Dream act a nightmare


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And a prelude to amnesty.
Illegal Aliens marching on Washington and protesting for the right to stay here just because they have been here for 20 years and know the language and the culture. BS. Mexico, etc is perfectly capable of providing education and jobs for it’s own but if we do it for them, why should they? People and military families move from country to country and adapt to the language and culture all the time. Going home to the country of their parents is just like going home because they already know the language and the culture because their parent never assimilated.
Dream Act is a nightmare for children of US citizens because they compete for grants, scholarships and them for jobs. Who is Obama working for anyway, Illegal Aliens or Americans?
Illegal Aliens should not be able to serve in our military when they are needed in their home countries to fight drug cartels and for the right to a safe country to live in for all. A safe Mexico is a safe America.
Dream Act is just another word for amnesty for millions. We are not going to let children stay on a path to citizenship and deport their parents?
Something is very wrong with a Government when someone can enter the country illegally and remain for 20 years undetected when we have laws to prevent it and reverse it. US and Mexico are the only country remaining that have Automatic Birthright Citizenship.
We are headed for a collapse and it does not matter who the president, congress and senate is.

No one wants to punish children because their parents brought them to this country illegally. But this consideration does not give them a right to live in this country, compete with Americans for our limited jobs, and attend public colleges with in-state tuition.
DREAM Act a Nightmare for America - HUMAN EVENTS
Friend of mine is Canadian.

His mother, a nurse, has been working in the USA since he was about two years old.

He has no memory Canada. He went to school ion the USA, all his friends live here, he knows no other place.

Should he be deported?

Some of you think he ought to be thrown into a nation he knows nothing about, right?

Funny thing, you sort of got your wish.

While his mother still legally works in the USA on her alien resident green card, he made the mistake of visiting relative (his first meeeting with these relatives of his, I note) who live in Canada.

He planned on staying with his uncle for a few weeks.

But as he'd turned 18, and was no longer covered by his mother's green card, guess what? he couldn't get back into America.


Because he was legally a Canadian.

But is he really Canadian?

No more so than I am, psychologically. He is so NOT CANADIAN that it never occurred to him that he could not go BACK HOME TO THE USA after visiting his relatives in Canada.

This is the KIND of kid that the DREAM ACT is designed to help.

Kids who are really in their heart of hearts, in the owns heads -- in their total being -- no less AMERICAN that any of us.
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"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984

Now, I don't favor amnesty. In fact, I think Reagan's amnesty for some 5 million illegals, in no small way, contributed to the problem we now have. If you do it once, they expect it will happen again.
Friend of mine is Canadian.

His mother, a nurse, has been working in the USA since he was about two years old.

He has no memory Canada. He went to school ion the USA, all his friends live here, he knows no other place.

Should he be deported?

Some of you think he ought to be thrown into a nation he knows nothing about, right?

Funny thing, you sort of got your wish.

While his mother still legally works in the USA on her alien resident green card, he made the mistake of visiting relative (his first meeeting with these relatives of his, I note) who live in Canada.

He planned on staying with his uncle for a few weeks.

But as he'd turned 18, and was no longer covered by his mother's green card, guess what? he couldn't get back into America.


Because he was legally a Canadian.

But is he really Canadian?

No more so than I am, psychologically. He is so NOT CANADIAN that it never occurred to him that he could not go BACK HOME TO THE USA after visiting his relatives in Canada.

This is the KIND of kid that the DREAM ACT is designed to help.

Kids who are really in their heart of hearts, in the owns heads -- in their total being -- no less AMERICAN that any of us.

If his mother was here on a green card, she should have made sure her son got a green card. I have no sympathy for him. Canada is not a bad country and believe it or now, we couldn't emmigrate there when my husband was out of work, why on earth should he be able to stay here just because his mom is a putz?

Yes, he is Canadain, no he is not American. My brother in law has been a resident from Canada here for more than 30 years. He is STILL Canadian. If he wanted to, he could become an American citizen but he apparently doesn't want to. If your friends mother wanted to become an American citizaen, she could have, she didn't, her loyalties lie elsewhere. Apparently she doesn't care what that does to her son, why should we?
"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984

Now, I don't favor amnesty. In fact, I think Reagan's amnesty for some 5 million illegals, in no small way, contributed to the problem we now have. If you do it once, they expect it will happen again.

And that is exactly what's happened, time and time again.
Friend of mine is Canadian.

His mother, a nurse, has been working in the USA since he was about two years old.

He has no memory Canada. He went to school ion the USA, all his friends live here, he knows no other place.

Should he be deported?

Some of you think he ought to be thrown into a nation he knows nothing about, right?

Funny thing, you sort of got your wish.

While his mother still legally works in the USA on her alien resident green card, he made the mistake of visiting relative (his first meeeting with these relatives of his, I note) who live in Canada.

He planned on staying with his uncle for a few weeks.

