Domino effect of bush’s actions


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush turned the biggest surplus in history into the biggest deficit in history and losing 750,000 jobs a month and if Bush had remain in office I doubt if those people would have been getting aid.

He laid two unpaid wars, a failing economy and a record jobs lost on Obama’s plate and said I am going home to Texas to watch some Ranger games and have some brew.

People continued to lose their jobs, lose their homes and their medical coverage. Unemployed had to file for unemployment and food stamps and go to free county medical clinics, apply for energy assistance and help with saving their homes from foreclosure. Unemployed don’t work and don’t pay taxes which is revenue for our government. Banks, wall street, insurance companies, etc had to be bailed out saving millions of jobs. Stimulus save and created millions of jobs. All paid for by our government and right wing idiots call that “out of control spending?” bu tall this “out of control spending” was a domino effect of Bush’s actions for 8 years. right wing idiots expect Obama to fix what Bush cause in a few year but it may take many administration to fix what Bush put in motion.
What wasn’t Bush stopped?
150 billion extra in the budget while you're 5.5 trillion in the hole in spending is not a surplus. It's just fancy accounting maneuvers. Spending under Clinton in 8 years went from 4t to 5.5T. Bush took over a 5T dollar hole. In 8 years under Bush it went from 5.5 T to 10.5T. In two years under O it has gone from 10.5T to 14.3 and about to be raised another 2T.

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