Dr. Hillary and Mrs. Hyde: "War On Women's Rights Advocate"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton has been exposed for the freakish, lying SICK 'monster' that she is! Like the old tale of 'Dr. Jeykl and Mr. Hide', Hillary is one person to the public yet quite a different, disturbed person when away from scrutiny. Her lust for power and wealth know no bounds, and she has proven she will do ANYTHING to keep it.

In the limelight of her campaign she her best to try to rally her 'sisters' round her to fight their 'shared' battles as women while swearing faithful devotion to their causes and effort to empower women everywhere:
"It's time for a woman to take the White House!"
"I am an resolute advocate for Women's Rights!"
"I am one of you!"

Really?! (It's amazing how that happens when she needs your votes!)

Like the fabled monster, however, Hillary has hidden her monstrous dark side from the public...that is until now.

For the majority of her political career, which began when she was removed from the Watergate Legal team due to an ethics violation, Hillary's desire for power was insatiable, and she would do anything to get and keep it. She saw a rising star in Bill Clinton, and hitched her snake oil wagon to it. From that point on through the time they left the WH, though. she spent the better part of her career cleaning up after his messes in an attempt to protect the 'Clinton Empire'.

The woman who so convincingly claims she is a staunch defender and protector of women's rights unmercifully preyed on them - attacked, intimidated, terrified, demonized, and destroyed the very women her husband victimized.

Roger Stone reveals in his book, 'The Clinton's War on Women', how for years Hillary did “horrific things” to the women her husband sexually harassed, raped, and with whom he had affairs. "Pets Killed. Tires slashed. Windshields Smashed in and bullets left in the front seat of cars. Late night phone calls: We know where you’re children go to school,” all of these threats were part of the Clintons intimidation tactics."

This is very sick stuff. It is the psychological abuse of women and Hillary is responsible for it. Women voters need to know her real record,” Stone declared.

Hillary, of course, denies this; however, Stone points out, while Hillary continues to advocate for equal pay and treatment of women, ironically “in no job where she was the boss, even in her own campaign now, did women make as much as the men.”

'The Clinton's War on Women':

Hillary Clinton on Rape: You Have the Right to Remain Silent Because Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You… by the Clintons - Breitbart

She's a doddering old twat feeding off her husband's Hollywood-style celebrity and make-believe issues. Anyone who votes for her for anything is completely insane.
She's a doddering old twat feeding off her husband's Hollywood-style celebrity and make-believe issues. Anyone who votes for her for anything is completely insane.

I would love to agree with you, but your assessment of Hillary ignored the completely vile, lying, self-serving, treasonous criminal that she is. She not only deserves no one voting for her - she deserves to go to jail.

General Patraeus was sent to the Middle East, charged to assess the situation, and ordered to report back what he witnessed. The DAY BEFORE Patraeus was to testify before Congress upon his return, the Democrats despicably, personally attacked the man - with BILLBOARDS, on TV, on the radio - they declared him to be a liar before he was ever allowed to speak before Congress. Almost no one was louder in their vile condemnation and attacks on Patraeus than Hillary. The Liberals, not wanting any news that the 'surge' might be working attempted a personal character and political 'assassination' of the man. They failed to stop him, a distinguished, decorated military officer, from delivering his message. His conviction for mishandling of classified information, although deserved (like Hillary's is), was 'punishment' form the Liberals.

No one came to HIS defense, as they are coming to Hillary's, who has done far worse that Patraeus! EQUAL ACCOUNTABILITY! JUSTICE! Anything less than that is a victory for those who continue to seek the demise of this nation!
Hillary Clinton has been exposed for the freakish, lying SICK 'monster' that she is! Like the old tale of 'Dr. Jeykl and Mr. Hide', Hillary is one person to the public yet quite a different, disturbed person when away from scrutiny. Her lust for power and wealth know no bounds, and she has proven she will do ANYTHING to keep it.

