Dream act. Amnesty. Path to citizenship.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama, DOJ, ACLU and Illegal Alien supporters believe if you are in the country illegally and have avoided arrest, detainment and deportation for 25 years you should be allowed to stay by way of a path to citizenship, Dream Act or amnesty, even though illegal immigration is a federal crime, punishable with a fine, jail and deportation. (Federal Immigration and Nationality Act) Unlawful entry a crime since 1929. There is no Statute of Limitation or illegal entry. Is the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act unconstitutional? Does that mean anyone guilty of a federal crime can no longer be prosecuted if they have avoided apprehension for 25 years? Cost too much to find them, bring the to trial and incarcerate them? Crime unpunished breeds more crime. If a person is dishonest in little things, then he will be dishonest in big things too. Illegal entry is just the beginning of a long line of crimes that has to be committed in order to remain in the country and working.

Dream Act, Amnesty and Path to Citizenship is not Immigration Reform that will fix our broken immigration enforcement system and border security and stop illegal immigration. The reason the system is broken is because our immigration laws are not enforced and not because we need to make it easier to immigrate. How much easier then 500,000 a year allowed can we get? Plus refugees and asylum seekers. Much easier would be open doors and open doors would mean we have no control over who comes in, gangs, drugs and smugglers and other criminals that enter along with hard working Illegal Aliens. And they use them as covers for their criminal activity. Lack of enforcement led to Arizona being war zone with places too dangerous for Americans to go into because of drugs and drugs cartels. This should not be happening in this country when we are finding the money to protect Afghanistan and Iraq from crime.

We cannot afford the Dream Act, Amnesty or Path to Citizenship which would lead to more illegal immigration and Chain Migration of millions of relatives. But most important, we cannot afford not to enforce our immigration laws set forth in the FINA.

Where would we get the money to process the Dream Act, Amnesty or Path to Citizenship? From our children’s future?

Where would we find jobs for the flood of immigrants theses programs would create? And with easier immigration comes more crime. Majority of crimes in this country is committed by Illegal Aliens.

Majority of Americans are against amnesty, etc but those we put into office and pay their salary. Obama, DOJ, Congress, etc are not listening to our opinion but they are listening to Illegal Aliens and their supporters.

Not one of the letters I have written to Obama, Reid has ever got a response. Obama will go and have town hall meetings in San Antonio, Mexico USA, but will not go to main stream USA and take our questions.

But they are not criminals. If they commit a crime by entering illegally they are criminals subject to a punishment and not a reward. If I get a parking or speeding ticket, eventually I will have to pay the fine.

They cannot get amnesty passed so they do the next best thing that will lead to amnesty. A Dream Act for the poor little children which is a nightmare for american children. Marco Rubio’s Dream Act do not go far enough? It do not lead to citizenship. You bet it will eventually. An inch turns into a mile. Dream Act is the inch and Amnesty is the mile. Dream Act is the foot in the door. If you get the foot in the door, you got amnesty.

Too bad we do not have great leaders like Eisenhower, Hoover and Truman who put America and Americans first by enforcing our immigration laws and was not afraid to do so.

Illegal immigration may not affect our political leaders not, but it eventually will and it will be too late to correct it.
Starcraftzzzz, I know this is way over the bump connected to your neck, but try to take it in.
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

What part of illegal immigration is the bump on your neck not getting? Illegal aliens has nothing, absolutely nothing to contribute to the economy or society. NADA. It has lowered wages, taken jobs and lowerd property value when they move in a neighborhood. They have lowered to standard of living for all americans. Lowered the wages of construction work so no americans can afford to do constructions.:cuckoo:
Contributed to unemployment by taking jobs from americans. 8 million in the work force is not picking lettuce, Village Idiot.
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So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

Reduce the deficit? How about causing the deficit. If that was true we would not have a deficit but a surplus with 30 million in the country.:cuckoo:
Strarstuck, where the hell have you been the past 20 years? Sleeping?:cuckoo:Or are you just blind, deaf and dumb?
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

What part of illegal immigration is the bump on your neck not getting? Illegal aliens has nothing, absolutely nothing to contribute to the economy or society.
Oh I see so according to you doctors have nothing to contribute to society and neither do millions of people work for a living.What part of reality do you not understand?All of it?

NADA. It has lowered wages, taken jobs and lowerd property value when they move in a neighborhood.
You're wrong like always
Nobody Favors Increased Immigration | ThinkProgress
^A 10% rise in immigration causes a 1% rise in house prices, meaning an increase in immigration could stem losses and help relieve the housing bust.

