Dr Robert Malone on information being censored.

This is where best thought of as the propaganda of blaming change.
You would claim that Bill Gates lied when he said that personal computers wouldn't need more than 640K of memory.
You would drag out articles and quotes from the 1980's to prove Bill Gates lied then, and is lying now about the vaccine.

On the truth about both is that those statements applied to the original circumstances, and when the situation changes, previous statements don't become lies.
These morons are to dumb to know that.
That's the bottom line .
And the ones knowingly lying about it should
be held accountable for any consequences caused .... ..namely to workers forced to either be vaccinated or lose their jobs.

In the past workers have been forced to be re-educated, or lose their job. Take the newspaper typesetters, or the human "calculators" in engineering and science. There are thousands of jobs where people were promised long well paying careers, only to have the rug pulled out from under them because of "changes" that could not be predicted.
Now lets add in what else they said about it , it's effective only with 93% of the patients and after 6 months it is less then 60% effective. Love you people running around in center ring trying to get as many as you can into a little car. Beep Beep!
Actually the effectiveness of the vaccine is like trying to measure the effectiveness of one nations weapons against another nations weapons. Except there it's obvious that each side might come up with new variants of their weapons, thus making the previous measures of effectiveness obsolete.
Neat video and great comments on Trump's discussion of disinfectants and UV treatment.

>Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection.

Uh, that is highly debateable...

Here is the CDC's definition of a vaccine on 8/26/2021...

CDC definition of vaccination 8/26/2021

View attachment 587873

Definition was changed when the vaccines broke...

CDC revised definition of vaccination

What they said specifically about he mRNA vaccines was that they prevent infection with over 90% effectiveness. We all now know that to be completely untrue, and the data shows that they are effectively completely ineffective at preventing infection and transmission, and they may even be worsenign the pandemic due to ADE and other effects.

>All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases.

You don't do math very well. It's case rate. It si data directly from the CDC. The whole country. I have done a least squares fit which indisputably shows a very strong correlation which is the exact opposite of the narrative we have been told.

Case rate in a county with 100% vaccination is 10 time that of a county with zero vaccination (if you know how to read and interpret a chart with a red line on it).

Not that it is very surprising or that Biden is an expert in anything, but Biden was still telling the American public in October that the vaccinated people for certain do not get infected or transmit the virus...
(timestamped to 24:05)

The definition of vaccine needed to be changed anyways because we dont so ROUTINELY test people for seasonal flu and gather stats on HOW SICK "exposed" people get. We tested for Covid more than the IRS has audited in 20 years. Can't remember ANY mass testing of that magnitude in history.

What they said specifically about he mRNA vaccines was that they prevent infection with over 90% effectiveness. We all now know that to be completely untrue, and the data shows that they are effectively completely ineffective at preventing infection and transmission, and they may even be worsenign the pandemic due to ADE and other effects.

So here's 4 stages of the epidemiological view of Covid.

Exposure - a couple FRAGMENTS flew up your nose an hour or so before swabbed yourself. This triggers a fear porn process that makes you a test statistic that the public health agencies use to rate "covid exposure" and you become news.

Sub-Clinical Infection -- You may have covid, be totally asymptomic and STILL get quarantined if you're contact traced or tested. See the "fear porn" comment above. About half of infection cases NEVER GET REPORTED, because you just have the sniffles -- but TECHNICALLY -- you're infected.

Clinical Infection -- You know somethings wrong, get tested seek medical treatment. You MAY be LARGELY asymtomatic, but it's a good idea to START looking for medical advice and treatment. Only about 10% go BEYOND this stage.

Serious Infection/Hospitalization -- It's gotten the better of you. You're told to report to an ER.

The "death" and "complications go with the 4th stage.

In ALL of science -- there are "grey areas", but in medicine and PARTICULARLY "public health issues" these grey areas are especially large. And it would be IMPOSSIBLE for even RESPONSIBLE "public health officials who FOLLOW THE SCIENCE to SAY what "protection" an mRNA "immunity enhancing" boost will give you against those goalposts I laid out.

And when you start listening to the political jerks who think they CAN CONTROL and "lock down the virus" as Brandon did campaigning -- that's not the REAL goalpost anywhere in any definition of vaccine efficacy.

