Domestic Terrorism, Who is More Violent?


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
So, a left winger provided this link to prove Muslims don't commit the most domestic terrorist. What I noticed was Latinos have the highest rate but 90 of the incidents happened in the territory of Puerto Rico. After that the next group is Left wing terrorists by a wide margin. Where did right wing terror groups fall? Less than 4%.

Like I have been saying the left is more violent than the right. Now, thanks to a left wing poster, we have the facts.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

So how do we combat these violent left wing groups?
So, a left winger provided this link to prove Muslims don't commit the most domestic terrorist. What I noticed was Latinos have the highest rate but 90 of the incidents happened in the territory of Puerto Rico. After that the next group is Left wing terrorists by a wide margin. Where did right wing terror groups fall? Less than 4%.

Like I have been saying the left is more violent than the right. Now, thanks to a left wing poster, we have the facts.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

So how do we combat these violent left wing groups?

No worries.........when the pushback comes, we wont be seeing left violence anymore. Go watch any Trump rally vid when the fags show up to do the "resist" never saw such a display of limpwristedness. The women are actually tougher than the men. Progressive men are violent when they can get away with it without taking a hit........learned fagotness. They protect their homes with a collection of wifle ball bats.
So, a left winger provided this link to prove Muslims don't commit the most domestic terrorist. What I noticed was Latinos have the highest rate but 90 of the incidents happened in the territory of Puerto Rico. After that the next group is Left wing terrorists by a wide margin. Where did right wing terror groups fall? Less than 4%.

Like I have been saying the left is more violent than the right. Now, thanks to a left wing poster, we have the facts.
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t

So how do we combat these violent left wing groups?
That wasn't a "left winger" -- that was me. Even in your attributions you can't find a way to be honest.

So -------------------- you accept that 94% of terrorists are non-Muslims?

Progress of a sort, I guess. And yet you make up shit about people "defending terrorists" that you can't quote.

That 94% figure is on the high side btw. I have another source that I usually bundle with the first.

Finally, in English we say "as I have been saying".... not "like I have been saying".
Rioting, crapping in the streets, they are a sorry group of losers.
Long story short "people of color" basically commit almost all violent crime in the USA.
It's not the people of color that are the terrorists, it is the white liberals. They are the ones leading the riots, leading the violence and spurring the left fringe elements.
It's not the people of color that are the terrorists, it is the white liberals. They are the ones leading the riots, leading the violence and spurring the left fringe elements.

Yuh huh.

Like this guy?

"You call it terrorism -- I call it patriotism"
Verbally attacked two teenage girls for being black/Muslim, physically attacked three for attempting to calm him down. Slit their throats, afterward declaring "I hope everybody I stabbed dies".

Or this guy?


Shot ten people gathered to worship, six fatally, for being Muslim --- while being too stupid to figure out that "Sikh" is not "Muslim"

Or like these two?


Beat with a metal pipe, and urinated on, a homeless man for the crime of being Latino, declaring "“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported” -- even though their victim, before and after his broken ribs and fingers, was completely legal

How about this loser?


-- Got up from her table at a restaurant, walked over to another patron and smashed a beer mug in her face for the crime of speaking her native language (Swahili) -- with her own family.

Oh yes, regale us with more stories of this "intolerant left".
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It's not the people of color that are the terrorists, it is the white liberals. They are the ones leading the riots, leading the violence and spurring the left fringe elements.

Yuh huh.

Like this guy?

"You call it terrorism -- I call it patriotism"
Verbally attacked two teenage girls for being black/Muslim, physically attacked three for attempting to calm him down. Slit their throats, afterward declaring "I hope everybody I stabbed dies".

Or this guy?


Shot ten people gathered to worship, six fatally, for being Muslim --- while being too stupid to figure out that "Sikh" is not "Muslim"

Or like these two?


Beat with a metal pipe, and urinated on, a homeless man for the crime of being Latino, declaring "“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported” -- even though their victim, before and after his broken ribs and fingers, was completely legal

How about this loser?


-- Got up from her table at a restaurant, walked over to another patron and smashed a beer mug in her face for the crime of speaking her native language (Swahili) -- with her own family.

Oh yes, regale us with more stories of this "intolerant left".

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay...

What about this guy....


Burst into a church in Tennessee shooting six people declaring "all LIberals should die".

Not to be confused with this guy:


Racist antiSemitic white supremacist who came into the Holocaust Museum shooting, intending to target the White House, the Capitol and the National Cathedral.

Also not to be confused with this guy:


Arrested enroute to the Tides Foundation and the ACLU heavily armed and armored to wage personal war.

And then there's this idot:

So how do we combat these violent left wing groups?
Simple my dear Watson.........

Federally issued Marijuana, nothing is more effective at pacifying unruly gub'mint worshipers than combining "free shit" and dope. The downside is, if you do that the next thing they'll be up in arms about is tax payer funded munchies. ;)

"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself." -- Bob Marley
It's not the people of color that are the terrorists, it is the white liberals. They are the ones leading the riots, leading the violence and spurring the left fringe elements.

