The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

In a sane World, Ubercunt would have been hanged or imprisoned for life for her behavior in the Benghazi fiasco
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.

It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.

It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.

Says a person who thinks Trump is a Russian agent who stole the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary Clinton.
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Fortunately for snowflakes it does not seem to be a rule anywhere on USMB that it is illegal / against the rules to spread butt-hurt and hate-driven lies...
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.

It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.

From the liar that says Trump and putin are lord and master, when all evidence clearly says you are a lying sack. Now, like a good 'stain, cry "What evidence?" lol
It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.
What is amazing is how you just falsely accused the GOP and Conservatives of doing what the Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven to have done for the last 2+ years now....

I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.

It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.

From the liar that says Trump and putin are lord and master, when all evidence clearly says you are a lying sack. Now, like a good 'stain, cry "What evidence?" lol

I keep hoping that some day you will say something that makes sense. I guess today is not that day
It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.
What is amazing is how you just falsely accused the GOP and Conservatives of doing what the Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven to have done for the last 2+ years now....

See there.That's what I'm talking about. You conspiracy nuts are amazing.
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Lies, all lies.
I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and were LOST and IRRETRIEVABLE. The IG found them within 24 hours through the Mobile Service Provider. Here is a review of those texts that puts it all in proper context. I will also have to remark, I can understand why Trey Gowdy chose to retire. There is so much corruption in Washington that I think a good man would literally go crazy trying to clean it up.

Maybe it's because 9 committees, 12 hours of grilling Hillary just left him sweaty?
I thought it was you rubes who went in stupid hats around chanting MAGA our WWII Nazi group name

I guess maybe it is necessary to go over all of this again. This does not even begin to cover it.

This is a repost of mine that does not even scratch the surface of what these people did. How about you refute every point I make or quit crying like a little girl?

Flynn should be pardoned and hired back.

Listen to what Obama did. He personally approved Natalia V coming in to this country. She was then sent by Fusion GPS to try to set Trump up. Straight to Trump Tower under false pretenses. They kicked her out. After Obama and his Legion of Evil did that, they kicked her out of the country and she cannot even come back if she was requested as a witness.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn. They used extortion to force Flynn to plea to a petty process crime after Mueller financially ruined him and then started threatening his son.

Nothing Illegal was done, during any of these Obama generated meetings with Russians sent by Obama himself to The Trump Campaign but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people. Obama remember contributed $1 Million to The Dossier. He knew exactly what was going on. He was also briefed on every aspect of the operation to weaponize our Government to attack Trump’s candidacy and then presidency.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump.

Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two Judas could be had.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by that hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server. By contrast Trump allowed his server to be fully examined too.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Administrative Credentials on The DNC payroll.

These criminals hacked in to Congressional Files. Why? To get dirt on Congress for Clinton and Obama to leverage over them. Even after being caught, Clinton took One of The DNC Hackers and employed him as her personal hacker.

Btw Trump was exonerated by three different investigations for reference.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Pages victimization followed the exact same pattern as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine through The Podesta Group who’s Exec Board is made up of Russians. Joe Biden was involved in the Ukraine at the same time, and he & his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

Podesta got immunity and was allowed to retroactively register Manafort as a Foreign Agent. Weird huh, since Mueller went after him for not being properly registered. He was registered, first as a domestic lobbyist intentionally because the reporting requirements are lax, then retroactively by Podesta with Mueller’s blessing. Why? They didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing with The Ukraine. “They” is The Obama Administration.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate heads of state like Qaddafi and overthrow Governments in Libya, Egypt and Turkey, and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.

To quote The Bible: “The Wicked are ensnared by The Web of their Own Lies”

May it be so, Lord, May it be so.

the lies just keep on coming.
Don't Let These Libtard DemNazi Trolls Keep Lying ON USMB

cant have that - there needs to be plenty of room for Russian ass kissing right wingers to lie for Trump ..
They should all be hung. Worst batch of 'coup' plotters in the history of man! I bet each and everyone of them thanks their lucky fucking stars the GOP is just too incompetent to catch them. Especially that Obama. Worst Socialist take over ever!
The only reason they do it, Tree is because they are allowed to do it.

In fact, I think they are encouraged to do it because there are absolutely NO repercussions for posting blatant LIES on this forum.

No requirement to back them up, no requirement to prove them, no requirement to even show a shrred of evidence.

They do it because they are allowed to do it
It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.
What is amazing is how you just falsely accused the GOP and Conservatives of doing what the Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven to have done for the last 2+ years now....

See there.That's what I'm talking about. You conspiracy nuts are amazing. the face of overwhelming evidence, you still continue to spin / lie....
It's always amazing how you conspiracy theory nuts always blend your latest conspiracy theory into your unified field conspiracy. Virtually anything can becoming damming evidence in your conspiracy addled mind.
What is amazing is how you just falsely accused the GOP and Conservatives of doing what the Liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven to have done for the last 2+ years now....

See there.That's what I'm talking about. You conspiracy nuts are amazing. the face of overwhelming evidence, you still continue to spin / lie....

Again, that's my point. Even though you claim to have overwhelming evidence, after 25 years you have failed to "lock her up" or to show even the hint of wrong doing. Conspiracy theories aren't acceptable as evidence in court, dumb ass.

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