DOW Up +800 Last 2 Days, You Lefties Said It's a Trump Market Monday

Eight whole hundred after a descent of 2300. Isn't that special.

The memory is the second thing to go.
Eight whole hundred after a descent of 2300. Isn't that special.

The memory is the second thing to go.
What is the percentages on that? :D
YOU sound "special" :spinner:

Very little considering it started over 26k.

Just made that point in another thread yesterday to somebody else who just jumped off the same Special Bus.

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Very little considering it started over 26k.

Just made that point in another thread yesterday to somebody else who just jumped off the same Special Bus
The important number is what was it when Obuttboy left office...?
Eight whole hundred after a descent of 2300. Isn't that special.

The memory is the second thing to go.
What is the percentages on that? :D
YOU sound "special" :spinner:

Very little considering it started over 26k.

Just made that point in another thread yesterday to somebody else who just jumped off the same Special Bus.
I heard that when people talk about numbers instead of percentages, they dont know what they are talking about. A Wall Street "special bus" if you will. But idk thats just what i heard.
I'm on Terra Firma, where Monday fell by 1175 and last week fell another 1000+.

Or didn't you know that?
Maybe you should try a stock market crash dance...

Maybe Warren could assist you...
Eight whole hundred after a descent of 2300. Isn't that special.

The memory is the second thing to go.
What is the percentages on that? :D
YOU sound "special" :spinner:

Very little considering it started over 26k.

Just made that point in another thread yesterday to somebody else who just jumped off the same Special Bus.
I heard that when people talk about numbers instead of percentages, they dont know what they are talking about. A Wall Street "special bus" if you will. But idk thats just what i heard.

Whelp ---- check out the OP. Is he quoting points or percentages?


He quoted a number, out of context. I supplied that context. And I did it using his own terms. DEAL with it.
Again, what would be the point?

I'm invested. I have to know this shit. It has direct impact
If your investments are not increasing you need a new portfolio

They are --- today. Again, depends on the context.

If context is today and yesterday they be going up.

If context is the last two weeks they been goin' down.

If context is 2018 calendar year they're about where they came in, just slightly up.

If context is the entire term, they's goin' up.

I suspect this is sailing over a few heads already so let's leave it there. Suffice to say that nobody makes a point about DJIA with a snapshot.
suspect this is sailing over a few heads already so let's leave it there. Suffice to say that nobody makes a point about DJIA with a snapshot
Oh yeah are the only one that gets it...LMAO if that were so you wouldn't be whining like a little bitch you would be enjoying your new wealth...

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