Don't join the military - veterans need to speak out as well


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
It isn't the Jews. It seems that way, even to them, but it's not them.

The people that run our country are a bunch of nasty old white men who are terrified of people's movements so they constantly create distractions.
If you don't feel like America is worth defending your presence is neither wanted or needed here.
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
Nice rant with an antisemitic twist. Disagreed, however.

The military isn't for everyone. About 2/3s of Americans don't qualify even if they did want to join due to physical, behavioral or educational problems. Of those eligible for service (although not necessarily qualified), only about 1% express interest.

Here’s why most Americans can’t join the military

Did you serve, dfens ? If so, for how long?
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
Nice rant with an antisemitic twist. Disagreed, however.

The military isn't for everyone. About 2/3s of Americans don't qualify even if they did want to join due to physical, behavioral or educational problems. Of those eligible for service (although not necessarily qualified), only about 1% express interest.

Here’s why most Americans can’t join the military

Did you serve, dfens ? If so, for how long?

A Friggin Men.
My Families service goes all the way back to the Civil war. All were volunteers. I served and was looking forward to some of my children carrying on the tradition. Now i have changed my mind and it has nothing to do with the OP's asinine claims. The lowering of standards, transexuals, PC bullshit and the way we Veterans are treated after service is the reason I'm against my children joining up.
My Families service goes all the way back to the Civil war. All were volunteers. I served and was looking forward to some of my children carrying on the tradition. Now i have changed my mind and it has nothing to do with the OP's asinine claims. The lowering of standards, transexuals, PC bullshit and the way we Veterans are treated after service is the reason I'm against my children joining up.
That'll all be reformed. If they don't join, how can it be fixed?
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.

I'm a veteran and there's no way I'm repeating that stupid garbage.
"No offense"? Do sissie leftwing idiots think they can get away with insulting the valor and courage of the greatest Military in the freaking world by saying "no offense"? The 1st Amendment allows lefties to make fools of themselves and it also allows saner people to make fun of their antics.
"No offense"? Do sissie leftwing idiots think they can get away with insulting the valor and courage of the greatest Military in the freaking world by saying "no offense"? The 1st Amendment allows lefties to make fools of themselves and it also allows saner people to make fun of their antics.

Offense is taken. You were NEVER in the Military yet you claim to be an ExPert. Hell, I didn't know you ever perted but I guess one would have to pert, give it up, in order to be an ExPert.
Did you ever see a WW2 Veteran try to council a kid not to join the U.S. Military even when they suffered so much as a result of bad decisions by the FDR and Truman administrations? What do we have left if we don't protect the Country we love?
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
What a load of crap. As one who spent a career in the military, your goal is primarily to weaken and destroy our nation. If you hate this great nation so much, there are ample airplanes, boats and other vehicles leaving our borders. Get on one of them and get the hell out of here.
A alleged American who doesn't appreciate her military past and present is simply worthless and a waste of resources.
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
I'm proud to have served and I'd do it again if the country needs an old man like me.
Don't join the United States military. No offense, but somebody needs to speak out on this. And veterans have a special duty to do so.

The United States military is not about honor, defending the country, defending us from terrorists, or any such nonsense. That's what they brainwash you to believe, just liked they brainwashed a former generation into going to Vietnam. Look what happened to them.

They want you to believe that going over to the Middle East and doing whatever it is you are doing (does anybody even know anymore) is fun and heroic and all of that. But in reality, you are just a pawn in the hands of the jewish and corporate interests. They need to make sure the oil continues to get produced and priced in dollars.

It's all about Israel and oil. That's the only reason you are being sent to the Middle East. Heck, if it wasn't for that your presence would not be needed, nor would there be Islamic terrorists.

But you can do your part to end this system. You can convince others, spread the world to not join the military. Drain the beast of its blood.
I joined for the thrill of the kill...We killed a lot of beers........
I got the beginning of my tech. education at Fleet Sonar School Key West. There is no civilian equivalent, except at a cost most cannot afford.
I would not want to be in a combat role. I have had enough combat.
I never had to fire a shot in anger.
This country needs both a defensive capabilitie and the discipline to apply oneself.

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