DOJ Lawyers 'Green-Light' Whitaker Appointment - 'Constitutional / Legal' ... Snowflakes Weep


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'


DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general

However, the REAL test is if Whitaker tries to fire Mueller; that's when the proverbial orange poop will hit the
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Liberals aren't crying because Whitaker isn't getting the job. Period. The Senate can ill afford to confirm him, if ANY of the Republican Senators currently sitting in the Senate have any hope of retaining their jobs in 2020.

Whitaker is gone. You can't have an AG who is under FBI Investigation for criminal wrongdoing.
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general

Can’t be a shittier human being than Jeff Sessions. What a favor Trump did us; forever expelling that bastard from government, and letting a Democrat take his old Senate seat.
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
After we saw Obama's DOJ collude with the Clinton campaign to protect her crooked ass and Obama's DOJ and CIA collude with the Clinton campaign to concoct the Trump-Russia scam, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.
Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
Trump's 'DOJ'?

You mean 'his' DOJ that was exposed as having helped the FBI illegally acquire warrants.....'his' DOJ that has committed Obstruction by illegally refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents ... 'his' DOJ that has refused to look at any of the evidence exposing Democrat crimes ... 'his' DOJ that refuses to indict Co-Conspirator McCabe as recommended by the US IG .... 'his' DOJ run by a Deputy US AG proven to be guilty of Obstruction, having discussed wearing a wire to entrap the President, and who refuses to recuse himself despite massive Conflict of Interest - like being both a witness and the guy who - until recently - was in charge of overseeing the witch hunt?


What a partisan clown......
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
After we saw Obama's DOJ collude with the Clinton campaign to protect her crooked ass and Obama's DOJ and CIA collude with the Clinton campaign to concoct the Trump-Russia scam, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.

Except that nothing of the kind happened. Trump should be kissing Comey's ass until the day he dies for announcing the re-opening of the email investigation days before the election. He should have kept his mouth shut until they determined if anything was found. That was the last straw for a campaign that was being systemically undermined at every turn by the Russian government which was prepared to stop Clinton's election no matter what the cost.

I must say that Putin certainly got his money's worth.
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
After we saw Obama's DOJ collude with the Clinton campaign to protect her crooked ass and Obama's DOJ and CIA collude with the Clinton campaign to concoct the Trump-Russia scam, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.

Except that nothing of the kind happened. Trump should be kissing Comey's ass until the day he dies for announcing the re-opening of the email investigation days before the election. He should have kept his mouth shut until they determined if anything was found. That was the last straw for a campaign that was being systemically undermined at every turn by the Russian government which was prepared to stop Clinton's election no matter what the cost.

I must say that Putin certainly got his money's worth.

Comey should be in jail right beside Hillary for Obstruction - protecting her ass from indictment, Perjury, Conspiracy, Illegal spying, etc.....
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
After we saw Obama's DOJ collude with the Clinton campaign to protect her crooked ass and Obama's DOJ and CIA collude with the Clinton campaign to concoct the Trump-Russia scam, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.

Except that nothing of the kind happened. Trump should be kissing Comey's ass until the day he dies for announcing the re-opening of the email investigation days before the election. He should have kept his mouth shut until they determined if anything was found. That was the last straw for a campaign that was being systemically undermined at every turn by the Russian government which was prepared to stop Clinton's election no matter what the cost.

I must say that Putin certainly got his money's worth.

What if he kept his mouth shot, HRC won and then they found out she was a criminal and kept that from the voters? Would not be good.
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
After we saw Obama's DOJ collude with the Clinton campaign to protect her crooked ass and Obama's DOJ and CIA collude with the Clinton campaign to concoct the Trump-Russia scam, nothing should surprise any of us anymore.

Except that nothing of the kind happened. Trump should be kissing Comey's ass until the day he dies for announcing the re-opening of the email investigation days before the election. He should have kept his mouth shut until they determined if anything was found. That was the last straw for a campaign that was being systemically undermined at every turn by the Russian government which was prepared to stop Clinton's election no matter what the cost.

I must say that Putin certainly got his money's worth.

Comey should be in jail right beside Hillary for Obstruction - protecting her ass from indictment, Perjury, Conspiracy, Illegal spying, etc.....

So, how has this worked out for you..

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed
The opinion is only on the Federal Vacancies Reform Act (VRA) of 1998, not the constitutionality of appointing non Senate confirmed person. The Courts will decide that question.
Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
Trump's 'DOJ'?

You mean 'his' DOJ that was exposed as having helped the FBI illegally acquire warrants.....'his' DOJ that has committed Obstruction by illegally refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents ... 'his' DOJ that has refused to look at any of the evidence exposing Democrat crimes ... 'his' DOJ that refuses to indict Co-Conspirator McCabe as recommended by the US IG .... 'his' DOJ run by a Deputy US AG proven to be guilty of Obstruction, having discussed wearing a wire to entrap the President, and who refuses to recuse himself despite massive Conflict of Interest - like being both a witness and the guy who - until recently - was in charge of overseeing the witch hunt?