In the limelight of her campaign she her best to try to rally her 'sisters' round her to fight their 'shared' battles as women while swearing faithful devotion to their causes and effort to empower women everywhere:
"It's time for a woman to take the White House!"
"I am an resolute advocate for Women's Rights!"
"I am one of you!"

Really?! (It's amazing how that happens when she needs your votes!)

Like the fabled monster, however, Hillary has hidden her monstrous dark side from the public...that is until now.

For the majority of her political career, which began when she was removed from the Watergate Legal team due to an ethics violation, Hillary's desire for power was insatiable, and she would do anything to get and keep it. She saw a rising star in Bill Clinton, and hitched her snake oil wagon to it. From that point on through the time they left the WH, though. she spent the better part of her career cleaning up after his messes in an attempt to protect the 'Clinton Empire'.

The woman who so convincingly claims she is a staunch defender and protector of women's rights unmercifully preyed on them - attacked, intimidated, terrified, demonized, and destroyed the very women her husband victimized.

Roger Stone reveals in his book, 'The Clinton's War on Women', how for years Hillary did “horrific things” to the women her husband sexually harassed, raped, and with whom he had affairs. "Pets Killed. Tires slashed. Windshields Smashed in and bullets left in the front seat of cars. Late night phone calls: We know where you’re children go to school,” all of these threats were part of the Clintons intimidation tactics."

This is very sick stuff. It is the psychological abuse of women and Hillary is responsible for it. Women voters need to know her real record,” Stone declared.

Hillary, of course, denies this; however, Stone points out, while Hillary continues to advocate for equal pay and treatment of women, ironically “in no job where she was the boss, even in her own campaign now, did women make as much as the men.”

'The Clinton's War on Women':

Hillary Clinton on Rape: You Have the Right to Remain Silent Because Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You… by the Clintons - Breitbart

Rape isn't an "affair". Republicans ideas of relationships are so very strange and outside the norm.
She's a doddering old twat feeding off her husband's Hollywood-style celebrity and make-believe issues. Anyone who votes for her for anything is completely insane.

I would love to agree with you, but your assessment of Hillary ignored the completely vile, lying, self-serving, treasonous criminal that she is. She not only deserves no one voting for her - she deserves to go to jail.

General Patraeus was sent to the Middle East, charged to assess the situation, and ordered to report back what he witnessed. The DAY BEFORE Patraeus was to testify before Congress upon his return, the Democrats despicably, personally attacked the man - with BILLBOARDS, on TV, on the radio - they declared him to be a liar before he was ever allowed to speak before Congress. Almost no one was louder in their vile condemnation and attacks on Patraeus than Hillary. The Liberals, not wanting any news that the 'surge' might be working attempted a personal character and political 'assassination' of the man. They failed to stop him, a distinguished, decorated military officer, from delivering his message. His conviction for mishandling of classified information, although deserved (like Hillary's is), was 'punishment' form the Liberals.

No one came to HIS defense, as they are coming to Hillary's, who has done far worse that Patraeus! EQUAL ACCOUNTABILITY! JUSTICE! Anything less than that is a victory for those who continue to seek the demise of this nation!

Agreed. I simply saw no point in wasting more letters on her.
Rape isn't an "affair". Republicans ideas of relationships are so very strange and outside the norm.

:wtf: You seem to be the only one who can't tell the difference between ;rape' and an 'affair', both of which Slick Willey is guilty of. Then again, your liberal confusion is understandable since Slick Willey demonstrated how Liberals aren't even sure of the definition of the word 'is'. :laugh:
Rape isn't an "affair". Republicans ideas of relationships are so very strange and outside the norm.

:wtf: You seem to be the only one who can't tell the difference between ;rape' and an 'affair', both of which Slick Willey is guilty of. Then again, your liberal confusion is understandable since Slick Willey demonstrated how Liberals aren't even sure of the definition of the word 'is'. :laugh:
So says the court of right wing opinion.

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