Driverless cars are coming.

We know there cost already, Tesla has them right now. And, yes, such computers and computing power will make individual air transport possible.

I own two Teslas with the latest driver assist technology. While it is a great tool for drivers, it is far from as good as a person driving.

For instance, if lane markings are new it will hold a lane. If the lane markings are old or covered by dirt the warning light will show for the driver to take over. Also construction zones where the lane marking have been moved, the car tends to follow the old markings if they weren't removed totally.

The emergency braking tends to brake too early.

Emergency braking goes too early? Hmmm, and so many of the naysayers were worried about the car not braking.
How big a clusterfuck would be caused, I wonder, by a cardboard box or big trash bag blowing across the road 15' in front of a self-driving car going 60MPH in moderate to heavy traffic?
Exactly. Or a child standing on the curb. No way it can tell if the child is not looking and about to step out.

The car will detect the child and slow accordingly.
Oh great. Everytime it thinks it sees a person or animal it slows to 20mph.

Your 30 minute commute just became 4 hours.
Real life scenario. You are on an entrance ramp in a traffic jam and the polite driver to your left motions for you to go ahead and pull in. What does the driverless car do?

Or what if a degenerate throws a dog or cat in front of an auto car and the car slams on the brakes causing an accident or worse allowing goons to attack the car. What about black ice. What about fog. What about a hacker or terrorist taking the car over. What about a policeman waving it over the shoulder and onto the grass to keep traffic moving. I could go on all day.

In a city with minimal speed limits and no other regular cars maybe. But then you are going to charge me road taxes and not let me drive on the road, I don’t think so.

The polite driver is in a driverless car too, so it doesn't happen.
If someone throws a dog or cat in front of your auto car, the car stops. If the people behind you hit you they were following too close.
Black ice and fog will be handled by the ultrasonic sensors better than by human eyes.
The terrorists will be reported to the police and the auto car's auto defense system burns them down with lasers.
The policeman waving you to the shoulder is actually the terrorist's partner, so the auto car burns him down too.

Most states have road taxes added to the price of gasoline.
So suddenly everyone instantaneously has a stupid car!
Real life scenario. You are on an entrance ramp in a traffic jam and the polite driver to your left motions for you to go ahead and pull in. What does the driverless car do?

Or what if a degenerate throws a dog or cat in front of an auto car and the car slams on the brakes causing an accident or worse allowing goons to attack the car. What about black ice. What about fog. What about a hacker or terrorist taking the car over. What about a policeman waving it over the shoulder and onto the grass to keep traffic moving. I could go on all day.

In a city with minimal speed limits and no other regular cars maybe. But then you are going to charge me road taxes and not let me drive on the road, I don’t think so.

The polite driver is in a driverless car too, so it doesn't happen.
If someone throws a dog or cat in front of your auto car, the car stops. If the people behind you hit you they were following too close.
Black ice and fog will be handled by the ultrasonic sensors better than by human eyes.
The terrorists will be reported to the police and the auto car's auto defense system burns them down with lasers.
The policeman waving you to the shoulder is actually the terrorist's partner, so the auto car burns him down too.

Most states have road taxes added to the price of gasoline.

You seem to have a lot of faith in unproven and incredibly expensive technology. Have you ever walked into a store with automatic doors and slam right into the glass when they don't work like you expected them to? I see a lot on needless death and destruction caused by these vehicles before all of the kinks are worked out. You simply dismiss them out of hand.

Are we simply going to pass a law saying cars cannot have steering wheels, and if you do have one you cannot drive it? That's almost the dumbest thing I have ever heard!

It too a long time before I ever owned a car with seatbelt chimes, much less airbags anti-lock brakes, and other technologies, simply because they made cars too damn expensive for me to afford.

Trying to do what you want will devastate the economy.

I guess now I see why you went to Bama. They must have lower standards than I could possibly imagine.
Driverless cars will be like demolition derby
View attachment 171510 View attachment 171511

The cameras and ultrasonic sensors will see the train and the deer. They will react accordingly.

Plus, the car will never be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The car will never be distracted. And the car will never be falling asleep.
You are one gullable guy, even for a leftist. It will never see all train tracks, the train, deer, nor any child standing on the corner about to walk out without looking. Within 6 months people will have figured out how to hack into the car driving next to them.
View attachment 171561

Why will it not see all the trains or deer? Multiple cameras and ultrasonic sensors will detect both. The child on the curb? It will detect it and slow accordingly.

