DOJ Double Standards Abound


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier to keep their client list secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? There is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's 'two sets of rules' form of justice that many refer to as 'just-us'.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
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Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier to keep their client list secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? There is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's 'two sets of rules' form of justice that many refer to as 'just-us'.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!

And we have no reason to think that the FBI, and the Justice Department is alone in this infection.
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman

You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman

You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?
Lol you guys always pretend people said things they never did :cuckoo:
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman

You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?
Lol you guys always pretend people said things they never did :cuckoo:

YOu complained about it, like it was unreasonable to investigate it.

So I asked. Note the use of the question mark.

And you still have no explained what your meaning was in bringing it up.
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier to keep their client list secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? There is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's 'two sets of rules' form of justice that many refer to as 'just-us'.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
Its pretty appeart that dual justice is alive and well in America, pay offs to the Clinton's and the self serving Foundation they have. I know if anyone of us did just a little of what she did we would be in jail. Yet nothing has or will be done and until something is done, the next jury I serve on I will allow the suspect the best jury he or she can have.
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier to keep their client list secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? There is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's 'two sets of rules' form of justice that many refer to as 'just-us'.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
Campaign donation laws you dummy is what the Russian investigation and prostitution payoff payola investigation is going derpa..Cohen was a dumb fuck and Stormy drew his oily hide out with teasing and toying(how most women have always done it, I prefer a slip of the tongue..)and the snake in the grass let it out about what went on and with what capisce?
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier to keep their client list secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? There is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's 'two sets of rules' form of justice that many refer to as 'just-us'.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
Its pretty appeart that dual justice is alive and well in America, pay offs to the Clinton's and the self serving Foundation they have. I know if anyone of us did just a little of what she did we would be in jail. Yet nothing has or will be done and until something is done, the next jury I serve on I will allow the suspect the best jury he or she can have.
It pays to pay an attorney that knows how to be so slick from his oily hide..
Hmm, I used to work at the DoJ and I overheard some really abhorrent things there that I dont care to repeat other than to summarize them as completely contemptuous of the American people, unless you are a protected minority.

But some of the recent events are just amazing in their duplicity and use of double standards.

Take the US prosecutor in NY getting the judge to expose all of Michael Cohens clients, when DoJ had no problem with allowing the people that put together the Steel 'Pissing' dossier secret.

And what is with the so-called Russian collusion investigation of Trump that has widened to the point it now covers acts of prostitution? there is nothing to it and Democrats caught off record have even agreed, but they enjoy the political leverage it provides, doing the DC Establishments bidding. Meanwhile nobody at DoJ thinks it is worth investigating any of the Clintons suspicious activity with the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clintons speaking fees he has received from the Russians in the tune of millions of USD in total, and the Clintonistas role in selling off 25% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Oh, no, that cannot amount to anything at all, no sireee!

And in the Comey interview with Democrat Stephanopolis, Comey openly admits that he did not want to investigate Clinton aggressively because he thought she was about to be elected POTUS! How much more blatant can one get than to state this in a formal interview? He also gives his take on Trump as a Mob Boss and no one should think Comey all by himself in that, (but he is AOK with Clinton's Dixie Mafia?) and it goes to the heart of the DoJ's two sets of rules form of justice that many refer to as just-us.

There is a cancer eating at the soul of America and the heart of it lies in the Just-us Department and the FBI's leadership. And now they plan to kill our Republic by pulling off a silent coup of our Constitutionally elected President!
What did Whitewater have to do with a stain on a blue dress?

Tough titties, rubes

Monica was related to Paula Jones's sexual harassment suit.
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman

You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?
Lol you guys always pretend people said things they never did :cuckoo:
Part of being old and senile..
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman
You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?

You could have just stopped at the third word, but alass, it is true that Dimocrats dont think rationally.

If a Republican or conservative has some sexual escapades, then it is a horrid crime, even if decades ago.

But if a Dimocrat is involved, then it is just Move On!
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman
You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?

You could have just stopped at the third word, but alass, it is true that Dimocrats dont think rationally.

If a Republican or conservative has some sexual escapades, then it is a horrid crime, even if decades ago.

But if a Dimocrat is involved, then it is just Move On!

Really? Bill got impeached for a blowjob. Trump got-----------what?
I can't wait to see what's related to Stormy Daniel's and Trump's Saul Goodman
You don't think that a history of having sex with staff is relevant to a sexual harassment case?

You could have just stopped at the third word, but alass, it is true that Dimocrats dont think rationally.

If a Republican or conservative has some sexual escapades, then it is a horrid crime, even if decades ago.

But if a Dimocrat is involved, then it is just Move On!

It was the Republicans who brought in carloads of bibble-crappers to tell Americans to be "moral" and not have sex, not the Democrats, and all the while the Republicans were screwing every female still breathing. Look at the "virtuous" crappers trump has installed in HHS to wag their fingers at us all.

The Mueller investigation of collusion is separate from the investigation of other alleged crimes being conducted in SDNY, although Mueller was obligated to turn over to the appropriate authorities any indication of violations of federal and state laws that he uncovered that fell outside of the scope of his investigation.

I do find hilarious the complaint that hannity has been "exposed" as a client of cohen, with all the negative connotations the term implies, given the claims that cohen is innocent of wrongdoing. What harm could be done by revealing that an innocent guy is a client of an innocent guy? Moreover, both of their names would appear on any court filings relating to the matters on which cohen represented hannity.

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