What a partisan clown......

Are you quoting from the discredited Nunez Report? A report that has been completely refuted by the Senate Investigation, the Inspector General's Investigation, and every other investigation by every other agency that's looked at it. Nunez, on the other hand, has seen his report shredded for inaccuracies of omission as well as outright lies. This report is now viewed as being so inaccurate as to be a coverup for the Trump Administration.

Every investigation has shown that the DOJ did absolutely everything by the book in securing their FISA warrants. The fact that all of these warrants were subsequently renewed, multiple times, shows that they were both necessary and productive. Or do you think that Russian spies and "useful idiots" should be protected from surveillance, even as they sell out their country for personal gain?

The IG did NOT recommend Andrew McCabe's indictment. That is a bald faced lie. They said it was an option they believed he should not have spoken or that he spoke without authority. McCabe will fight the charge, and he'll win, simply by claiming that it was malicious prosecution by a spiteful and vindictive President, and that violates his Constitutional rights.

The remark about Rosenstein is full on bullshit. Rosenstein never seriously suggested to anyone that he record the President. This is just more attempts by Russian troll farmers to lie and smear anyone charged with investigation Russian interference into the American political system. You Russian assholes are completely transparent in that regard. Robert Mueller is and remains one of the most respected law enforcement officials in America. Trump lost of a lot of Republican votes by his attacks on such an honourable, decorated war hero. All of the things that Americans know that Trump is not.

The President is the guy who is openly obstructing justice by firing those who he believes are aiding and abetting Mueller. It's Mueller's job to complete this investigation, which only started because Trump fired Comey to end HIS Russia Investigation. This investigation is going to play out until the end. Democrats will ensure it happens if the Republican Party lets Trump kill it.

You Russian assholes are finished. We know who you are and what you're doing. Once the curtain is pulled back and we see the man behind the curtain, the effect is lost.
'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Liberals aren't crying because Whitaker isn't getting the job. Period. The Senate can ill afford to confirm him, if ANY of the Republican Senators currently sitting in the Senate have any hope of retaining their jobs in 2020.

Whitaker is gone. You can't have an AG who is under FBI Investigation for criminal wrongdoing.

Meanwhile the FBI Brass should be under investigation along with the DOJ. Both corrupt snakes

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'The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion Wednesday supporting President Trump’s appointment of Matt Whitaker as acting attorney general, despite criticism from Democrats who have questioned his qualifications to oversee the Russia investigation.'

View attachment 228737

DOJ says Matthew Whitaker can serve as acting attorney general


Liberals aren't crying because Whitaker isn't getting the job. Period. The Senate can ill afford to confirm him, if ANY of the Republican Senators currently sitting in the Senate have any hope of retaining their jobs in 2020.

Whitaker is gone. You can't have an AG who is under FBI Investigation for criminal wrongdoing.
whitaker is acting AG while the President decides who will replace Sessions long term. Whitaker's job is to repair the damage to the DOJ caused first by Obama and then neglected by Sessions. The first order of business will be to order Mueller to go public with any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. When Mueller is unable to produce anything, Whitaker will declare that there is no longer any legitimate reason for a special counsel and send Mueller home. The Mueller scam will be old news by the time the President nominates a permanent AG.
Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
Trump's 'DOJ'?

You mean 'his' DOJ that was exposed as having helped the FBI illegally acquire warrants.....'his' DOJ that has committed Obstruction by illegally refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents ... 'his' DOJ that has refused to look at any of the evidence exposing Democrat crimes ... 'his' DOJ that refuses to indict Co-Conspirator McCabe as recommended by the US IG .... 'his' DOJ run by a Deputy US AG proven to be guilty of Obstruction, having discussed wearing a wire to entrap the President, and who refuses to recuse himself despite massive Conflict of Interest - like being both a witness and the guy who - until recently - was in charge of overseeing the witch hunt?


What a partisan clown......

Are you quoting from the discredited Nunez Report? A report that has been completely refuted by the Senate Investigation, the Inspector General's Investigation, and every other investigation by every other agency that's looked at it. Nunez, on the other hand, has seen his report shredded for inaccuracies of omission as well as outright lies. This report is now viewed as being so inaccurate as to be a coverup for the Trump Administration.

Every investigation has shown that the DOJ did absolutely everything by the book in securing their FISA warrants. The fact that all of these warrants were subsequently renewed, multiple times, shows that they were both necessary and productive. Or do you think that Russian spies and "useful idiots" should be protected from surveillance, even as they sell out their country for personal gain?

The IG did NOT recommend Andrew McCabe's indictment. That is a bald faced lie. They said it was an option they believed he should not have spoken or that he spoke without authority. McCabe will fight the charge, and he'll win, simply by claiming that it was malicious prosecution by a spiteful and vindictive President, and that violates his Constitutional rights.