But as he'd turned 18, and was no longer covered by his mother's green card, guess what? he couldn't get back into America.


Because he was legally a Canadian.

But is he really Canadian?

No more so than I am, psychologically. He is so NOT CANADIAN that it never occurred to him that he could not go BACK HOME TO THE USA after visiting his relatives in Canada.

This is the KIND of kid that the DREAM ACT is designed to help.

Kids who are really in their heart of hearts, in the owns heads -- in their total being -- no less AMERICAN that any of us.

Hey, guess what? Here's a shocker. You want your friend to be here, you can sponsor him to come. YOU can be responsible for him and promise that he won't go on welfare for x number of years. YOU can pay for his medical check up, his background check and everything required to come here LEGALLY from another country. You want your friend to be here, he can. It just requires a little work, time and money from YOU!!!
The Dream Act is smart, pragmatic, and appropriate.

No one wants to punish children because their parents brought them to this country illegally. But this consideration does not give them a right to live in this country, compete with Americans for our limited jobs, and attend public colleges with in-state tuition.

Good idea.

Let’s keep them ignorant and uneducated so they can’t provide for themselves, turn to crime, or otherwise become a burden on society.
The Dream Act is smart, pragmatic, and appropriate.

No one wants to punish children because their parents brought them to this country illegally. But this consideration does not give them a right to live in this country, compete with Americans for our limited jobs, and attend public colleges with in-state tuition.

Good idea.

Let’s keep them ignorant and uneducated so they can’t provide for themselves, turn to crime, or otherwise become a burden on society.

I gotta better idea...just send them home, along with their parents.
Dream act is a joke ,the illegals come here an shit on everything,breed like coachroaches with no means of supporting ther offspring,all this will come to head one day and explode ,there is not enough freebies in the world to support them ,it will crash, it is just a
matter of when .....................................................:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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The Dream Act is a joke. It's a clever way to delay the onset of financial puberty.

If you want to know just how you are being duped, the Dream Act allows people illegally here access to low cost college tuition. It allows in millions more illegals than would otherwise be eligible.

Then look at the graduation rates. Freshman citizens can't get in the crowded classes. By the time it gets to senior year, college classes look like high school classes. Empty chairs.

Students here illegally aren't prevented from attending higher education. They can go. They just have to pay more than a citizen here legally. They don't get the benefit of citizenship.

Why would someone who came here as a very small child and lived here all their lives never have taken steps to be here legally? Why would their parents be so dismissive of our laws that those parents never have taken steps to make sure their children's future was secure by becoming legal?

They never expected anything but all the benefits that come from legal citizenship. They are entitled to the benefits of citizenship and don't need to adjust their status. It's unfair to even ask them to do it.
Friend of mine is Canadian.

His mother, a nurse, has been working in the USA since he was about two years old.

He has no memory Canada. He went to school ion the USA, all his friends live here, he knows no other place.

Should he be deported?

Some of you think he ought to be thrown into a nation he knows nothing about, right?

Funny thing, you sort of got your wish.

While his mother still legally works in the USA on her alien resident green card, he made the mistake of visiting relative (his first meeeting with these relatives of his, I note) who live in Canada.

He planned on staying with his uncle for a few weeks.

But as he'd turned 18, and was no longer covered by his mother's green card, guess what? he couldn't get back into America.


Because he was legally a Canadian.

But is he really Canadian?

No more so than I am, psychologically. He is so NOT CANADIAN that it never occurred to him that he could not go BACK HOME TO THE USA after visiting his relatives in Canada.

This is the KIND of kid that the DREAM ACT is designed to help.

Kids who are really in their heart of hearts, in the owns heads -- in their total being -- no less AMERICAN that any of us.

1 down, 19,999,999 to go.
We are all fucked ,it is a planned venture of breaking up this country,we need to quit all the endless wars in other countries and start worring about the one that is going to happen here.....when the money runs out you can bet on it........:eusa_whistle:
And a prelude to amnesty.
Illegal Aliens marching on Washington and protesting for the right to stay here just because they have been here for 20 years and know the language and the culture. BS. Mexico, etc is perfectly capable of providing education and jobs for it’s own but if we do it for them, why should they? People and military families move from country to country and adapt to the language and culture all the time. Going home to the country of their parents is just like going home because they already know the language and the culture because their parent never assimilated.
Dream Act is a nightmare for children of US citizens because they compete for grants, scholarships and them for jobs. Who is Obama working for anyway, Illegal Aliens or Americans?
Illegal Aliens should not be able to serve in our military when they are needed in their home countries to fight drug cartels and for the right to a safe country to live in for all. A safe Mexico is a safe America.
Dream Act is just another word for amnesty for millions. We are not going to let children stay on a path to citizenship and deport their parents?
Something is very wrong with a Government when someone can enter the country illegally and remain for 20 years undetected when we have laws to prevent it and reverse it. US and Mexico are the only country remaining that have Automatic Birthright Citizenship.
We are headed for a collapse and it does not matter who the president, congress and senate is.