They have lowered to standard of living for all americans. Lowered the wages of construction work so no americans can afford to do constructions.:
Contributed to unemployment by taking jobs from americans. 8 million in the work force is not picking lettuce, Village Idiot.

Daily Kos: Kicking out immigrants isn't working well for Alabama
^In Georgia fruit and vegetable farmers (who make up just 5% of Georgia’s total crop value have lost 75 million dollars in unpicked crops because they couldn’t get enough labour to pick them after the state enacted an anti-immigration law that caused immigrants to flee; farmers say the lacked 40% of the work force they needed.
^Extrapolating the data Georgia lost 1.5 billion in un-harvested crops.

SB-1070 Mass Deportation Policy Could Shrink Arizona Economy By $48.8 Billion | ThinkProgress
^The Arizona immigration bill is estimated to:
Reduce state tax revenue by 10.1%
Eliminate 581,000 jobs
Shrink the economy by 48.8 billion

Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think
Illegal immigrants contribute a net 80,000 dollars in taxes over their lifetime. Meaning the 12 million illegal immigrants currently in America will contribute 1 trillion more dollars in taxes than they receive in benefits. Illegal immigrants still pay all state/local taxes (including sales and property) while paying some income taxes (some are paid under the table). Since illegal immigrants enter the country during their working years they do not cost the government in education costs. Also sine illegal immigrants are legally unable to get SS, Medicare or other social benefits they do not cost the government any money in those matters.

The topic was ont he DREAM act. So plz explain why you oppose an act that reduce the deficit expands the economy and improve living standards?
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

Reduce the deficit? How about causing the deficit. If that was true we would not have a deficit but a surplus with 30 million in the country.:cuckoo:
There are only around 12million illegals in the country.. nice to know you are so clueless.

http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/No DREAMers Left Behind.pdf
^DREAM act would expand the economy by at least 1.4 trillion dollars over 40 years.

CBO Estimates DREAM Act Will Reduce The Deficit By $1.4 Billion Over Ten Years | ThinkProgress
^According to the CBO the DREAM act will reduce the deficit by 1.4 billion over ten years.

Strarstuck, where the hell have you been the past 20 years? Sleeping?:cuckoo:Or are you just blind, deaf and dumb?

Yes you haveing no clue means I've been sleeping
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

What part of illegal immigration is the bump on your neck not getting? Illegal aliens has nothing, absolutely nothing to contribute to the economy or society. NADA. It has lowered wages, taken jobs and lowerd property value when they move in a neighborhood. They have lowered to standard of living for all americans. Lowered the wages of construction work so no americans can afford to do constructions.:cuckoo:
Contributed to unemployment by taking jobs from americans. 8 million in the work force is not picking lettuce, Village Idiot.

What part of there is no statute that makes immigration a crime do YOU not understand?

If you are referring to undocumented workers, I put something on this board just for you and you did not give me the answers. Let us try again:

A few years ago, radio talk show host Neal Boortz claimed to have done a study wherein he started with the year 1787 and broke American history down into 25 year segments, each segment representing the working career of an individual. He wanted know what generation of Americans had it the best.

According to Boortz, between 1982 and 2007 were the years, that we had the most money, the most assets, paid the least in taxes and were the most affluent. If you can find a better twenty five year era, go ahead. Boortz credited the Reagan and Bush tax policies for this. I noticed something different, however about the U.S. being affluent.

In 1986 we had an estimated 10 MILLION people in the United States without papers and TWO MILLION more entering the U.S. without papers every year - and we had SEVEN AMNESTIES between 1986 and 2007. In 1982 our unemployment rate was nearly 10 percent and in 2000 we were under 4 percent unemployment.

How can that be? Ten percent unemployment, two million undocumented foreigners crossing an open border, seven amnesties and we cut the unemployment rate in half.

Here's a contrast for you. In 1953 the federal government began Operation Wetback and within a year all the brown people were being rounded up. The unemployment rate doubled in less than five years thereafter and we never had an unemployment that low again in our nation's history

Can you answer this?

The reality is, you do not understand the economics of your own country, but the foreigners contribute to society. EVERY study (whether government or private) and not connected to John Tanton concludes that, insofar as government and costs to the taxpayer are concerned "it's a wash." Foreigners pay into the system about as much as they get in benefits... except that they donate $12 BILLION DOLLARS per year into Socialist Security and they cannot draw one thin dime out in their retirement.

Aside from that, the undocumented workers create jobs. I've asked you an honest question; can you formulate an honest answer?
So Why do you oppose an act that would reduce the deficit and expand the economy while increasing the living standards for millions of people? Are you just an ass hole or a retard?

