Don Surber: Weinstein paid off Cuomo


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Don Surber: Weinstein paid off Cuomo
Weinstein paid off Cuomo Under investigation for sexual assault in New York? No problem. Just have your lawyer give Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo $25,000, ….. That's what Harvey Weinstein did.
according to Jay Cassano and David Sirota at Sludge.
On June 20th, Manhattan law firm who formerly represented Weinstein, Boies Schiller & Flexner, donated $25,000 to Governor Cuomo’s campaign–less than a week later, Cuomo called off the NY Attorney General’s investigation into Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance for deciding not to prosecute Weinstein for a 2015 groping accusation, The New York Post reported.

Cuomo is so dirty, he should be in a Federal prison. Cyrus Vance Jr. is another who’s family business is getting rich from politics.
Funny isn't, when Trump was backing Democrats he was the toast of New York and the DNC. He never had any real issues while he was a registered Democrat. Once he changed parties and looked like a force unto his own, well, all bets are off.
This is the same reason Cuomo canceled the Moreland Commission. They were getting too close to his criminal ways.
I live in upstate NY, we Republicans voting does seem futile. But, we hold onto the hope that reasonable folks will wake up, and see that Progressive Marxist Socialists Cuomo and Nixon will sink the state further into peril with their "Progressive" agendas. Democrats especially Cuomo openly clamor for illegal aliens benefits, abolishing ICE, raising taxes, protect MS-13 gang members and try to make the state a sanctuary State like California.
He and the Don (Trump) paid off the DA. Trump family paid off the DA. Also the Don was going to pay off of Pecker. Wonder what is in the safe.
He and the Don (Trump) paid off the DA. Trump family paid off the DA. Also the Don was going to pay off of Pecker. Wonder what is in the safe.

Please indicate the year, and name of the DA that Trump supposedly paid off and don't forget the sources of your statement. Was it Al Gore's go to lawyer Boies the bag man for Democrats?

Former Al Gore Lawyer David Boies Tried to Hush …
Latest Posts...
Former Al Gore Lawyer David Boies Tried to Hush Weinstein Victims ... than David Boies, the lawyer who represented Al Gore in ... law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner L.L.P., has “provided the Times with outside legal counsel in three legal matters over the past 10 years.”
Carlos Danger, Weinstein, the Clintons, Cuomo and the rest of the degenerate democrat party are all in it together. If it wasn't for the degenerate media covering their asses (no pun intended) the democrat party would have been laughed out of office years ago.
Carlos Danger, Weinstein, the Clintons, Cuomo and the rest of the degenerate democrat party are all in it together. If it wasn't for the degenerate media covering their asses (no pun intended) the democrat party would have been laughed out of office years ago.

Where oh where is the Trump family and the Don, I guess you forgot to mention them.
He and the Don (Trump) paid off the DA. Trump family paid off the DA. Also the Don was going to pay off of Pecker. Wonder what is in the safe.

Please indicate the year, and name of the DA that Trump supposedly paid off and don't forget the sources of your statement. Was it Al Gore's go to lawyer Boies the bag man for Democrats?

Former Al Gore Lawyer David Boies Tried to Hush …
Latest Posts...
Former Al Gore Lawyer David Boies Tried to Hush Weinstein Victims ... than David Boies, the lawyer who represented Al Gore in ... law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner L.L.P., has “provided the Times with outside legal counsel in three legal matters over the past 10 years.”

You mean like your bias site??
The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R Vance Jr, refused on Saturday to answer questions about contributions to his re-election campaign and decisions to quash a fraud investigation involving Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr and not to prosecute the movie producer Harvey Weinstein over an alleged groping incident.

Vance, who will be up for re-election in November, was a speaker at a pro-gun control event in Union Square in New York City, held in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting. Asked about the campaign contributions, he offered no comment and swiftly left the event.

On Wednesday, ProPublica, WNYC and the New Yorker reported that between 2010 and 2012, prosecutors attempted to build a case against the two Trump siblings for allegedly “misleading prospective buyers of units in the Trump SoHo, a hotel and condo development”.

Before meeting Vance about the case in May 2012, the report said, Donald Trump’s attorney Marc Kasowitz donated $25,000 to the DA’s re-election campaign. Vance returned the donation, according to what he said was standard practice when a donor has a case before his office.

Manhattan DA ignores questions regarding concern over donations


And we all know about the Pecker SAFE. Maybe you don't though. Big safe with lots of Trump scams waiting to be known. LOL. I bet there are even a couple abortions in there.

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