Don't Pull D Screw Ups Unless you want to Have a D Congress

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The Democratic party is in trouble because Hillary and earlier Obama thought they could take voters for granted and a who cares that state and local races are being won by the opposition attitude.

In the case of the GOP the following bad Attitudes are in play:

Blowing a gimme special election in AL.

Having purity fights that don't necessarily stop after the primary race is over

Ignoring close run victories instead of figuring out what went wrong.

This list could be expanded but the Obama style arrogance in conservative posts on this board is a sure sign that the GOP is in long run trouble if this kind of crap does not stop soon and more or less completely.

Winning the house and getting 60 R seats in the Senate is not the finish line. It is the starting line to getting the country back on track.
Listening to the voter, the constituent is not exactly a strong trait in either party. With more communication methods than ever before, most people don’t listen. I saw a news report that Doctors only really listen to you for ten seconds. So you better get the message across fast.

The truth is that neither party listens, and neither one is the best choice, its been the lesser of two evils for a long time now.
The Democratic party is in trouble because Hillary and earlier Obama thought they could take voters for granted and a who cares that state and local races are being won by the opposition attitude.

In the case of the GOP the following bad Attitudes are in play:

Blowing a gimme special election in AL.

Having purity fights that don't necessarily stop after the primary race is over

Ignoring close run victories instead of figuring out what went wrong.

This list could be expanded but the Obama style arrogance in conservative posts on this board is a sure sign that the GOP is in long run trouble if this kind of crap does not stop soon and more or less completely.

Winning the house and getting 60 R seats in the Senate is not the finish line. It is the starting line to getting the country back on track.
These whistling past the graveyard threads are as ridiculous as they are pathetic.

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