Donald’s Wall


Sep 23, 2010
Trump My Wall Won t Even Be As Big As The Great Wall Of China And Mexico Will Pay 100 Video RealClearPolitics

Back in 2007-08 John McCain touted a physical fence in order stop the mass migration of illegal aliens. His fence was absurd then. He only said it to get votes. His part in the Gang of Eight showed that he was, and is, for amnesty for illegal aliens.

Incidentally, if winning elections by granting amnesty should be the goal for Republicans how come the Gang of Eight’s front man, Marco Rubio, is not running for the presidency on amnesty? The fact is: The conservatism of every wannabe who is for amnesty, or a pathway to citizenship, or whatever they call it, will fly out the door the minute he or she is sworn in.

NOTE: Media mouths tell us they have never seen such a talented field of candidates. If being for amnesty for illegal aliens, Common Core, and environmental lies is talent, I would rather live in a country populated by no-talent dummies.


Donald Trump’s wall is not so absurd.

The argument in favor of The Donald’s Wall demolishes the never-ending howling against isolation. Everything is isolationism to the United Nations global government crowd.

Isolationism, as it was understood and practiced in the first half of the twentieth century, is no longer possible. The charge of contemporary American isolationism is impossible to make it stick with any credibility. Ocean-hopping aircraft, global communications, legal immigration, tourism, a worldwide web of financial markets, business alliances, etc., have buried “Great Wall of China” type isolation as a national policy in most of the world. That reality does not mean sovereignty is also obsolete. Just the opposite is true. Territorial sovereignty is more important today than it has ever been. Nations can and should do business with other nations, and, at the same time, retain their national sovereignty. Sovereignty begins with the citizens in every nation controlling their borders. Border control was stolen from the American people by thieves, parasites, and traitors loyal to the New World Order’s agenda.

Communist styled isolationism is still with us. The Great Wall of China was built to keep invaders out. Communist China’s modern wall is modeled after the Soviet Union’s wall —— keep people in; which says a lot about Communism and all totalitarian governments. Communist countries turning a countries into prisons is no reason to oppose sovereignty. China, Russia, Muslim countries, and just about every country are not surrendering control of their borders, yet Americans are being forced to do just that.

The basis for so much political indifference to sovereignty in the U.S. stems, in part, from the touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-protected view, while they are powerless to fight it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against misleading utopian promises.

Because elected officials have failed American voters on sovereignty so many times in the past, a substantial number of private sector voters have joined the growing throng of disillusioned fellow Americans who have turned their backs on all politics for reasons of their own. If the causes for disillusionment continue to increase in number, the day is not far off when those people living on tax dollars will be the only voters —— and they will always vote their wallets. “It’s tax revenues, Stupid!”

According to the wannabe tribe-elders, once their fairy tale village is firmly established, everyone on the planet will join hands once a day and belt out a couple of choruses of:

Anyone who opposes the global village view is quickly branded as a meanspirited isolationist. For example: Village bleating hearts claim that securing national borders against illegal immigration has nothing to do with territorial sovereignty —— it’s only isolationism at its worst. What they fear is the government halting illegal immigration and, at the same time, shutting entitlements down. Of course, that turn of events would cut into their oh-so-compassionate tax dollar funded protest activities because then they’ll have to strap on a leaf blower five days a week to make ends meet —— leaving them little time to save the world.

Those of us who are lucky enough have a few freedoms remaining should be encouraging and promoting the very best attributes of national sovereignty. Freedom-lovin’ individuals should not be voting for big government advocates who will only lead the global villagers in destroying America’s sovereignty for ulterior motives of their own.

Always remember that Socialists/Communists do not sanction private property Rights for private sector individuals for any reason; so they sure as hell are not going to defend territorial sovereignty for the United States because that is the ultimate property Right. The theory of Communist parasites sum it up in four words:

Abolition of private property. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Finally, Have you noticed that illegal, and legal, immigrants are being wrapped in one ribbon AGAIN? The Internet pointed out that Americans hate ILLEGAL immigrants. Combining legal, and illegal, immigrants disappeared for a few years. Now, it’s back again, and it’s being buttressed by “compassion.” (Touchy-feely, meaningless, horse manure is the stuff Democrats rely upon.)

The whole amnesty thing is an ongoing sales campaign. The open-borders crowd even admits they will keep trying until they get amnesty for illegals. In practical terms they are going to keep at it until they come up with a sales campaign that convinces enough Americans to buy the lies.

Bottom line: Not every American has to be convinced that amnesty and open-borders are good things. A simple majority will do.
Finally, Have you noticed that illegal, and legal, immigrants are being wrapped in one ribbon AGAIN?
Ann Coulter makes a good case against legal aliens:

Americans have got to drop their weird verbal tic of inserting “illegal” into any discussion of immigration.

