Donald Trump Pledges To Secure Our Border Following San Francisco Pier 14 Fatal Shooting By ILLEGAL!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
There are thousands of victims of illegal aliens. All of them will vote for the man who promises to secure the border.
I'm just glad someone is talking about the impact of illegal crime its about damn time. I'm sick of both parties pandering to these criminals while throwing our citizens under the bus.
Sigh. Trump has little to no chance. Not because of his program. Because of who he is.
The sell out of this nation has been grave indeed over the years, and I look upon people for whom somehow think to themselves that I may idolize them and their riches they have made off of it all, when in fact I look upon them as traitors, and as some of the lowest human scum/beings upon this earth.
Not only big business, but small and medium business that rely on a ready supply of cheap, willing labor.
How is it possible to have been deported five times? Illegal return after deportation should be a felony, with the third time resulting in life imprisonment.
Maybe...I dunno I do like that he ISN'T a real republican he just leans that way it seems...personally I wish he would run as an independent I LOVE that he is blunt...wasn't considering him but hell after Clinton/Bush/Obama it really can't get much worse especially if on the other side is Hillary.
All politicians talk big when they are running for office...have yet to see one actually follow through.
But Trump is NOT a politician according to news sources.
They say he's an asshole. And an asshole MIGHT be just what this country needs.
If Iran were murdering, raping, maiming as many US citizens as illegals are we'd bomb them back to the stone age.
Are you so sure about that ? How many US Soldiers have died at the hands of men, technology and weapons that were pumped into Iraq in a proxy war that was taking place there ? Hmm, Iran is still there and maybe even building a bomb to finish us and our allies in the region off soon.
How is it possible to have been deported five times? Illegal return after deportation should be a felony, with the third time resulting in life imprisonment.
America and it's for profit justice system loves the revolving door.

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