No one wants to punish children because their parents brought them to this country illegally. But this consideration does not give them a right to live in this country, compete with Americans for our limited jobs, and attend public colleges with in-state tuition.
DREAM Act a Nightmare for America - HUMAN EVENTS

Illegal aliens can't serve in the Military, as a foreigner you have to have a Green Card to enlist.
Friend of mine is Canadian.

His mother, a nurse, has been working in the USA since he was about two years old.

He has no memory Canada. He went to school ion the USA, all his friends live here, he knows no other place.

Should he be deported?

Some of you think he ought to be thrown into a nation he knows nothing about, right?

Funny thing, you sort of got your wish.

While his mother still legally works in the USA on her alien resident green card, he made the mistake of visiting relative (his first meeeting with these relatives of his, I note) who live in Canada.

He planned on staying with his uncle for a few weeks.

But as he'd turned 18, and was no longer covered by his mother's green card, guess what? he couldn't get back into America.


Because he was legally a Canadian.

But is he really Canadian?

No more so than I am, psychologically. He is so NOT CANADIAN that it never occurred to him that he could not go BACK HOME TO THE USA after visiting his relatives in Canada.

This is the KIND of kid that the DREAM ACT is designed to help.

Kids who are really in their heart of hearts, in the owns heads -- in their total being -- no less AMERICAN that any of us.

Sounds like he really is Canadian. And you make it sound as if someone living in Maine could never survive the trauma of adjusting to the strange and exotic land known as 'Canada!' Give the drama a little rest. In any case, it sure sounds like if your friend and his mother bothered to give a damn they could have resolved this situation long ago. With an immigration lawyer they could still do so if they were willing to put up the time and $$. If not, well his status is what his status is.
We are all fucked ,it is a planned venture of breaking up this country,we need to quit all the endless wars in other countries and start worring about the one that is going to happen here.....when the money runs out you can bet on it........:eusa_whistle:

The conspiracy forum is thataway, headcase.
And a prelude to amnesty.
Illegal Aliens marching on Washington and protesting for the right to stay here just because they have been here for 20 years and know the language and the culture. BS. Mexico, etc is perfectly capable of providing education and jobs for it’s own but if we do it for them, why should they? People and military families move from country to country and adapt to the language and culture all the time. Going home to the country of their parents is just like going home because they already know the language and the culture because their parent never assimilated.
Dream Act is a nightmare for children of US citizens because they compete for grants, scholarships and them for jobs. Who is Obama working for anyway, Illegal Aliens or Americans?
Illegal Aliens should not be able to serve in our military when they are needed in their home countries to fight drug cartels and for the right to a safe country to live in for all. A safe Mexico is a safe America.
Dream Act is just another word for amnesty for millions. We are not going to let children stay on a path to citizenship and deport their parents?
Something is very wrong with a Government when someone can enter the country illegally and remain for 20 years undetected when we have laws to prevent it and reverse it. US and Mexico are the only country remaining that have Automatic Birthright Citizenship.
We are headed for a collapse and it does not matter who the president, congress and senate is.

No one wants to punish children because their parents brought them to this country illegally. But this consideration does not give them a right to live in this country, compete with Americans for our limited jobs, and attend public colleges with in-state tuition.
DREAM Act a Nightmare for America - HUMAN EVENTS

Illegal aliens can't serve in the Military, as a foreigner you have to have a Green Card to enlist.

You cannot be here illegally, but I don't think you need a green card, you could, conceivably, sign up before you even get here. They need recruits and they have no problems recruiting from other nations.
We are all fucked ,it is a planned venture of breaking up this country,we need to quit all the endless wars in other countries and start worring about the one that is going to happen here.....when the money runs out you can bet on it........:eusa_whistle:

The conspiracy forum is thataway, headcase.

Try pulling your head out of your ass or Obamas for a minute and look around Idiot...Lay off the koolaid while your at it.......:gives: what you say......:finger3:
We are all fucked ,it is a planned venture of breaking up this country,we need to quit all the endless wars in other countries and start worring about the one that is going to happen here.....when the money runs out you can bet on it........:eusa_whistle:

The conspiracy forum is thataway, headcase.

Try pulling your head out of your ass or Obamas for a minute and look around Idiot...Lay off the koolaid while your at it.......:gives: what you say......:finger3:

Running around shrieking like a hysterical little girl won't do a damn thing to improve anything, so get your shit together and focus instead of indulging in ignorance and Chicken Little nonsense.
The conspiracy forum is thataway, headcase.

Try pulling your head out of your ass or Obamas for a minute and look around Idiot...Lay off the koolaid while your at it.......:gives: what you say......:finger3:

Running around shrieking like a hysterical little girl won't do a damn thing to improve anything, so get your shit together and focus instead of indulging in ignorance and Chicken Little nonsense.

Like I said :gives: what you say Obama Zombie :badgrin:

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