Donald Trump is shooting himself in both feet

He's trying to do what his job is and what he was voted in for.
Hilarity. 'what he was voted in for'. How can anyone tell?

Trump's health care plan: What he promises and what it really says
March 3, 2016
Trump's health care plan: What he promises and what it really says
In CNN's town hall last month, Trump said he likes the Obamacare mandate that requires every American to be insured. He went even further in a 60 Minutes interview last fall.

"Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say...," he told Scott Pelley. "I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now."

But in his plan, he says: "Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to."
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Donald Trump has picked fights with so many powerful members of his own party, he is now a shrunken and isolated President. Trump doesn't understand that folks like Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, and others are the same folks he badly needs on his side if he is going to accomplish anything at all, so what does he do? He attacks them!! Not smart Donald...not smart. President Trump thinks the west wing is just the same as Trump Tower and that the only way to govern is to bully and intimidate people,'s not going to work. Governing is about building alliances and coalitions that are willing to vote your way, not in trying to bully people. If I were a Democratic strategist, I'd be smiling from ear to ear right now. Trump is shooting himself in both feet, and he's dragging his party down with him.

Forget the Russia investigations for now, Trump has a more immediate problem.
He doesn't know how to do his job! :bye1:

Some of those fine Congresspeople you mentioned will be primary'd out of a job next year. Those dumb fuckers had Obama's entire term to prepare for the day they held power, and they did nothing, and are doing nothing. Useless baggage, arguably working for the Democrats.
No, he's doin' just fine!
Wall completed, paid for by Mexico. ObamaCare replaced by a more comprehensive and cheaper model, Hillary in jail, ISIS obliterated, Tax Reform all stitched up, and
Thanks Donny, you lying hypocrite!
Donald Trump has picked fights with so many powerful members of his own party, he is now a shrunken and isolated President. Trump doesn't understand that folks like Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, and others are the same folks he badly needs on his side if he is going to accomplish anything at all, so what does he do? He attacks them!! Not smart Donald...not smart. President Trump thinks the west wing is just the same as Trump Tower and that the only way to govern is to bully and intimidate people,'s not going to work. Governing is about building alliances and coalitions that are willing to vote your way, not in trying to bully people. If I were a Democratic strategist, I'd be smiling from ear to ear right now. Trump is shooting himself in both feet, and he's dragging his party down with him.

Forget the Russia investigations for now, Trump has a more immediate problem.
He doesn't know how to do his job! :bye1:
He knows how to do his job.
The problem is Congress doesn't want to do their jobs.

Trump can't even find staff willing to work for him. He had he get a member of the military to head up the NSA because everyone else turned down the job. McMaster couldn't turn down his commanding officer. Nor can he quit. Same with Kelly.

Trump needed to unite his party, set an agenda and roll up his sleeves and get to work. Instead he spends his time golfing and tweeting.

Trump thought he could just issue tweets and sign EO's and it would all happen.
He is doing fine. The ones shooting themselves in both feet are those who constantly bitch about him.

Jesus, what would not doing 'fine' look like?
Those who are not ragging on him all the time?

What criticism of Trump is unjustified?
All of them. He's trying to do what his job is and what he was voted in for. He is met constantly with derision, contempt, even from his own party. He COULD fix the mess he walked in to thanks to what was left FOR him to fix, but nobody will give him a damn chance.

So the hundreds of lies Trump has told should be what? Cheered instead of criticized?

Your ilk cheered all of Obama's lies.
The only people more hated in the US then Republicans are Democrats. You know that party outside looking in whining at the door.
No, he's doin' just fine!
Wall completed, paid for by Mexico. ObamaCare replaced by a more comprehensive and cheaper model, Hillary in jail, ISIS obliterated, Tax Reform all stitched up, and
Thanks Donny, you lying hypocrite!

He has at least four, and likely eight years to accomplish all that.
Hillary would have been much too competent for comfort.

That's fucking hilarious! Hillary was completely incompetent as evidenced by the fact that everything she touched turned to shit. The Russian re-set? Libya? Benghazi? Syria? All turned to shit. Protecting classified material? Nope. Failed at that too. Not to mention we'd probably be up to 30 million illegals by now and she'd be wanting to import a hundred thousand or so Syrian "refugees" at taxpayer cost. And just like Obama was the first POTUS to NOT realize an annual gdp of 3%, Hillary's economy would be just as pathetic. Not to mention, Hillary was a liar and a crook and would be selling out the nation in return for favors to family and big checks to the Clinton Foundation. By the way, why is it that Slick Willie hasn't been giving any more $500K speeches? LMAO! Thanks for the laugh!
Did you ever stop to think that to democrats the Russian reset, Libya, Syria, Benghazi are all successes and evidence of extreme competence?

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