The remark about Rosenstein is full on bullshit. Rosenstein never seriously suggested to anyone that he record the President. This is just more attempts by Russian troll farmers to lie and smear anyone charged with investigation Russian interference into the American political system. You Russian assholes are completely transparent in that regard. Robert Mueller is and remains one of the most respected law enforcement officials in America. Trump lost of a lot of Republican votes by his attacks on such an honourable, decorated war hero. All of the things that Americans know that Trump is not.

The President is the guy who is openly obstructing justice by firing those who he believes are aiding and abetting Mueller. It's Mueller's job to complete this investigation, which only started because Trump fired Comey to end HIS Russia Investigation. This investigation is going to play out until the end. Democrats will ensure it happens if the Republican Party lets Trump kill it.

You Russian assholes are finished. We know who you are and what you're doing. Once the curtain is pulled back and we see the man behind the curtain, the effect is lost.

Now that is really funny, and good for you!

But hey, I got a bit of news for ya I bet you are unaware of----------> remember that evil Maltese, Russian professor, you know, Joseph Mitzsud!

Well, it seems he has been found...…….kinda………..and his lawyer is now in negotiation with the Senate committee for his testimony-) My, my, my!

What will he say? Will he back up YOUR narrative, or will he back up ours?

It makes no difference to me, but Americans DESERVE to know if your side has been LYING, or our side, don't you think! So what say you we ALL, from BOTH sides, demand it be a public hearing!

But remember this, lol. If the Democrats use the old "sources and methods" argument to keep the hearing closed, it can only mean one thing-----------> That HE IS WESTERN INTELLIGENCE, and NOT RUSSIAN!

I am not saying you are dumb, but YOU DO know what that means-)
Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming! :290968001256257790-final:
Trump's 'DOJ'?

You mean 'his' DOJ that was exposed as having helped the FBI illegally acquire warrants.....'his' DOJ that has committed Obstruction by illegally refusing to hand over subpoenaed documents ... 'his' DOJ that has refused to look at any of the evidence exposing Democrat crimes ... 'his' DOJ that refuses to indict Co-Conspirator McCabe as recommended by the US IG .... 'his' DOJ run by a Deputy US AG proven to be guilty of Obstruction, having discussed wearing a wire to entrap the President, and who refuses to recuse himself despite massive Conflict of Interest - like being both a witness and the guy who - until recently - was in charge of overseeing the witch hunt?


What a partisan clown......

Are you quoting from the discredited Nunez Report? A report that has been completely refuted by the Senate Investigation, the Inspector General's Investigation, and every other investigation by every other agency that's looked at it. Nunez, on the other hand, has seen his report shredded for inaccuracies of omission as well as outright lies. This report is now viewed as being so inaccurate as to be a coverup for the Trump Administration.

Every investigation has shown that the DOJ did absolutely everything by the book in securing their FISA warrants. The fact that all of these warrants were subsequently renewed, multiple times, shows that they were both necessary and productive. Or do you think that Russian spies and "useful idiots" should be protected from surveillance, even as they sell out their country for personal gain?

The IG did NOT recommend Andrew McCabe's indictment. That is a bald faced lie. They said it was an option they believed he should not have spoken or that he spoke without authority. McCabe will fight the charge, and he'll win, simply by claiming that it was malicious prosecution by a spiteful and vindictive President, and that violates his Constitutional rights.

The remark about Rosenstein is full on bullshit. Rosenstein never seriously suggested to anyone that he record the President. This is just more attempts by Russian troll farmers to lie and smear anyone charged with investigation Russian interference into the American political system. You Russian assholes are completely transparent in that regard. Robert Mueller is and remains one of the most respected law enforcement officials in America. Trump lost of a lot of Republican votes by his attacks on such an honourable, decorated war hero. All of the things that Americans know that Trump is not.

The President is the guy who is openly obstructing justice by firing those who he believes are aiding and abetting Mueller. It's Mueller's job to complete this investigation, which only started because Trump fired Comey to end HIS Russia Investigation. This investigation is going to play out until the end. Democrats will ensure it happens if the Republican Party lets Trump kill it.

You Russian assholes are finished. We know who you are and what you're doing. Once the curtain is pulled back and we see the man behind the curtain, the effect is lost.
That's right - continue to ignore all the existing evidence pointing to / proving DEMOCRAT / OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CRIME - Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, Espionage, Illegal Spying, Sedition, Treason...

You dumb cvnt liberals wouldn’t know the Constitution if it kicked Michele Obama in the balls.

What Trump did was Constitutional...suck a penis.
Color me shocked...Trump's DOJ gave him the green light!

Never saw that coming!
You have GOT to be looking forward to the thermo-nuclear meltdown and complete poop-flinging screech-fest that will transpire in violent, erotic fashion if that dude fires Mueller.


Get your popcorn ready.


Mueller should not be fired till he has spent the same amount of time and money that Ken Starr did.

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