Donald Trump Announces Rally On Same Night As White House Correspondents Dinner Because, of course.

You should go one. Maybe you'll be videoed getting your ass beat and give us all a laugh.
Well, it's not as if there will be anyone important at the Correspondent's Dinner.
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You should go one. Maybe you'll be videoed getting your ass beat and give us all a laugh.
Why don't you and Dark Fairy show up to do that deed, Mikey?

You can drag matching cpap cozies......
Trump needs rallies.....they help keep him in his bubble of bullshit.
Wow......awesome OP.


Trump needs rallies.....they help keep him in his bubble of bullshit.

oh, too bad
White house correspondents will miss their dinner because they have to follow Trump to his rally with all the people cheering support for their presidential pick.
Trump needs rallies.....they help keep him in his bubble of bullshit.

oh, too bad
White house correspondents will miss their dinner because they have to follow Trump to his rally with all the people cheering support for their presidential pick.
If Trump is truly wise and he is not...he'd take notes from Ringling Bros Circus....after awhile, ya kinda grow tired of clowns, no matter how fuckin funny they are.
Trump needs rallies.....they help keep him in his bubble of bullshit.

oh, too bad
White house correspondents will miss their dinner because they have to follow Trump to his rally with all the people cheering support for their presidential pick.
If Trump is truly wise and he is not...he'd take notes from Ringling Bros Circus....after awhile, ya kinda grow tired of clowns, no matter how fuckin funny they are.

I dunno.

I think your career here is safe.
Trump needs rallies.....they help keep him in his bubble of bullshit.

oh, too bad
White house correspondents will miss their dinner because they have to follow Trump to his rally with all the people cheering support for their presidential pick.
If Trump is truly wise and he is not...he'd take notes from Ringling Bros Circus....after awhile, ya kinda grow tired of clowns, no matter how fuckin funny they are.

I dunno.

I think your career here is safe.
Career? Here? You need to get out more, son LOLOLOL
You should go one. Maybe you'll be videoed getting your ass beat and give us all a laugh.
Just for the record, Mike....gun owners rarely get ass whoppin's...just sayin
You must be one of the fools that think a gun makes you invincible. Maybe you're right though. Cops never get hurt.
Put it this way, when cops get hurt, its usually because they let their guards down dealing with rednecks, their own who's at fault here? I personally plan on being very alert should a ass whoppin come my way....I'm a 60 year old female.

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