"Draw Mohammed Contest" Organizer Pamela Geller vs. Fundamentalist Muslim Preacher Anjem Choudary

Choudery is on twitter bitching about the conservatives bringing in new laws to clamp down on extremists.
I have tweeted him several times telling him to go and live in a Muslim country, because we will never tolerate shariah in Britain. But he just keeps bleating on about it every day. So I told him to get a shave and change his religion.

You can find me on twitter, as I am Dajjal there too.
Choudery just said on twitter that he is going to be on the BBC six oclock news, stating his views on the governments crackdown on Islamic extremists. I tweeted him and said " Sorry, I will be too busy watching 'star trek' to be bothered listening to your rants."
Choudary also thinks women who do not veil themselves deserve to be raped and put to death for committing adultery.

American liberals would also agree with that.

How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.

anyone who supports Geller and her followers are just as bad as radical Islam. In my book she is a piece of crap or to be nice a sorry excuse for a human being.

reasons why you feel this way? You are comparing a peaceful, legal drawing of a prophet (evil one at that) to ???
Choudery just said on twitter that he is going to be on the BBC six oclock news, stating his views on the governments crackdown on Islamic extremists. I tweeted him and said " Sorry, I will be too busy watching 'star trek' to be bothered listening to your rants."
No doubt Mr Choudery was heart broken by your response. ...... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

I watched star trek at 6pm, but saw Choudary on the 10pm news. I bet he thought they were going to show his entire interview, but they only showed him speaking for about five seconds.
I have made tweeting him with derisive comments my new hobby.
How sick some are coming out Attacking Mrs. Gellar for this shooting and really should scare the hell out of US ALL

they are surrendering us to the Islamic terrorist basically, telling them they had a right to do what they did because, an American CITIZEN provoked them. People better wake up in this country

but when they put out Christ in a jar of piss? all we heard was how it was ONLY ART.
They are trying say that pouring gas onto a fire will not douse the flame..
The 'the fire' is dangerous to the Republic and its People, then the fire needs to be extinguished.

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