As for hacking, who says it will be hacked? And if it does get hacked, the most they will likely be able to do is shut it down.
Tell us, where does the technology exist that can discern a standing deer in brush and an unmarked railroad crossing with a stationary child standing by the road and tell the child is waiting for you to pass or is looking the other way as he prepares to step into the street in half a second?

You're delusional.

Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.
Driverless cars will be like demolition derby
View attachment 171510 View attachment 171511

The cameras and ultrasonic sensors will see the train and the deer. They will react accordingly.

Plus, the car will never be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The car will never be distracted. And the car will never be falling asleep.
You are one gullable guy, even for a leftist. It will never see all train tracks, the train, deer, nor any child standing on the corner about to walk out without looking. Within 6 months people will have figured out how to hack into the car driving next to them.
View attachment 171561

Why will it not see all the trains or deer? Multiple cameras and ultrasonic sensors will detect both. The child on the curb? It will detect it and slow accordingly.

As for hacking, who says it will be hacked? And if it does get hacked, the most they will likely be able to do is shut it down.
Tell us, where does the technology exist that can discern a standing deer in brush and an unmarked railroad crossing with a stationary child standing by the road and tell the child is waiting for you to pass or is looking the other way as he prepares to step into the street in half a second?

You're delusional.

Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.
Lefty never leaves the city.
You're delusional. You can't name the technology because nothing remotely close even exists.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.
Real life scenario. You are on an entrance ramp in a traffic jam and the polite driver to your left motions for you to go ahead and pull in. What does the driverless car do?

Or what if a degenerate throws a dog or cat in front of an auto car and the car slams on the brakes causing an accident or worse allowing goons to attack the car. What about black ice. What about fog. What about a hacker or terrorist taking the car over. What about a policeman waving it over the shoulder and onto the grass to keep traffic moving. I could go on all day.

In a city with minimal speed limits and no other regular cars maybe. But then you are going to charge me road taxes and not let me drive on the road, I don’t think so.

The polite driver is in a driverless car too, so it doesn't happen.
If someone throws a dog or cat in front of your auto car, the car stops. If the people behind you hit you they were following too close.
Black ice and fog will be handled by the ultrasonic sensors better than by human eyes.
The terrorists will be reported to the police and the auto car's auto defense system burns them down with lasers.
The policeman waving you to the shoulder is actually the terrorist's partner, so the auto car burns him down too.

Most states have road taxes added to the price of gasoline.

You seem to have a lot of faith in unproven and incredibly expensive technology. Have you ever walked into a store with automatic doors and slam right into the glass when they don't work like you expected them to? I see a lot on needless death and destruction caused by these vehicles before all of the kinks are worked out. You simply dismiss them out of hand.

Are we simply going to pass a law saying cars cannot have steering wheels, and if you do have one you cannot drive it? That's almost the dumbest thing I have ever heard!

It too a long time before I ever owned a car with seatbelt chimes, much less airbags anti-lock brakes, and other technologies, simply because they made cars too damn expensive for me to afford.

Trying to do what you want will devastate the economy.

I guess now I see why you went to Bama. They must have lower standards than I could possibly imagine.

I have reported what experts are saying. I provided a link to the article. And I have been answering questions about scenarios for 14 pages. You have Google.

I am saying that I believe there will be enough technological advances to make driverless cars preferable in many areas and situations. I have said nothing about the vehicles not having steering wheels. But, I guess being an auburn grad you don't mind making shit up, huh? Like the rings y'all had made for the players who didn't win the championship?

As for the death and destruction, we already have that. And it is not getting better.
"Fatalities rose 6 percent in 2016, reaching an estimated 40,200 deaths compared to 37,757 deaths the previous year, according the National Safety Council. The group gets its data from states. The last time there were more than 40,000 fatalities in a single year was in 2007, just before the economy tanked. There were 41,000 deaths that year."

40k people dead? 4.4 million people injured? $871 billion in economic loss and societal harm? The needless death and destruction is in full swing right now. Asking me about specific, isolated scenarios does not change that.

