Don't Ask-Don't Tell


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Don't ask your kids what they are getting you for Christmas.

{they want to surprise you}

Don't tell them what you are getting them.

{so they can be surprised}
I don't know who those boots belong to in your avatar but I recognize the lady's legs...
I tell you what, I'm LOVING online shopping. I got 75% of Mini Echo's gifts online this year.
(besides her laptop and a few small things)

She likes things that are not the 'norm'-meaining she's one of the few teens in America that HATES the mall, and the things they sell to teens there.

So I find some good stuff you can't find elsewhere online for her, and all from the comfort of my own home!

It's a Win-Win! :woohoo: :woohoo:
I tell you what, I'm LOVING online shopping. I got 75% of Mini Echo's gifts online this year.
(besides her laptop and a few small things)

She likes things that are not the 'norm'-meaining she's one of the few teens in America that HATES the mall, and the things they sell to teens there.

So I find some good stuff you can't find elsewhere online for her, and all from the comfort of my own home!

It's a Win-Win! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Shopping on line is good. Very good. I hate the crowds. BTW, you didn't forget BBD's Christmas gift did you? I've tried to be good and don't you believe what those liars have told you behind my back.
I was actually quite naughty this year.... I spent more on my Mom than we had agreed. But.... I bought her the most beautiful pashmina.... the absolute perfect color blue for her. I'm soooo gonna get told off for it but also, I'm very excited about her getting it cuz I know she's gonna love it.

Funny aside, I wear pashminas quite a lot.... yesterday, I was out shopping and it was really cold and I didn't have a hat so I had my pashmina up over my head.... some guy called me a 'fucking Muslim'. How sad. I wonder if Muslims have to put up with that shit every day... I don't know but they really shouldn't have to take that crap from drunken fools.
When I was little, Suzie S. always snooped for her Christmas presents. That would be the activity and she wouldn't stop till she found every single one. There were never any surprises for her come Christmas morning.

My mom always put the presents in the sewing room closet and everyone knew it. Her attitude was 'hey, if you want to ruin Christmas go ahead'. No one ever peaked.

I accidentally found a gift I was getting for my 21st birthday. I can't even tell you how disappointed I was that I found it. It sucked and then I had to pretend that I was surprised when I got it.

Shopping online rocks!
When it comes to my wife, parents and extended family I usually keep quiet about what I've bought them for Christmas, but with my brothers I'm pretty up-front and we buy each other the same sort of shit we bought each other when we were kids. I know that I'm getting a slingshot from my younger brother and a series of novels from my youngest brother (I'm the eldest). I've bought them both a book on how to make 101 different types of paper aeroplane.

I once bought one of my brothers an old, inert hand-grenade and his girlfriend opened in by mistake. He phoned me after she'd opened it to thank me and tell me that the look on her face was the Christmas present he'd ever recieved

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