Drag Queen Story Hour Pedophile teaching 6 year olds how to Twerk and and Oral Sex


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
WATCH: Drag Queen teaches young children how to “stick your bum out” and “move your bum up and down”

The Republic shall rise again, these demons shall be cast in the Lake of Fire.

“I’ll show you on the side, so you get a better view of it,” he said. “You crouch down into this sort of position here, so your bums sticking out… Then you just move your bum up and down like that, and that’s twerking.”


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WATCH: Drag Queen teaches young children how to “stick your bum out” and “move your bum up and down”

“I’ll show you on the side, so you get a better view of it,” he said. “You crouch down into this sort of position here, so your bums sticking out… Then you just move your bum up and down like that, and that’s twerking.”


Pardon my French. They're sick fucking freaks; moronic, demonic ideological weapons. And the American left has aimed them at our children. Bring back the witch trials, stakes and marshmallows and lots and lots of matches.
WATCH: Drag Queen teaches young children how to “stick your bum out” and “move your bum up and down”

The Republic shall rise again, these demons shall be cast in the Lake of Fire.

“I’ll show you on the side, so you get a better view of it,” he said. “You crouch down into this sort of position here, so your bums sticking out… Then you just move your bum up and down like that, and that’s twerking.”


After looking at that, I know why they used to burn witches.
This has been going on for a while. Lefties claim it's to teach the kids tolerance but it's really about teaching them degeneracy.


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