Reduce the deficit? How about causing the deficit. If that was true we would not have a deficit but a surplus with 30 million in the country.:cuckoo:
There are only around 12million illegals in the country.. nice to know you are so clueless.

http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/No DREAMers Left Behind.pdf
^DREAM act would expand the economy by at least 1.4 trillion dollars over 40 years.

CBO Estimates DREAM Act Will Reduce The Deficit By $1.4 Billion Over Ten Years | ThinkProgress
^According to the CBO the DREAM act will reduce the deficit by 1.4 billion over ten years.

Strarstuck, where the hell have you been the past 20 years? Sleeping?:cuckoo:Or are you just blind, deaf and dumb?

Yes you haveing no clue means I've been sleeping

There is no way to know exactly how many illegal aliens there are retard.:eusa_liar:
Reduce the deficit? How about causing the deficit. If that was true we would not have a deficit but a surplus with 30 million in the country.:cuckoo:
There are only around 12million illegals in the country.. nice to know you are so clueless.

http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/docs/No DREAMers Left Behind.pdf
^DREAM act would expand the economy by at least 1.4 trillion dollars over 40 years.

CBO Estimates DREAM Act Will Reduce The Deficit By $1.4 Billion Over Ten Years | ThinkProgress
^According to the CBO the DREAM act will reduce the deficit by 1.4 billion over ten years.

Strarstuck, where the hell have you been the past 20 years? Sleeping?:cuckoo:Or are you just blind, deaf and dumb?

Yes you haveing no clue means I've been sleeping

There is no way to know exactly how many illegal aliens there are retard.:eusa_liar:
Just because you are to stupid to know how to do math beyond addition and subtraction doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Dream Act. Amnesty. Path to Citizenship.

No. Hell No. How about Path to Mexico?

So plz explain why you are against reducing the defict
and expanding our economy? Is it becaue you think allowing
collegle educated immigraitons who are doctors to become citizens is bad?
Is it because you don't want those immigrants to pay lots of taxes and subsidize your poor ass?
What is it?
Dream Act. Amnesty. Path to Citizenship.

No. Hell No. How about Path to Mexico?

So plz explain why you are against reducing the defict
and expanding our economy? Is it becaue you think allowing
collegle educated immigraitons who are doctors to become citizens is bad?
Is it because you don't want those immigrants to pay lots of taxes and subsidize your poor ass?
What is it?

Are you drunk again? Your grip on the language is slipping the way it did last time you passed out while posting here.
Dream Act. Amnesty. Path to Citizenship.

No. Hell No. How about Path to Mexico?

So plz explain why you are against reducing the defict
and expanding our economy? Is it becaue you think allowing
collegle educated immigraitons who are doctors to become citizens is bad?
Is it because you don't want those immigrants to pay lots of taxes and subsidize your poor ass?
What is it?

Are you drunk again? Your grip on the language is slipping the way it did last time you passed out while posting here.

Perhaps the person who cannot answer questions or post an intelligent post is the one whose drunk. So I repeat
So plz explain why you are against reducing the defic and expanding our economy? Is it becaue you think allowing
collegle educated immigraitons who are doctors to become citizens is bad?
Is it because you don't want those immigrants to pay lots of taxes and subsidize your poor ass?
What is it?

I'm sure you can act stupid because its hard to admit that the only real reason you oppose the Dream act is because you are a racist/
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So plz explain why you are against reducing the defic and expanding our economy? Is it becaue you think allowing
collegle educated immigraitons who are doctors to become citizens is bad?
Is it because you don't want those immigrants to pay lots of taxes and subsidize your poor ass?
What is it?

I'm sure you can act stupid because its hard to admit that the only real reason you oppose the Dream act is because you are a racist/

If you really want an answer, first learn to write in proper English. I'm not going to condone your butchering of my language. Second, pose a legitimate question, not some false premise bullshit like that above. Third, shove your assumptions and false accusations right up your ass you piece of shit. Do all that, and I'll answer any legitimate question you think you have.
Dream Act. Amnesty. Path to Citizenship.

No. Hell No. How about Path to Mexico?

Quote: Originally Posted by starcraftzzz
Yes you're one line arugmetns are so grown up. People who are onyl capable of one lines are so intelelgnet

People that cannot spell and call people who are only capable of one liners are intelligent also.:eusa_whistle::eusa_boohoo::lol:
Is that oneliner a puzzle, Starcraftzz?:lol:

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