DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud

The purpose is to keep him from running for president. In America, the DOJ is not supposed to arrest the Democrat’s #1 political challenger. It’s election interference.

Being the #1 political challenger does not give him the right to break the law. All of this is a self inflicted wound.
Let the people see the extent to which the Democrats cheated to a win.
Mar A Lago is not about the 2020 election.
E. Jean Carroll is not about the 2020 election.

On the third indictment, his own not experienced lawyer has just admitted that Trump was committing a crime in looking for alternative ways to remain President:

So, seriously, what do you think Trump and his lawyers going to suddenly show which will exonerate him when all of his staff, lawyers, General Attorney etc have already testified against him, that he wanted to change the result of the 2020 election where he would have been the winner?

Show us the list of things Trump can show to a Jury, which his lawyers could not show to a Grand Jury before he was indicted?
Did Hillary conspire to defraud the United States?
Did Hillary conspire to obstruct an official proceeding?
Did Hillary obstruct an official proceeding; and conspire against rights?
Hilary accepted the will of the People, and graciously conceded within 24 hours, despite having won the popular vote by 2.9 million.
You myopic retard. That has not happened yet, but it very well can. You think there were 81 million Biden voters? No.

No, there were 60-something million Biden voters and all the voters are pretty damn pissed off at how things went and no, it's

not "faith in The Orange God". :nono: It's people knowing how it was and what happened.

5 weeks to "count" votes= 4 weeks weeks to cheat votes. They did have to get the real number to beat the real number.

You think 1000 unarmed people trying to get the election investigated to make sure it's legitimate is millions of armed Americans pissed off

and out for blood? You better think again, chump. That's NOT how it is. Yet that IS how it very easily can be.

You talk your talking points, but I'm talking you better wake the fuck up, this is not a joke or a haha game.

You better get right, because I can't help you if it all kicks off, and chances are high that it will at this point.

I can't help you anyway, I'm just some shnook. But I do know how things are.

Jack Smith is a total shitbag and there many other players in this "game" to control you and me.

I doubt you'll wise up, but I've said my piece. These people are out to enslave you.

Yes there were 81 million Biden voters. You have no clue as to what happened. Your pea brain can't take the fact that your cult leader lost fair and square. Voters are pissed at Trump and do not want to re-litigate 2020.

It took a long time to count the votes for several reasons. First there were a large number of votes and many election offices were underfunded. In addition, Republicans in several swing states, prevented election officials from counting early and mail in votes before in-person voting.

These supposedly unarmed people caused the death of one police officer and over 100 were injured. Many of them were forced to retire. They invaded the capitol. They threatened to hang Pence. You want to threaten this country with violence. You are a enemy of this country.

Jack Smith is holding Trump accountable for his actions. You are the ones who want to enslave us.

DOJ Indictment of Trump will give him the chance to expose the 2020 election fraud​

Lmao. You guys have been trying to do that for years and it has gone nowhere. Why would this time be any different?
Trump was indicted because he dared to challenge the status quo. Hillary said the election was stolen and wrote a book on it and made millions. Trump said his election was stolen and was arrested for it.

Oh yea, two sets of laws. Two distinct sets of laws.

Trump took actions to keep him in power. Hillary Clinton did not even file one lawsuit you lying piece of shit.
Yes, unfortunately that is what it will amount to. The point is for the anti-Trump prosecutors to get all the air time to keep presenting their idiotic complaints about Trump right up until the election. Trump bashers are bragging about how anti-Trump this judge is, so she will not allow any witness to talk about the election stealing.

On appeal, even if it has to go to the USSC, they it will be ruled that of course Trump should be allowed to present evidence that he had good reason to believe the election was stolen.

It is idiotic anyway. The first amendment has no disclaimer about "as long as you believe what you are saying is true." So, the case has no basis in law.

I have also looked forward to Trump having his day in court, but it may turn out to be like looking forward to one of the old Soviet Show Trials because the defendant will get to present evidence of how corrupt the Soviets are. The Soviets never let that happen.

No they won't. The Supreme Court is not going to re-litigate 2020. When you take actions to keep yourself in power, the first amendment does not apply.
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We already have the evidence. Now he finally gets to present it in Court, unless the Trump-hating judge denies him witnesses he wants to call.

No you don't. You have nothing. All of this is irrelevant and will not be allowed.
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Right now a few of them are screaming about wanting the trial televised but that will disappear once they realize he could finally use the trial to show the evidence that 50 courts refused to even consider.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The only thing that's going to be exposed is trump.
She said it at least once that I heard. So she did the same thing Trump said.

Why isn’t she being arrested and threatened with life in prison?
As asked before with no answer from you, did SHE ACT ON IT, with criminal ACTIONS? If she didn't, then why would she be arrested?

Trump isn't being charged because he spoke, or lied.... You know it, I know it, the world knows it!

Stop playing ignorant and being just plain toddlerish!
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Why, you trying to be masochistic or something? :nono:
I don't want my side or your side to spin it and tell me what they want....

I want to watch or hear it, for myself, and make my own judgements, from the actual trial.

Why don't YOU want that...? Do you enjoy not having to think on your own and being spoon fed by your media controllers because your just too darn lazy, to think for yourself?
As asked before with no answer from you, did SHE ACT ON IT, with criminal ACTIONS? If she didn't, then why would she be arrested?

Trump isn't being charged because he spoke, or lied.... You know it, I know it, the world knows it!

Stop playing ignorant and being just plain toddlerish!
Trump did nothing illegal.
Hilary accepted the will of the People, and graciously conceded within 24 hours, despite having won the popular vote by 2.9 million.
Graciously? She said Trump was an illegitimate president and that the election was stolen from her.
Be careful what you wish for, Commie Dems!

Part of the charge is that Trump was lying when he said the election was stolen - as if Dems are mind-readers - so as part of his defense, he will show that he believed it was (as 30% of voters still do) and present why.

For the first time, he can call up Zuckerberg to testify how he paid 250,000 activists to go door to door in Dem areas of swing states to harvest ballots from the uninformed. He can call up Republican observers who were blocked from observing. He can call up the state legislatures in affected states to show how election rules were changed illegally immediately before the election to advantage Biden. He can call up statisticians to testify that it is impossible to have a late-night drop of 1,000 ballots with 99% going for Biden. And on and on and on.

IOW, this will be Trump’s opportunity to give evidence that Courts refused to hear. So be careful, Jack Smith, you just handed Trump the sword.

Wow, you make an excellent case! But one question, how come the courts, including the SCOTUS have not shared your excellent viewpoints? Hard to believe! Bigly!!!
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