Don't vote


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
You heard me, do not vote. Most of us have been called morons, idiots, partisan or worse multiple times this year. Clearly we have no business making important decisions like who should run the country. Stay home, its suppose to rain anyways.
No one is voting for their own representatives for their district and community anymore anyway.... it's a vote for or against Trump, no?

I voted 4 days ago.... :D
You heard me, do not vote. Most of us have been called morons, idiots, partisan or worse multiple times this year. Clearly we have no business making important decisions like who should run the country. Stay home, its suppose to rain anyways.

You should vote if you don't like taxes.

Now if you don't want to vote for a candidate, fine, but at least be mindful of the taxes.

Really, increasing taxes is the ONLY thing we ever get to vote directly upon. They never give us the opportunity to vote for tax decreases, do they?

In other words, if they are asking you to vote yes, odds are you better vote no.
You are either voting to keep America on this great new course or voting to hit back at the President you personally hate.

I'm not sure what is better for Trump. Would it be better to win the House and Senate or lose the House and let the circus of Pelosi and Waters and their impeachment proceedings let Trump have an easy win in 2020?
No one is voting for their own representatives for their district and community anymore anyway.... it's a vote for or against Trump, no?

I voted 4 days ago.... :D

Exactly, you have proven the left are uneducated voters, they always vote for prom queen and Kings instead of policy .

Ok, I won't :badgrin::th_dontgosmiley-1:

In all seriousness though, I was thinking about this the other day. We have many socialist Canadians in Florida, are they allowed to vote? If they are dual citizens or if they live there 6 months of the year can they?

If so, this is going Democrat almost certainly.
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No one is voting for their own representatives for their district and community anymore anyway.... it's a vote for or against Trump, no?

I voted 4 days ago.... :D
President Trump isnt running until 2020, shame you have so much hate for your Country...
No one is voting for their own representatives for their district and community anymore anyway.... it's a vote for or against Trump, no?

I voted 4 days ago.... :D
President Trump isnt running until 2020, shame you have so much hate for your Country...
Really? Seems to me, by all of your non stop hate filled posts, it's you that has a deep seeded hatred for our own Country!

I love my country and reject the hatred and divisivness that Trump spews daily from his bully pulpit....

but I did not vote for or against him...

I was teasing about what Trump is telling right wingers like you when he is out spending my tax dollars campaigning against those who represent me, he's telling you that you MUST vote straight Republican, because that would be a vote for him.
You heard me, do not vote. Most of us have been called morons, idiots, partisan or worse multiple times this year. Clearly we have no business making important decisions like who should run the country. Stay home, its suppose to rain anyways.
That is the most uneducated statement I have ever read. Yep that type of attitude worked real well in Germany, Russia, China and other Nations that the Commies took over. I'll just sleep in until the Next government comes to help me die or reeducation camp. You do just what you want to I would vote if I have to crawl to the polls.
This is in the satire section people...let that sink in...or not...
This was NOT on my ballot, why?


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