Don’t Give The Masters Of The Universe Their Amnesty


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
The people who doesn't stand up against this. I guess they want a dictator and have to fight for jobs in the future. just awful how far we have fallen as citizens running their government.


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has pushed hard for the Senate immigration-reform bill. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
The Senate isn’t doing anything to stop Obama’s plans — thank the plutocrats.
By Jeff Sessions

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday evening about Senate Democrats’ refusal to support legislation to block the president’s proposed executive actions on immigration policy, and the interests supporting amnesty. Following is an adapted version of his remarks.

Earlier this week I spoke about the president’s promise that he would issue an executive amnesty to 5 or 6 million people. The planned amnesty would include work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers for millions of people who illegally entered the U.S., illegally overstayed their visas, or defrauded U.S. immigration authorities.

The Senate Democratic conference has supported and enabled the president’s unlawful actions and blocked every effort to stop them. Not even one of our Democratic colleagues has backed the House legislation that would stop this planned executive amnesty or demanded that Senator Reid bring it up for a vote. Every Senate Democrat is therefore the president’s partner in his planned lawless acts.

Tonight I would like to talk about the influence of special interests on our nation’s immigration system.
How did we get to the point where elected officials, activist groups, the ACLU, and global CEOs are openly working to deny American workers the immigration protections to which they are legally entitled?

How did we get to the point where the Democratic party is prepared to nullify and wipe away the immigration laws of the United States of America?

Just yesterday Majority Leader Reid wrote in a tweet something that was shocking. He said: “Since House Republicans have failed to act on immigration, I know the President will. When he does, I hope he goes Real Big.”

Let this sink in for a moment. The majority leader of the Senate is bragging that he knows the president will circumvent Congress to issue executive amnesty to millions, and he is encouraging the president to ensure this amnesty includes as many people as possible. And the White House has acknowledged that 5 to 6 million is the number they are looking at.

Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to reject Mr. Reid’s statement? Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to say: I support the legislation passed by the House of Representatives that would secure the border and block this executive amnesty? Have they ever said they support that? Have they ever said: I will do everything in my power to see that the House legislation gets a vote in the Senate so the American people can know what is going on? No. All we hear is silence.

This body is not run by one man. We don’t have a dictator in the great Senate. Every member has a vote. And the only way Senator Reid can succeed in blocking this Senate from voting to stop the president’s executive actions is for members to stop supporting him.

Every senator needs to stand up and represent their constituents — not big business, not the ACLU, not activist groups, not political interests, but the American interests, the workers’ interests. That is what we need to expect from them, and we don’t have but a few weeks, it looks like, to get it done.

ALL of it here:
Don t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty National Review Online
When people read that article they should see if they can detect his voice coming through his writing. It's written is a style where he's actually talking to people rather than at people. It's very personalizing.

Also refreshing is his concern for Americans. That comes through loud and clear. He's making powerful enemies and yet he's fighting on behalf of Americans and making the more logical case. How do you complain about that - he's in our corner and his arguments are better.
How did we get to the point where the Democratic party is prepared to nullify and wipe away the immigration laws of the United States of America?

This fails as a straw man fallacy.

just march along with your party:sad:

It doesn't matter any more.
Both parties have abandoned the interests of white people and decided that it's "good" for the country to allow 3rd world illegals to flood across the border.

In the article below, the GOP pretends to oppose by voting down DACA...while at the same time authorizing 694 MILLION dollars... to address the humanitarian crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border.

If they really wanted to "address" the problem they would save the taxpayers 694 million and close the damned border...but our enemies will sneak something across pretty son and THAT whole subject will be moot..and we'll have more laws (to "protect" us, of course) and more gvmt surveillance and intrusion. (to "protect" us, of course)

Wall Street Journal Editorial Reams Into GOP s Deportation Caucus For Causing Border Spectacle Business Insider India

House Republicans passed legislation Friday night to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program established unilaterally by President Barack Obama in 2012. The program shields hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation.