(New NHTSA Study Shows Motor Vehicle Crashes Have $871 Billion Economic and Societal Impact on U.S. Citizens)
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.

Unsignaled? Yes. Unmarked? Really? Are there railroads crossing public roads and highways with no signage at all showing that it is a railroad crossing?
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.

Unsignaled? Yes. Unmarked? Really? Are there railroads crossing public roads and highways with no signage at all showing that it is a railroad crossing?

Yes...I have seen some with only a painted "RxR" on the pavement, often badly faded and worn. Others have a single sign-sometimes the round yellow one (often old, faded, and sometimes vandalized), but sometimes the old "RAIL ROAD CROSSING" sign made of two crossed 2x4s on a post. I saw one in rural Pennsylvania last year, it was worn, illegible, and probably dated to Reagan's first term.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
Bluntly: you are in the wrong part of the country. The place for lots of old grade crossings is the northeast.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.

Unsignaled? Yes. Unmarked? Really? Are there railroads crossing public roads and highways with no signage at all showing that it is a railroad crossing?

Yes...I have seen some with only a painted "RxR" on the pavement, often badly faded and worn. Others have a single sign-sometimes the round yellow one (often old, faded, and sometimes vandalized), but sometimes the old "RAIL ROAD CROSSING" sign made of two crossed 2x4s on a post. I saw one in rural Pennsylvania last year, it was worn, illegible, and probably dated to Reagan's first term.

The cars will recognize the signs or read the words on the road. But also, seeing a freight train coming is not that difficult a trick.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
Bluntly: you are in the wrong part of the country. The place for lots of old grade crossings is the northeast.

Oh, so there are a lot of crossings with no signs at all in the northeast? Then they will need to fix those.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
All cities are ghettos.
I'm still waiting for you to name this fantasy technology.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.

Unsignaled? Yes. Unmarked? Really? Are there railroads crossing public roads and highways with no signage at all showing that it is a railroad crossing?

Yes...I have seen some with only a painted "RxR" on the pavement, often badly faded and worn. Others have a single sign-sometimes the round yellow one (often old, faded, and sometimes vandalized), but sometimes the old "RAIL ROAD CROSSING" sign made of two crossed 2x4s on a post. I saw one in rural Pennsylvania last year, it was worn, illegible, and probably dated to Reagan's first term.

So what you are saying is that there are a few crossings that are badly in need to new signage? Good time to get it done.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
Bluntly: you are in the wrong part of the country. The place for lots of old grade crossings is the northeast.

Oh, so there are a lot of crossings with no signs at all in the northeast? Then they will need to fix those.
And ban all animals and people from the outdoors
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
All cities are ghettos.
I'm still waiting for you to name this fantasy technology.
View attachment 171619

The signs facing the direction of the camera would be behind the car in this pic. But I do see signs facing the other way in this pics. Perhaps if the driver stopped sooner it would prove something. This pic does not.
I'm working on inventing a lawyerless bot to sue the driverless cars. ;-)

Actually in all seriousness, the manufacturers will be sued left and right by victims and owners.
Easy money is in shorting the manufacturers of these moving coffins.
Unmarked railroad crossing? Where?

A deer in the brush? Good chance you won't see it either.

A child standing absolutely motionless? Not likely, but ok. If cameras can recognize facial features, they can certainly recognize the shape of a person, even a child.

Also, have I said anywhere in these threads that the technology is here and perfect? Or have I said that experts predict driverless cars will be here in 15 to 20 years? I have been playing 20 questions for 14 pages. You have Google. Look the shit up.

Unsignaled grade crossings are nothing unusual in rural areas.
He obviously never leaves the ghetto.

I don't live in a ghetto. Never have. But I have lived in quite a few rural areas.

I have probably logged more miles on roads than you have. I have seen plenty of railroad crossing that had no signals. But they WERE marked by stationary signs. Are you saying where you live has railroad crossing with no signs at all?
All cities are ghettos.
I'm still waiting for you to name this fantasy technology.
View attachment 171619

The signs facing the direction of the camera would be behind the car in this pic. But I do see signs facing the other way in this pics. Perhaps if the driver stopped sooner it would prove something. This pic does not.
Automatic doors can't even open on time.
You're delusional.

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