So EVERYONE is ENTITLED to THEIR definition of "PREVENTING INFECTION" and you cannot TEACH them how grey all that all is. The FDA could have AVOIDED MOST of the huffingpuffing about "preventing infection" by adding the word(s) "serious or clinical infection" to the legal disclosures they APPROVED. But then 1/2 the public would say "see !! the vaccine doesn't prevent infection"..

There's no way to get people to understand the gradations of "infection".

Can YOU DO IT? Because certainly the vaccines (before Omicron) did a MARVELOUS job of LESSENING infection/hospitalization/death by 100s of thousands of clinical cases.

And once you get the lawyers involved in the pharma disclosures from the FDA -- everything turns to shit anyways. No offense to the "well meaning" lawyers at USMB. LOL..
So here's 4 stages of the epidemiological view of Covid.

Exposure - a couple FRAGMENTS flew up your nose an hour or so before swabbed yourself. This triggers a fear porn process that makes you a test statistic that the public health agencies use to rate "covid exposure" and you become news.

Sub-Clinical Infection -- You may have covid, be totally asymptomic and STILL get quarantined if you're contact traced or tested. See the "fear porn" comment above. About half of infection cases NEVER GET REPORTED, because you just have the sniffles -- but TECHNICALLY -- you're infected.

Clinical Infection -- You know somethings wrong, get tested seek medical treatment. You MAY be LARGELY asymtomatic, but it's a good idea to START looking for medical advice and treatment. Only about 10% go BEYOND this stage.

Serious Infection/Hospitalization -- It's gotten the better of you. You're told to report to an ER.

The "death" and "complications go with the 4th stage.

Compare them to the stages of other diseases. Where they don't become contagious before the clinical infection stage.
So EVERYONE is ENTITLED to THEIR definition of "PREVENTING INFECTION" and you cannot TEACH them how grey all that all is. The FDA could have AVOIDED MOST of the huffingpuffing about "preventing infection" by adding the word(s) "serious or clinical infection" to the legal disclosures they APPROVED. But then 1/2 the public would say "see !! the vaccine doesn't prevent infection"..

There's no way to get people to understand the gradations of "infection".

Actually you can make people understand, if there weren't so many competing voices trying to tell them the opposite.
Compare them to the stages of other diseases. Where they don't become contagious before the clinical infection stage.

O' Man.. Contagious is whole "nother grey area. If you listened to just the CDC and NIH version of "covid contagious" -- you'd think that vaxxed and unvaxxed had NO differences. They dont' even give much lip to asymptomatic vs symptomatic for which the medical journal pubs have decided is pretty clear.

Symptomatic people are about 3.6 times MORE likely to spread. And since the vax certainly demotes a GREAT DEAL of cases to asymptomatic -- THERE IS A VAX BENEFIT to lowering transmission. It's so complicated to quantify that nobody's actually worked the problem tho.

I'll bet a lot of DodgeCoin that if you look at the lit for the seasonal flu vaccines -- you'll find a LOT of bragging about how THEY reduce transmission because of demoting infections to be asymptomatic. These CVid vaccines should be expected to be NO different.
There has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine, and coronavirologists know it. Pfizer's mRNA that leaves an immunity gap in the saliva of the vaxxed, which means that an unvaxxed can be infeccted by a vaxxed, and there's no information published as to whether these viruses in the saliva of the vaxxed that escape immune surveillance are mutating.
This is where best thought of as the propaganda of blaming change.
You would claim that Bill Gates lied when he said that personal computers wouldn't need more than 640K of memory.
You would drag out articles and quotes from the 1980's to prove Bill Gates lied then, and is lying now about the vaccine.

On the truth about both is that those statements applied to the original circumstances, and when the situation changes, previous statements don't become lies.
You still believe them, despite this...

"They told us it didn't come from a lab...
They told us it wasn't gain of function research....
They told us 15 days to slow the spread....
They told us masks work....
They told us there would never be a vaccine mandate...
They told us that vaccinated people can't get the virus...
The vaccinated can't transmit the virus...
and they told us there was no such thing as natural immunity..."


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