Yuh huh.

Like this guy?

"You call it terrorism -- I call it patriotism"
Verbally attacked two teenage girls for being black/Muslim, physically attacked three for attempting to calm him down. Slit their throats, afterward declaring "I hope everybody I stabbed dies".

Or this guy?


Shot ten people gathered to worship, six fatally, for being Muslim --- while being too stupid to figure out that "Sikh" is not "Muslim"

Or like these two?


Beat with a metal pipe, and urinated on, a homeless man for the crime of being Latino, declaring "“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported” -- even though their victim, before and after his broken ribs and fingers, was completely legal

How about this loser?


-- Got up from her table at a restaurant, walked over to another patron and smashed a beer mug in her face for the crime of speaking her native language (Swahili) -- with her own family.

Oh yes, regale us with more stories of this "intolerant left".

Extreme left wing is the group your FBI link reported is responsible for what? 24%, not sure if that is the actual percent and I'm not going to click on it again, of the terror attacks, so take it up with them. extreme right wing groups are less than five according to YOUR link. Night cupcake.
It's not the people of color that are the terrorists, it is the white liberals. They are the ones leading the riots, leading the violence and spurring the left fringe elements.

Yuh huh.

Like this guy?

"You call it terrorism -- I call it patriotism"
Verbally attacked two teenage girls for being black/Muslim, physically attacked three for attempting to calm him down. Slit their throats, afterward declaring "I hope everybody I stabbed dies".

Or this guy?


Shot ten people gathered to worship, six fatally, for being Muslim --- while being too stupid to figure out that "Sikh" is not "Muslim"

Or like these two?


Beat with a metal pipe, and urinated on, a homeless man for the crime of being Latino, declaring "“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported” -- even though their victim, before and after his broken ribs and fingers, was completely legal

How about this loser?


-- Got up from her table at a restaurant, walked over to another patron and smashed a beer mug in her face for the crime of speaking her native language (Swahili) -- with her own family.

Oh yes, regale us with more stories of this "intolerant left".

Extreme left wing is the group your FBI link reported is responsible for what? 24%, not sure if that is the actual percent and I'm not going to click on it again, of the terror attacks, so take it up with them. extreme right wing groups are less than five according to YOUR link. Night cupcake.

Dunno, you tell me.

Meanwhile I'm directly answering the question in your OP. Actually we've barely scratched the surface, as we've only been showcasing shooters and stabbers and beer mug throwers with a metal pipe thrown in. The bombers should get their due too. Like these two guys:


Matt Goldsby and Jimmy Simmons, who planted a pipe bomb at the Ladies Center (Pensacola) leveling it to this:

--- and then exactly six months later, took their wife and fiancee to bomb the same facility rebuilt at a new location calling it "a gift for Jesus on his birthday" (it was Christmas) along with a couple of doctor's offices.

Like this lovely father-son team:

Bruce and Joshua Turnidge, who freaked out over the "O'bama coming for your guns" idiocy and went frantic trying to raise money to get their guns out of hoc --- then bombed a bank, killing two police officers, whom they despised as "corrupt". That was in Oregon too like last week's nutjob.

Or how 'bout this guy, who should need no introduction:


Eric Rudolph. This guy was a fugitive for five years. HERE, near me. Bombed the Atlanta Olympics, killing an innocent spectator, let the security guard who raised the alert about the bomb sit and squirm in suspicion while he, Rudolph, subsisted clearly with help from local sympathizers for five years. Bombed a gay bar and an abortion clinic, killing another person, a security guard, and seriously injuring a nurse. Nice guy.

Here's the nurse who survived --


there's a way too graphic photo of her in the hospital getting treated. She lost an eye.

And then there's this wackjob who needs even less of an introduction:


That's his claim to fame in the background. 168 men, women and children slaughtered.

How many of these idiots came from "the left"?

By the way none of these illustrations are "groups" and I see you trying to move the goalposts. Your thread title says nothing about "groups"or "individuals" or "teams". It just says "who". So I'm telling you "who".
It didn't get much publicity at the time but Bill Clinton pardoned every member of the Puerto Rico based revolutionary gang ,FALN, who were doing time in NY prisons just before Hillary ran for senator. Barry Hussein's political mentor was a genuine bomb making domestic terrorist. No wonder the radical left defends the jihad. It's in their DNA. The MSM was quick to brand Tim McVeigh as a right wing terrorist simply because he was a Veteran who won a Bronze Star in Iraq. Strangely enough nobody in the federal government seemed curious about McVeigh's political affiliations or the identity of J.D. #2. McVeigh was executed by the federal government in about 7 years from the time of arrest while the jihad Army Major who executed about a dozen of his own men still awaits execution going on ten years.
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