Dream Act nightmare put on hold


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Democrats were not able to get enough support to sneak this piece of crap through… this time.
(it may come back in November)

This bill would essentially offer legal citizenship to any illegal who came here at age 15 or younger (and remained here for at least 5 years) who would then be allowed to go on and become legal citizens by attending college (displacing legal citizens in the process of course) or else by serving in the armed forces (illegals in our army?) for a couple years.

In other words, reward children of illegal immigrants with citizenship...not to mention offering them higher learning and job prospects.

Defense Authorization Bill Moves Forward Without "DREAM Act"

Sen. Richard J. Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, was unable yesterday to get enough support from other lawmakers to include the "DREAM Act" as an amendment to a U.S. Department of Defense authorization bill, according to an e-mail message sent to me by his staff. The amendment would have provided a path to legalization for undocumented students who graduate from U.S. high schools and attend college or serve in the military for at least two years—and meet certain other criteria.

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, however, voiced his support for the DREAM Act on the U.S. Senate floor yesterday and made a commitment to move the measure forward by Nov. 16, according to a transcript of his speech forwarded to me by Sen. Durbin's staff.

When Sen. Durbin first introduced a version of the bill to the U.S. Senate in 2001, he called it the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act.

Here's an excerpt from Mr. Reid's speech: "Many of the children this bill would help are extremely talented and have graduated at the top or near the top of their classes but yet can't get to a state school. What a waste to make it more difficult for them to go to college or prohibit them from getting jobs when they could be making meaningful contributions to the communities and to our country."

As you can tell by the comments on this blog, however, critics of the DREAM Act oppose it because they feel it would provide a form of "amnesty" for undocumented people who are living in this country.

While for years the DREAM Act contained a provision clarifying that states could provide in-state college tuition rates for undocumented students who were eligible to benefit from the act, that provision was dropped in the version of the act filed in the U.S. Senate last week.

In a telephone conversation this morning, Melissa Lazarin, who followed the DREAM Act for years for the National Council of La Raza and now is monitoring it for a children's advocacy organization called First Focus, told me it was "a reasonable compromise" for lawmakers supporting the DREAM Act to drop the in-state tuition provision, to increase the chances of gaining support for the measure. The most important part of the measure is that it would provide a path to legalization for some undocumented students, she said.

Bottom line, Reid is more political saavy than my stupid senior Senator.
The amendment would have provided a path to legalization for undocumented students who graduate from U.S. high schools and attend college or serve in the military for at least two years—and meet certain other criteria.

I've got no problem with this. Anyone willing to ammo up, and fight for the United States, should be given citizenship. That's a given. Lord knows, there's a lot of chickenhawks who won't ammo up for wars they start.
The amendment would have provided a path to legalization for undocumented students who graduate from U.S. high schools and attend college or serve in the military for at least two years—and meet certain other criteria.

I've got no problem with this. Anyone willing to ammo up, and fight for the United States, should be given citizenship. That's a given. Lord knows, there's a lot of chickenhawks who won't ammo up for wars they start.

Note all those things before service?
This bill doesn't reward the parents for breaking the law. Its for kids who had no choice, about the choices their parents made.

In my book, anybody who meets the criteria of good moral character, serves in the military or graduates from college, and meets other stringent criteria in the bill, is exactly the kind of americans we need. If these people do those things, they will make excellent americans. Exactly the kind of citizens we need.
This bill doesn't reward the parents for breaking the law. Its for kids who had no choice, about the choices their parents made.

In my book, anybody who meets the criteria of good moral character, serves in the military or graduates from college, and meets other stringent criteria in the bill, is exactly the kind of americans we need. If these people do those things, they will make excellent americans. Exactly the kind of citizens we need.

BS, with the exception of those that 'serve' in military, knowing what is known post 9/11, they are illegals. Smarts or a steel butt counts for 0.
This bill doesn't reward the parents for breaking the law. Its for kids who had no choice, about the choices their parents made.

In my book, anybody who meets the criteria of good moral character, serves in the military or graduates from college, and meets other stringent criteria in the bill, is exactly the kind of americans we need. If these people do those things, they will make excellent americans. Exactly the kind of citizens we need.

How do you know these are "exactly the kind of americans we need"? What if they are the grown children of terrorists who have been indoctrinated since they were babies? They could join with the intent of spying and sabotage. That's not what we "need".

What if they are illegals who have no real intent to stay in America but just want to make some money and then go back home, wherever that is. They get to take our knowledge and our military expertise for free and export it?
That's not what we "need" either.

Besides, this would only encourage MORE illegals to come to America with all their children and their neighbor's kids too....they wouldn't even have to pop out babies born on American soil anymore...just evade ICE for five years...
How do you know these are "exactly the kind of americans we need"? What if they are the grown children of terrorists who have been indoctrinated since they were babies? They could join with the intent of spying and sabotage. That's not what we "need".

What if they are illegals who have no real intent to stay in America but just want to make some money and then go back home, wherever that is. They get to take our knowledge and our military expertise for free and export it?
That's not what we "need" either.