After I pointed out on Fox News that the dispute between Sen. Rand Paul and Gov. Chris Christie over spying on “Americans” was entirely a problem of immigration, “Fox Insiders” put these two sentences together:

“[Coulter] explained that halting illegal immigration would help solve other key issues such as the economy and national security. ‘Don’t make terrorists citizens through immigration, and we’ll have a lot less of a national security problem,’ Coulter said, pointing to the attacks at the Boston Marathon and in Chattanooga.” (Emphasis added.)

Were those guys illegals? Did Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev swim across the Rio Grande to get to Boston? Did Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez hire coyotes to sneak him across the border so he could shoot four Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga?

No. Our government invited them in.

Some of our other beloved legal immigrants include:​

Anwar al-Awlaki, the man whose death in Afghanistan provoked Rand Paul to stage a 13-hour filibuster in opposition to the use of drones against – I quote – “American citizens”;

the Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan;
the attempted Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad;
all those Somali immigrants living in Minnesota, bloc-voting for Al Franken before flying to Syria to fight with ISIS;
Sirhan Sirhan;
the 9/11 hijackers;
the Pakistani terrorist Daood Sayed Gilani, American anchor baby, responsible for four days of bombings in Mumbai in 2008;
the New York subway bomb plotter, Najibullah Zazi;
Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, who shot a U.S. Army captain in 2010;
the “local man” arrested this week for trying to organize an army of ISIS fighters in New York and New Jersey, Nader Saadeh – anchor baby “American citizen.”​

ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN! Why were any of them in this country? What are we getting out of this?​

'Immigrant': The new N-word
Posted By Ann Coulter On 08/12/2015 @ 7:17 pm

Immigrant The new N-word

My moratorium suggestion makes more sense every day:

Years before the country knew about entrenched open-borders that gave us amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens, I suggested a moratorium on all immigration for 20 years.

I also suggested that the suspension could expire one day after every president is sworn in. By doing it that way every presidential wannabe, including presidents running for a second term, would have to announce their position before election day —— continue the moratorium for another four years, or eliminate it. My suggestion would also put everybody running for Congress on the spot. It is a sound idea today in light of the millions who will come here legally as refugees if Taqiyya the Liar and the United Nations have their way.​

good article , ANN COULTER is very perceptive and accurate . Thanks for posting . I like the list of all the murdering immigrants that Ann points out . American should pay attention .
Sovereignty begins with the citizens in every nation controlling their borders. Border control was stolen from the American people by thieves, parasites, and traitors loyal to the New World Order’s agenda.
The basis for so much political indifference to sovereignty in the U.S. stems, in part, from the touchy-feely mosquitoes who flit from cause to cause trying to convince everyone that their global village is the only way to go. The vast majority of Americans disagree with that media-protected view, while they are powerless to fight it even when they think they are electing politicians who will stand firm against misleading utopian promises.
Joy Reid is obviously another media parasite who wants to give away something she does not own:

On Saturday’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” on MSNBC, guest host Joy Reid remembered the construction of the Berlin Wall, “one of the world’s most infamous symbols of oppression and division,” by comparing it to proposed fencing along the US-Mexico border.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Likens Trump’s Border Fence to Berlin Wall
by Trent Baker
15 Aug 2015

MSNBC s Joy Reid Likens Trump s Border Fence to Berlin Wall - Breitbart
Anchor Babies is already being used against Donald Trump’s campaign promise to send them home. He is right. They are not Americans at birth. Listen closely to Mark Levin:

The amnesty crowd is hinting at a compromise because they know they are backing a loser: Let the anchor babies who were born here stay with THEIR RELATIVES, but close the loophole in the future. That’s an incremental trap.

Current immigration law was designed to keep families together. Uniting families is one of the policies that created the illegal immigration mess. Give the children citizenship so they can stay with their parents WHO ARE ALREADY HERE ILLEGALLY; thus the parents are rewarded for breaking the law in the first place.

Here are two compromises the open-borders crowd will never agree to:

1. Deport the parents along with illegal alien relatives, but let the children stay here until they turn 18 years old when they can deported. Families will then be reunited in their own country. Do it that way so the blame falls on their parents for breaking the law instead of letting the filthy sneaks in Congress lay a guilt trip on Americans.

2. If the Supreme Court ever rules that anchor babies are American citizens send them home with their parents with proof of citizenship documentation that allows them to return ALONE after they turn 18.

Finally, regardless of what happens to the economy after illegal aliens are deported, Americans will get their country back and be better off for it. Americans can work their way through economic downturns, but it is not possible if tens of millions of illegal aliens are here when the economy tanks as it always does. That’s called a boom and bust cycle.
Anchor Babies is already being used against Donald Trump’s campaign promise to send them home. He is right. They are not Americans at birth. Listen closely to Mark Levin:
I wonder if this:

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty

has anything to do with FOX Anchor Babies:

Fox News Anchored In Stupidity on 14th Amendment
Ann Coulter
Wednesday Aug 19, 2015 4:47 PM

Fox News Anchored In Stupidity on 14th Amendment | Human Events
Incidentally, if winning elections by granting amnesty should be the goal for Republicans how come the Gang of Eight’s front man, Marco Rubio, is not running for the presidency on amnesty? The fact is: The conservatism of every wannabe who is for amnesty, or a pathway to citizenship, or whatever they call it, will fly out the door the minute he or she is sworn in.
A page can be turned back, too!

