Donald Trump and his summer white trash comedy tours.....LOLOLOL


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
(sigh) what point does the racist in this country just admit, they love Trump because the man is a clown in chief, stupid and ignorant like they are and he's a great entertainer?

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

I find it so racist, that he won't attack white owners of sport, but have no issues calling out only BLACKS!!

(sigh) what point does the racist in this country just admit, they love Trump because the man is a clown in chief, stupid and ignorant like they are and he's a great entertainer?

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

I find it so racist, that he won't attack white owners of sport, but have no issues calling out only BLACKS!!
Sorry, but black people need a dose of honesty. People have been sweeping shit under the rug for too long.
(sigh) what point does the racist in this country just admit, they love Trump because the man is a clown in chief, stupid and ignorant like they are and he's a great entertainer?

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

I find it so racist, that he won't attack white owners of sport, but have no issues calling out only BLACKS!!
You'd feel better if you pulled the stick out of your ass.
(sigh) what point does the racist in this country just admit, they love Trump because the man is a clown in chief, stupid and ignorant like they are and he's a great entertainer?

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

I find it so racist, that he won't attack white owners of sport, but have no issues calling out only BLACKS!!
The guy he a talking about is half black.
(sigh) what point does the racist in this country just admit, they love Trump because the man is a clown in chief, stupid and ignorant like they are and he's a great entertainer?

Fans Should Boycott NFL Games Over National Anthem Protests, Trump Says
The president said he wanted NFL owners to “get that son of a bitch off the field,” an implicit reference to Colin Kaepernick and others who have protested like him.

I find it so racist, that he won't attack white owners of sport, but have no issues calling out only BLACKS!!

Your post was highly racist and divisive.
Do you always deflect behavior?
Fact that the NFL commisioner fails to grasp or notice he refuted himself over; is when I believe it was he that said that ;
social media made it where people have more opportunities then ever to have their voices heard, and sports players don't want to just play sports, they want their voices heard as well.
Fine you HAVE THAT REACH WITH FOLLOWERS oN SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE TWITTER, so you don't need to disrespect veterans and countrymen by taking a knee during the anthem. Therefore the commissioner in attacking Trump inadvertantly proved his and others offended point. Plus it blankets the country and POLICE and white people which is what racism and prejudice is in the first place. It also is driven by MSM race manipulation for ulterior political motives and selective recognition of events, while placing your woes above all other groups woes=once again selfish and racist.
I'll challenge Kaperniks woes against the discrimination I've gone through, throughout my life, and let's see who has more to kvetch about and then you'll see where my knee goes and then and only then should he fall to the ground head down.

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