their computers to Trump's campaign lawyers during 'discovery'.
Dear GOD the DEMs are so fucking stupid it's stunning to watch.
Maybe the DNC will take a sledgehammer to the computers, like Hillary did.

thank you for once again proving what uneducated, uninformed, low IQ imbeciles trumptardfs are.


Those slow IQ imbeciles pretty much cleaned your left wing clocks in Nov 2016.

What does that make you ?

how is getting 3 million fewer votes "cleaning [anyone's] clock, trumptard little boy?

How is losing 227 to 304 not getting your clock cleaned?
I know you BELIEVE that Trump engaged in obstruction of Justice, but that hasn't been proven yet, hasn't even been alleged by Mueller yet.

If you can't watch a video with the mouth flapping & syncing in time with the words that are coming out, there's no hope for you.

I watched the video and I didn't see Trump admit to obstruction of justice. If he had, wouldn't Mueller say he was the subject of a criminal investigation?

Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation--(obstruction of Justice) He's the one that fired Mueller. Mueller is not going to say a dam word until the investigation is complete.

Nor will Mueller turn this evidence over to a Republican congress, who has exhibited on several occasions their own obstruction and the manufacturing of conspiracy theories around Mueller's investigation. Devin Nunes memo comes to mind.

Mueller is waiting for this BLUE TSUNAMI that is described on page 42--post 412 of this thread. Once Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders--in one or both houses of congress--Mueller will be delivering his report to them, then the open public hearings & testimony will start,. Just like they did with Richard Nixon.

It has not be announced that Mueller is investigating Trump for obstruction of justice, so that's just fantasy.

Mueller has not been fired.

IF Mueller develops evidence, he should present to a Grand Jury, not hold it for a particular partisan Congress.

The rest of your post is just repeating the same fantasy. Now, you're getting boring. As I said earlier, you're done for today.

Sweet Baby Jesus--where in the sam Hell do you people get your NEWS from? Trump has been under investigation for Obstruction of Justice since since Mueller was appointed special prosecutor 1 year ago this month. FOXNEWS even reported this--or is it that you just watch Sean Hannity? You only allow yourself to watch the news you want to hear:auiqs.jpg:
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics
Special counsel is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say
Justice Department special counsel investigating Trump for obstruction of justice: Report
Special counsel is investigating President Trump for obstruction of justice, new report says
That's been your wet dream for over 16 months...

And you still have NO EVIDENCE...

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