The refugee question has divided the Republican field even further. While Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and his simultaneous rise in the polls this summer clearly pulled the GOP to the right on illegal immigration, the Syria crisis sets aside the debate over economics and enforcement, instead testing the candidates’ willingness to crack open the nation’s border on humanitarian grounds. None of the Republicans have thus far gone as far as O’Malley or Clinton, but Ohio Governor John Kasich is supporting the Obama administration’s plan to admit 10,000 more refugees from Syria in the next fiscal year. Lindsey Graham has said the U.S. should take an unspecified “fair share” of refugees, while Marco Rubio has said only that he is “open” to the possibility.

The Presidential Candidates Debate Granting Asylum to Syrian Refugees
How many should the U.S. accept?
Muhammad Hamed / Reuters
Russell Berman Sep 22, 2015

How Many Refugees Should the U.S. Take?

NOTE: The number of refugees is already up to 200,000 compliments of John Kerry. I assume that 200-large is a fair share to Lindsey Graham:

Kerry: US To Accept Almost 200,000 Refugees In Next Two Years
“The administration has essentially given the American people a ‘trust me.’ That isn’t good enough.”
By Duane Lester September 21, 2015

Kerry: US To Accept Almost 200,000 Refugees In Next Two Years - SamePageNation

Speaking of trust, why would Americans trust anything Rubio says about immigration. Rubio was scorched like Joan of Arc when he was front man for the Gang of Eight. He was a little too slick then, he is slicker now. Today, he is only open to the possibility; in early September he was open to allowing some in. Of course, “some” and “fair share” are defined after the election:

Marco Rubio open to allowing 'some' refugees into U.S.
By Elizabeth Landers, CNN
Updated 1:56 PM ET, Tue September 8, 201

Rubio softens his tone on refugees pouring into Europe -

The Donald continuing to lead the wannabes by large numbers placed media king makers in a leaky boat that is sinking faster than the Titanic. Among media druthers Marco Rubio is the least trustworthy on immigration. Note that Mitt Romney was the least trustworthy on repealing the Affordable Care Act. Also note that the ACA had some support from the Left, while United Nations refugees has damn little support across the board.

Rubio ain’t too swift on foreign policy either. When he was touted as a possible vice president for Romney-care, I recall he hustled on over to the Council on Foreign Relations to let them know they had nothing to fear from him.

Bottom line: Press barons are running out of candidates they can sell if Rubio is the best they have to offer.
Uncle Ferd says the money would be better spent to pay fer the wall...

Mexico earmarks $50 million to back migrants in US
January 30, 2017 — Mexico's president said Monday his country will spend about $50 million to hire lawyers for migrants in the United States facing deportation.
The money will be channeled through Mexican consulates in the U.S. and also go to outreach programs to defend Mexicans' rights. President Enrique Pena Nieto said in a video message to the nation that he had spoken to U.S. President Donald Trump for an hour by phone Friday. He said they reached no agreements, but found space for further dialogue between their respective representatives. That would have been one day after Pena Nieto abruptly cancelled a planned visit to Washington this week. The clash was provoked by Trump's insistence that Mexico would pay for his proposed border wall perhaps through a tax on imports from Mexico.

Pena Nieto said he emphasized to Trump that the relationship between the two countries must recognize Mexico's sovereignty, dignity and independence as well as their friendship and cooperation. "I will inform Mexicans of the advances," Pena Nieto said. Earlier Monday, Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Videgaray said the effort to bolster consular services in the U.S. "isn't about obstructing the enforcement of the law in the United States, or much less opposing law enforcement." "We are going to focus the money on one fundamental objective, which is the defense of the rights of Mexicans. This means legal advice, informational campaigns, the hiring of lawyers where it is necessary."

Videgaray also said Mexico understands "it will be necessary to make some changes" to the North American Free Trade Agreement with the U.S. and Canada. U.S. President Donald Trump has pledged to re-negotiate NAFTA. But he said Mexico won't accept a return to protectionist policies such as import quotas or tariffs. He mentioned including things such as e-commerce, which didn't exist when NAFTA took effect in 1994. Videgaray did not specify what other changes Mexico would be open to, but did say the country wanted "integrated negotiations, where all topics will be discussed and the dialogue won't be limited to commercial aspects, for example, but also include issues like immigration and security."

Along with renegotiating NAFTA, Trump has pledged to increase the deportations of people who are in the United States illegally, positions that have caused major frictions with Mexico. Videgaray said Mexico wants to diversify its trade. At present, about 80 percent of Mexico's exports go to the United States. He said Mexico wants to improve trade with Latin American countries, Japan and especially South Korea. Mexico also wants to negotiate free trade agreements with Brazil and Argentina and attract foreign investment from China, the foreign relations secretary said.

Mexico earmarks $50 million to back migrants in US

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