Don’t They Mean Easter Worshippers?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.

OK, let's keep score. Since year 2000...

On the one hand, we will count the number of non-Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by Muslims, based on their Islamic "faith."

On the other hand, we will count the number of Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by non-Muslims, based on their Christian, Jewish, or whatever faith.

I think we "infidels" have a lot of catching up to do.
Happy Ramadan, cyber buddies-----remember----it is impolite to EAT whilst muslims fast
View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
OK, let's keep score. Since year 2000...

On the one hand, we will count the number of non-Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by Muslims, based on their Islamic "faith."

On the other hand, we will count the number of Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by non-Muslims, based on their Christian, Jewish, or whatever faith.

I think we "infidels" have a lot of catching up to do.

View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!

View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
It’s not that Christianity is bad it’s that American right wingers have turned Christianity from the religion of Jesus and peace and love into something completely unrecognizable.

View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
It’s not that Christianity is bad it’s that American right wingers have turned Christianity from the religion of Jesus and peace and love into something completely unrecognizable.


Traitor to your civilizational history and heritage. Celebrate good times, eh?
OK, let's keep score. Since year 2000...

On the one hand, we will count the number of non-Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by Muslims, based on their Islamic "faith."

On the other hand, we will count the number of Muslims who have been killed in terrorist attacks by non-Muslims, based on their Christian, Jewish, or whatever faith.

I think we "infidels" have a lot of catching up to do.

View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!

View attachment 257955

Can't upvote this sentiment enough, Duke.
View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
It’s not that Christianity is bad it’s that American right wingers have turned Christianity from the religion of Jesus and peace and love into something completely unrecognizable.


Traitor to your civilizational history and heritage. Celebrate good times, eh?
I am a traitor to hate. It’s why we have nothing in common.

View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
It’s not that Christianity is bad it’s that American right wingers have turned Christianity from the religion of Jesus and peace and love into something completely unrecognizable.

Thank you for the atheists view on how to run our faith.
View attachment 257937

I suggest the refugee (from what?) take his children back to Pakistan.


"Funny" thing is radical atheist Leftist news outlets here in our good old US of A no longer have to (its seems) be covert about their veneration of Islam and damnation of Christianity. "Funnier" still? Millions of Americans who align with the radical left, generational Christians and US citizens no less, now defend Islam while claiming to be atheist/agnostic/Martians, whatever, all the while going on and on and on, on internet message boards about how Christianity is shit and God does not exist. And yet these same American punks praise the shit out of Allah. Go figure. Even better, if you're one of those Islam enablers/defenders, GTFO and don't come back now, ya here!
It’s not that Christianity is bad it’s that American right wingers have turned Christianity from the religion of Jesus and peace and love into something completely unrecognizable.


Traitor to your civilizational history and heritage. Celebrate good times, eh?
I am a traitor to hate. It’s why we have nothing in common.

Cool meme. Except it’s a lie. Jesus said to hate evil.

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