Besides, this would only encourage MORE illegals to come to America with all their children and their neighbor's kids too....they wouldn't even have to pop out babies born on American soil anymore...just evade ICE for five years...
But how do you know the 15 year old living nex door to you (son of Citizens) is the type of Americans we need? Perhaps you neighbors are closeted Terrorists? Not that they are, but that scenario makes just as much sense as yours.
But how do you know the 15 year old living nex door to you (son of Citizens) is the type of Americans we need? Perhaps you neighbors are closeted Terrorists? Not that they are, but that scenario makes just as much sense as yours.

Could be, but I'd rather take chances with them more than ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Besides, what the hell gives an ILLEGAL ALIEN the right to wear the U.S. uniform? How can you expect an ILLEGAL ALIEN to swear allegiance to America and mean it?
How do you know these are "exactly the kind of americans we need"? What if they are the grown children of terrorists who have been indoctrinated since they were babies? They could join with the intent of spying and sabotage. That's not what we "need".

What if they are illegals who have no real intent to stay in America but just want to make some money and then go back home, wherever that is. They get to take our knowledge and our military expertise for free and export it?
That's not what we "need" either.

Besides, this would only encourage MORE illegals to come to America with all their children and their neighbor's kids too....they wouldn't even have to pop out babies born on American soil anymore...just evade ICE for five years...

How do you know these are "exactly the kind of americans we need"? What if they are the grown children of terrorists who have been indoctrinated since they were babies?

Oh Good God...can you wingnutters get any more paranoid? Please stop pissing your pants.
BS, with the exception of those that 'serve' in military, knowing what is known post 9/11, they are illegals. Smarts or a steel butt counts for 0.

Anyone who serves in the military, graduates college, shows good moral character, and has led a completely law-abiding and productive life is welcome to be an american in my book. People who done those things, are already better "americans" than many who were born here. They've earned it, in my book.
Could be, but I'd rather take chances with them more than ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Besides, what the hell gives an ILLEGAL ALIEN the right to wear the U.S. uniform? How can you expect an ILLEGAL ALIEN to swear allegiance to America and mean it?

Umm many of them have risked their lives to come here. I suspect they have somewhat of an affinity for the country.
I realize we have alot of liberals on the board....but I didn't really believe they were all stupid pinheads until now.....you nuts will buy ANYTHING that comes out of a Dims mouth without question.....:cuckoo:

God help the USA...
How do you know these are "exactly the kind of americans we need"? What if they are the grown children of terrorists who have been indoctrinated since they were babies?

Oh Good God...can you wingnutters get any more paranoid? Please stop pissing your pants.

We have concrete evidence that amnesty DOES in fact result in MORE illegal aliens and they expect to get amnesty also. We did it once already and the results are as expected, we were FLOODED with even more illegals.
I must qualify something... IF an illegal alien managed to enlist and honorable serve in the US military then they DO deserve to be made legal residents and fast tracked for citizenship if they want it.

If they are willing to fight and maybe die for this country they have EARNED that right.
Hiring foreigners to man our military, inflated money, growing taxes, disregard for the rule of law, highly centralized political power...why no this doesn't bear any resemblance to the final days of the Roman empire at all.
I believe that rewarding people (regardless of their race, or what country they come from) who break the law, and enter the country illegally, should not be rewarded.

Democrats were not able to get enough support to sneak this piece of crap through… this time.
(it may come back in November)

This bill would essentially offer legal citizenship to any illegal who came here at age 15 or younger (and remained here for at least 5 years) who would then be allowed to go on and become legal citizens by attending college (displacing legal citizens in the process of course) or else by serving in the armed forces (illegals in our army?) for a couple years.

In other words, reward children of illegal immigrants with citizenship...not to mention offering them higher learning and job prospects.
Hiring foreigners to man our military, inflated money, growing taxes, disregard for the rule of law, highly centralized political power...why no this doesn't bear any resemblance to the final days of the Roman empire at all.

Illegal aliens are not legally able to enter the military, so we are not "hiring" foreigners. Further the rule of law is most definately still the norm in this country.
Anyone who serves in the military, graduates college, shows good moral character, and has led a completely law-abiding and productive life is welcome to be an american in my book. People who done those things, are already better "americans" than many who were born here. They've earned it, in my book.

It wasn't
Anyone who serves in the military, graduates college, shows good moral character, and has led a completely law-abiding and productive life
It was or referring to college OR military.
Having once read Gibbon's decline and fall, the decline was more like a republican administration gone wild or in power too long. Note some of the words below, remind you of anyone. lol

Fall of Rome

There are 3 single-issue models for the collapse: economic (lack of circulating currency and trade deficit, and other factors not clearly economic, like environmental change and decaying infrastructure), military (citizenship granted to all reduced the incentive to join the army), and gradual transformation (it never fell or fell to Islam).

Economic - Hoarding and Deficit

Economic decay through hoarding of bullion, barbarian looting of the treasury, and trade deficit; military decay through attrition and disorganization; lack of a military leader.


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