House leadership added the legislation to a package that included a $694 million bill to address the humanitarian crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border. The DACA legislation was meant as an enhancement to the package to sweeten conservative support.
For all you whiners out there don't forget,,

money=speech..You rwer's always arguing for the rich to have it all their way...well they are, and they will step on their supporters to get what they want....I don't know why it should be an issue for Steph? She wants tax free status for corporations while others want a tax free investment income..Isn't it bad and sad that they got bailed out while the rest of us got the shaft?
When will this fawning over corporate interest end? They want the illegals, they want the laws changed to favor them and screw the common citizen...
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!
For all you whiners out there don't forget,,

money=speech..You rwer's always arguing for the rich to have it all their way...well they are, and they will step on their supporters to get what they want....I don't know why it should be an issue for Steph? She wants tax free status for corporations while others want a tax free investment income..Isn't it bad and sad that they got bailed out while the rest of us got the shaft?
When will this fawning over corporate interest end? They want the illegals, they want the laws changed to favor them and screw the common citizen...

Its a problem because no president has the power to make new laws. That's what is happening here if he signs an EO.
For all you whiners out there don't forget,,

money=speech..You rwer's always arguing for the rich to have it all their way...well they are, and they will step on their supporters to get what they want....I don't know why it should be an issue for Steph? She wants tax free status for corporations while others want a tax free investment income..Isn't it bad and sad that they got bailed out while the rest of us got the shaft?
When will this fawning over corporate interest end? They want the illegals, they want the laws changed to favor them and screw the common citizen...

Its a problem because no president has the power to make new laws. That's what is happening here if he signs an EO.

If he does maybe, we have yet to see the intended plans...
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Well we know the union busting repubs are not for the working man, looks like it's time for our own workers party, so you guys have one more group to call communist..
For all you whiners out there don't forget,,

money=speech..You rwer's always arguing for the rich to have it all their way...well they are, and they will step on their supporters to get what they want....I don't know why it should be an issue for Steph? She wants tax free status for corporations while others want a tax free investment income..Isn't it bad and sad that they got bailed out while the rest of us got the shaft?
When will this fawning over corporate interest end? They want the illegals, they want the laws changed to favor them and screw the common citizen...

Its a problem because no president has the power to make new laws. That's what is happening here if he signs an EO.
It hasn't stopped him yet, though, has it?
Neither party wants the border closed...or it would have been closed years ago.
The left needs the voters, so they allow illegals to flood in and undercut fair wages for americans..
The right is too afraid of being called racists or xenophobes or whatever word the left chooses to weaponize, so they don't do anything.
It's all controlled opposition and political theater to keep the partisans agitated and fighting among themselves while the elite governing class does whatever they want. "Let them eat cake"
Corrections will be made eventually...
For all you whiners out there don't forget,,

money=speech..You rwer's always arguing for the rich to have it all their way...well they are, and they will step on their supporters to get what they want....I don't know why it should be an issue for Steph? She wants tax free status for corporations while others want a tax free investment income..Isn't it bad and sad that they got bailed out while the rest of us got the shaft?
When will this fawning over corporate interest end? They want the illegals, they want the laws changed to favor them and screw the common citizen...

Spot on. But guess what? The right wingers will still fight for the rights of the rich to screw everybody else over. Gotta maintain that ideological purity.
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Well we know the union busting repubs are not for the working man, looks like it's time for our own workers party, so you guys have one more group to call communist..

And yet the entire 5 page article written by a Republican Senator WAS FOR THE WORKING MAN.

This puts you in an inconvenient spot - your ideology tells you that Democrats should be fighting for the working man, but to a man they've all sold out to the plutocrats and ethnic warriors and it's the Republicans who are fighting for the American working man and you IGNORE reality and stick to faith.
What happened to the Democratic party that was for the "WORKING MAN"?

Obama WILL grant a amnesty for millions of illegal aliens as soon as the election is over, while millions of American CITIZENS can't find jobs. Of course the vast majority of Democrats agree with him (except the ones in close races for relection .....until after the election)!

The Party Of Amnesty Is Not The Working Man’s Friend!

Well we know the union busting repubs are not for the working man, looks like it's time for our own workers party, so you guys have one more group to call communist..

And yet the entire 5 page article written by a Republican Senator WAS FOR THE WORKING MAN.

This puts you in an inconvenient spot - your ideology tells you that Democrats should be fighting for the working man, but to a man they've all sold out to the plutocrats and ethnic warriors and it's the Republicans who are fighting for the American working man and you IGNORE reality and stick to faith.

You keep on believing that all you like, after the election he'll turn his back...

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